King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 330: Furnace Knight Reserves

Chapter 330: Furnace Knight Reserves

Under the continuous drizzle on Ba Ling Island, a flash of light tore through the rain curtain and gloomy dark clouds.

A bright flame was suspended in the air, and underneath it were people in ragged clothes.

"How much longer? I'm so tired!" Yuan looked at the lifeless and unchanged yellow scenery around him and complained.

"Sir, do you want to rest for a while?" As soon as Yuan Shang's voice of complaint subsided, everyone suggested to rest for a while.

"Uh..., forget it, I know it's just a complaint. Let's leave quickly. Otherwise, do you still want to spend another night in the wild?"

Yuan Shang waved his hand, he was really just complaining.One day has passed since he landed ashore, and he still hasn't arrived at Feimu Village. This is already the longest journey he has walked.

As for why they were walking so slowly, on the one hand, it was because the roads on Ba Ling Island were muddy under the heavy rain, and on the other hand, this group of people were too weak and could not walk for long and needed to take a rest.

If it weren't for Yuan Shang's care, many people would have died on the road, and another group would have froze to death at night. There were very few people who could actually walk to Feimu Village on their own.

Only now did Yushang realize how convenient the abyss passage of the cult was.You can reach your destination by clenching your teeth and closing your eyes. Is there any better way in the world than this?
"Everyone, work harder, we're almost there!" The leader stopped, observed the surrounding environment, and then shouted loudly.

Everyone's faces lit up when they heard this. Wasn't it just for this moment that they walked for so long?

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Yuanshang waved his hand and ran forward in a hurry.

Because of their appearance, Yuan You and the others ran into a cave, saying that they would meet again after Yuan Shang had finished dealing with it.

That's why Yuan Shang is so eager to send this group of people to Feimu Village. This factor is not unimportant.

Feimu Village was indeed not far away from them. After climbing over the hills where they were now, the muddy dirt road under their feet spread all the way to a village.

A village that is almost extinct in today's Baling Island.

The situation in Feimu Village is surprisingly good.Looking from a distance, Yuan Shang was surprised to find that Feimu Village seemed to be brighter than the gloomy surrounding environment.

Looking further away, Yuan Shang saw something that seemed to be glowing and shrouded the entire Feimu Village.

Light golden flakes replaced the drizzle, bringing light while also filling the withered earth with life.

Wherever the light passed, some green under the gold was clearly visible, forming a sharp contrast with the withered yellow earth not far away.


Yuan Shang took a closer look and saw that in the center of Feimu Village, a twisted and circling golden tree was emitting a faint light.

The big tree seemed to be breathing, inhaling the pervasive ghost spirit and exhaling golden debris.

Isn't this the golden tree that looted the sect's camp a while ago?Why did you come to Inazuma?

He was "exiled" to Daozhu by His Highness because of the big golden tree, and he saw the big golden tree in Daozhu.

Suddenly, a chill rushed up from Yuan Shang's butt until his heavenly spirit cap came out.He felt a thread called "destiny" wrapped around him - in fact, he ran out of the range of the fireball and his whole body was wet by the rain.

But Fuchikami soon threw away the thoughts in his mind, mainly because he himself didn't know what "destiny" was and couldn't think about it anymore.

He carefully observed the golden tree in the distance and discovered many differences.

The big tree that attacked the cult was filled with the breath of life. Although each of its branches was made of wood, it was as flexible as flesh and blood. And this big tree...

The golden tree on the abyss has some too "slender" branches, and I feel that it is really just a big dyed tree, and even the light that flickers on and off seems to be instinctive.

Not only that, the golden tree that attacked the cult was pure golden yellow, and this big tree, in addition to golden yellow, was also mixed with a little red.

"Different species?" Yuan Shang breathed a sigh of relief, but the lingering power of the golden tree still made him still frightened.

When Fuchsami was observing the big golden trees in Feimu Village, Feimu Village also obviously noticed a group of people outside the village.There is no other reason. The big fire ball created by Yuan Shang is so conspicuous that anyone who is not blind can see it.

The patients infected with the evil spirit walked down the hillside, and the villagers of Feimu Village walked out of the village.

The two waves of people stopped at a distance of more than ten meters.

Yuan Shang looked at the villagers opposite. For some reason, Yuan Shang always felt that their clothes seemed too...

keep?That should be said.The villagers of Feimu Village dress very conservatively, covering almost all of their exposed skin.

"The village chief is here!" Someone shouted, and Yuan Shang could clearly feel that the villagers across from him suddenly relaxed, as if they suddenly had a backbone.

The crowd parted, and a strong man covered in armor walked out.

This frightened Fuchikami so much that if it weren't for the fact that the armor this man wore was Inazuma's samurai armor and the bandages on his body, Fuchikami almost thought that Ember was running over.

Because in his impression, he seemed to be the only one who was stuck in a tin can.

"Lujin, the head of Feimu Village." The samurai's calm voice came out from under the Prajna mask, bringing Fuchikami back to his senses.

"Fuchigami..., a traveling light novel writer." Fuchikami struggled for a moment, but his identity still had to be concealed. As for whether he could see through it or not, that was someone else's business.

"Really, then you are really a special light novel writer. I will definitely read your works if I have the chance." The face under the mask of Lujin chuckled, and then stretched out his broad, bandaged hand. palm.

"Uh..., let's talk about this later." Yuan Shang scratched his head, writing a book?He can't even read all the words in the Abyss Chapter now, so he should slow down on writing the book.

Tong Lujin shook the extended hand, Yuan Shang pointed at the people behind him and said:
"I heard that you take in homeless people here, is that true?"

"Of course it's true. If my guess is correct, they should all be patients infected with the evil spirit."

Lujin looked at the group of sickly people in front of him. The black energy lingering on their bodies was something Lujin was all too familiar with.

When the evil spirit breaks out, the first place affected is Feimu Village - Feimu Village is located next to the remains of the Demon God Orochi.

But the amazing thing is that after the evil spirit broke out, the half-dead sapling left by the previous adventurer grew like crazy.

What surprised Lujin even more was that the debris emitted by the golden tree could actually eliminate the influence of the evil spirits!
Although there is a price to pay...

"If you don't accept the words of those who are obsessed with evil spirits, we will leave immediately." When Yuan Shang heard Lu Jin's words, he suddenly became alert. He looked at Lu Jin in front of him suspiciously.

How come this man's armor... looks so similar to the shogunate's?They can't be together, right?
"You have misunderstood." Lu Jin looked at the alert group of people across from him, waved his hands and explained: "I just want to say that if there are people infected with evil spirits, we can treat them here."

Lujin's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, and the originally quiet crowd immediately became agitated.


"I think so, look at the ground, there is still grass growing on it!"

"I don't quite believe it, don't forget before..."


There was a cacophony of voices, some ecstatic, some doubtful, and some wary.

Lujin looked at everyone quietly, and when the voices became quieter, he stretched out his arm.

"Whether it is true or not, you will know once you try it. However, before that, there is one thing I want to explain..."

Lujin first removed the armor plate on his arm, and then took off the bandage underneath.What emerged from it were inhuman arms with bird feathers and animal hair.

"There will be no evil spirits, but there will be more other things on you."

(End of this chapter)

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