King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 329 Yuan Ningbing crosses the sea right

Chapter 329 Abyss·Condensing Ice Crossing the Sea·Right
"Feimi Village?"

"Yes, I heard that the village chief there is taking in displaced people." The speaker nodded, but his tone was a little unsure.

There were too many rumors in troubled times, and he didn't know whether they were true or false.It’s said to be a pure land, but what if it turns into a devil’s cave if you go there?

Even the shogunate, whom they trusted so much, could do something that would sink their ship into the sea.It is difficult for other forces to be kind.

But what can they do?A squad from the shogunate is dead, although they weren't the ones who killed you.But whether it is for silence or for some other reason, their lives will probably not be easy in the future.

The eerie Ba Ling Island seems to have become their only place to go.As for Feimu Village, even if it is a devil's cave, you have to break into it. Anyway, you only have one life left, so take it if you want!
Quite a few people hold this idea.Yuan looked at their eyes that looked at death and said with relief:
"There is no need to be so tragic. I will follow you. If there is any danger, first see if the flame in my hand agrees!"

As he said that, several fist-sized fireballs appeared in Yunshang's hands. With a squeeze of his palm, the fireballs turned into smoke again, as if they had never appeared before.

Looking at the arrogant Yuan Shang in the distance, Yuan Xia quietly leaned next to Yuan You.

"#&@...(Why do we need to save these humans? Aren't we the Abyss Cult, who want to overthrow the evil organizations of the seven countries on the ground?)"

Because he was afraid of being beaten, Yuan Xia spoke the language of the abyss monsters.After saying that, it was hit hard by Yuan You.

"I'm afraid you've forgotten. Let me remind you. There is no precedent for an Abyss Master to betray an Abyss Apostle in the Order. We have made a good start."

Yuan You looked at Yuan Xia, who was covering his Tianling Gai, and spoke word by word.The abyssal fires could escape in the past, but due to their interference, they eventually turned into evolutionary materials on the abyss.

"Yes, that seems to be true." Yuan Xia reacted after hearing this.Then, an indescribable sense of decadence emanated from it.

The gloomy aura directly caused Yuan You and Yuan Zuo to move away.

"Why..., when did it start..., I became a traitor..." Yuanxia looked at his palms, as if he found it difficult to accept the fact that he had been a traitor for a long time.

"Bang!" When Yuan Zuo saw Yuan Xia's appearance, he punched him again. The force was greater than Yuan You's before, and he even punched out a big bag on Yuan Xia's head.

"Yuanxia, ​​listen to me and don't use your brain in the future, okay?" Yuan Zuo said to Yuanxia, ​​who was in self-doubt, looking at each other.


"Let me tell you another little secret. The cult doesn't know what we are doing yet." Yuan You came over and whispered to Yuan Xia.

"You didn't tell me sooner."

Yuan Xia suddenly became careless. Since he didn't know, it meant he hadn't done it.If you haven't done it, you are not a traitor.

But why do they, as the Abyss Order, still help humans?Yuanxia thought for a while, but couldn't figure out the reason, so he stopped thinking about it.

Yuan Xia listened to Yuan Zuo's words perfectly.If you don't use your brain, you won't use your brain.

And Yuan Shang, who was talking to everyone in the distance, also made new progress. He turned around and walked over.


"Go back to the island just now and find a place called Feimu Village."

Yuanshang nodded and said.

Then his eyes stared intently at Yuan You.

"You...what do you want to do?" Yuan You suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Yuan You, can you activate the elemental shield? We will push you towards the opposite island." Yuan Shang rubbed his hands, looking very expectant.

"Is there a possibility that Yuan Shang can teleport to the opposite island and find a boat for us to sit on?" Yuan You tapped Yuan Shang's head with his staff and said seriously.

"I knew you would say that, wait!" Yuan Shang sighed, knowing that Yuan You would not agree.

Opening his palms, an abyss passage appeared in front of Yuanshang. He shouted to the commotion behind him, "I'll find the boat, don't worry."

After saying that, Yuan Shang stepped into the abyss passage.


The sea outside Inazuma is still shrouded in storms, but within Inazuma, the ocean remains calm.

Whether it is the haunted gods of Yaoji Island or the war between the shogunate army and the rebels, they are nothing to the sea.

A snow-white ripple formed on the calm sea surface, and a patched ship with "horrible" materials was sailing on the sea.

The ship itself was badly weathered, and some holes were blocked with newly made wooden boards. It looked shaky, as if it would sink into the sea at any time.

The broken ship has no sails because it uses a power that is difficult to match in any of the Seven Kingdoms - the Abyss Singer drive system!
In fact, it is just a hand-pushed boat floating on the sea.

Abyss Chanters are not like apostles. Apostles are warriors, assassins, and the sharp knives of the cult.

The chanter is a mage, a chanter, a forbidden scholar who studies the mysteries of the abyss.

Therefore, chanters generally know more things than apostles. For example, chanters can fly but apostles cannot.

Yuan looked at the "wave boat" he had spent a long time building and felt very satisfied.

Perhaps in the eyes of professionals, this ship is a bit too crude, but Fuchigami himself knows how much effort he has put into this.

All the people on Ba Ling Island can escape.

Fuchikami could only find a broken ship, and then used local materials. He melted the rusty swords on the ground and used them as adhesives, and cut trees as patches. It took him a while to get the ship out.

In the center of the broken ship, Yuan Youzheng turned on the elemental shield with a dark face.Because there is a ridiculously big hole under its feet, and the sea ice condensed by Yuan You's ice element shield just blocks this big hole.

Although Yuuchi's own statement has no material, Yuanyou is [-]% sure that he just wants to trick him.

"Hey -" Yuan You sighed and lay down in the elemental shield. Now that the matter has come to this, what else can it say. Now it only hopes that the ship will not collapse halfway and make its hard work in vain.

Fortunately, although the boats made by Yuan Shang look shaky, their quality is still guaranteed.

Thanks to Fuchikami's efforts, the broken boat split through the water waves and finally returned to the distant Yalu Island without any danger.

The group of people got off the broken boat and looked at Ba Ling Island under the thick dark clouds. They had mixed feelings for a while.

When they set out, they still had yearning for a new life on Narukami Island. When they returned, this yearning was ruthlessly shattered, leaving only endless confusion about the future.

The drizzle fell on everyone along with the never-ending sea breeze on Bayeng Island, making their bodies that had not been dry for a long time immediately soaked again.

But no one cares about this anymore. The heavy rain is the least noteworthy part of the war.

"Does anyone know how to get to Feiyun Village? I'm a road idiot, don't expect me to lead the way." Yuan Shang, who had transformed into a human form, walked out of the crowd, with a fireball swallowing flames shining in his hand.

Yuanshang gently raised his hand, and the fireball broke away from its restraints and flew above everyone's heads.

As the fireball moves, the fire element force in the air is also continuously absorbed by it, and the light and heat of the fireball continue to grow.

In the end, the light from the fireball above their heads was more than enough to envelope everyone.Wisps of steam rose from people's bodies, and their clothes became visibly dry.

The fireball was like a small sun, isolated from the drizzle and cold wind. Although the mud on the ground could not be eliminated, it was much better.

"It looks pretty good?" Yuan Shang put his hands on his hips and smiled while looking at the gadget he made.

"Okay, do you know the way?" Yuan Shang asked again.

"I know! I know!"

Many people responded this time.

(End of this chapter)

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