King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 331 The price of eliminating evil spirits

Chapter 331 The price of eliminating evil spirits

Seeing the horrifying scene on Lujin's arm, the originally noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Even the most excited people among them couldn't help but start to weigh the pros and cons when they saw this scene.

Seeing this, Lujin nodded. It was a good thing to have his own thoughts.

He raised his hand, took off the ghost-like Prajna mask on his face, and said slowly:

"Although it will grow some things that humans don't have, there is still no problem in maintaining its human identity."

Lujin paused, then added: "At least, from our observation, no one was affected."

Lujin's exposed face was weathered, and he looked like a middle-aged man who had experienced social torture for a long time.

Through the gap in the helmet, you can even see the Tsukiyo haircut on the top of his head - Inazuma's old-school samurai usually likes to wear this hairstyle.

Seeing Lujin's apparently normal face, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.As long as these things don't appear on the most conspicuous face, it seems... acceptable?

Infection with the evil spirits will only lead to death. This is the conclusion that the islanders of Ba Ying Island came to after exhausting all methods.

With Inazuma's existing treatment methods, death can be delayed at most.If you want to cure the evil spirit, you may have to go to Xumi, which has the highest medical technology in the mainland, to find a way.

Although that was what they were thinking, no one responded.For the islanders of Hazuo Island, the changes in Lujin have only been heard in legendary ghost stories.The shock was so great that they didn't know what to do for a while.

Subconsciously, more and more eyes focused on Yuanshang, and Yuanshang felt like a light on his back, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

"If you ask me, just get it treated! There is no free benefit in the world. Having some hair can keep you warm in the winter, but if you die, you will lose everything!"

As if he couldn't stand such a sight, Fuchikami waved his hand and gave his own suggestions.

"Personally, that's the same for me." Lujin nodded and continued: "Actually, if you want to settle in Feimu Village, it will happen sooner or later."

Facing everyone's doubtful glances, Lujin pointed to the golden debris floating in the sky behind him and said:
"Did you see those golden crumbs? That is the blessing that the big tree gives us. It can restore the dead earth and eliminate the omnipresent evil spirits. Our bodies are also like this because of it."

As he spoke, Lujin smiled bitterly, "Perhaps in the eyes of Dashu, humans in this state are more powerful than before."

Lujin walked to an open space and assumed an Iai posture.

"Drink!" Just when everyone was puzzled, they heard Lu Jin shout loudly, and then the sword light exploded, and the cold cross sword energy swept past, leaving a terrifying knife mark on the ground.

"Can this be cut by a human?!" Yuanshang was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

There are no traces of elemental power fluctuations on Lujin's body, which means that the swing of this sword energy relies entirely on Lujin's extraordinary strength.

Looking at the stunned people in front of him, Lujin raised his arms and said: "Now you know why I said that this state is stronger than before."

Following Lujin's words, his exposed arms began to squirm regularly. The muscle fibers were so clear that it seemed that Lujin could control the movements of every muscle.

In fact, this was the case. Ever since he inhaled those golden debris, Lujin felt that his control over his body had become more precise.

At first, he could just keep his limbs steady without shaking. Later, he was able to control how his muscles moved.

Under this strange change, his strength is also increasing day by day.Compared to his previous self, his strength has increased three to four times.

Coupled with his precise control of his body, Lujin is very sure that he is stronger than ten of his past selves!
"Gulu..." Yuan Shang swallowed. Now he also wanted to try the blessings of that big tree.

Anyway, no matter how much the body changes, can it be even bigger when the Abyss Mage advances to the Abyss Chanter?
"Okay, if you choose to live here, sooner or later you will become a 'monster' like me..."

"But there's no need to worry too much. There aren't many normal ones in the village."

Lujin waved, and the villagers behind him took off their robes. There were more or less inhuman signs on their exposed limbs.

Everyone looked at Lujin, who had a serious face, and thought about the days since the war began.

The war between the shogunate army and the rebels has been going on for a long time, probably for a year or two.Everyone who could run away on Ba Ying Island did so.

And they are the small group that really can't escape.War can turn people into ghosts.Everyone looked at the different characteristics of the villagers, including feathers, scales, and even horns...

It is better to become a monster than to become a ghost.

As a result, everyone behind Yuanshang nodded towards Lujin.

"Okay, I'll take you to treatment." Lujin nodded, turned around and led everyone towards the golden tree in Feimu Village.



The huge bonfire shook when a branch was burned off, and a large number of sparks splashed out from the rising flames, illuminating Fuchshang's dull face.

"Sir...sir, this is for you!"

Beside Yuan Shang, a child covered in bandages jumped over and gave Yuan Shang a shabby pendant.

"Huh--" Aukami took a deep breath and rubbed the girl's head.The "treatment method" Lujin mentioned was to wrap the patients infected with the evil spirits with bandages all over their bodies.

As for the medicine under the bandage…

Yuan looked at the bald trunk of the golden tree. Now he finally understood why the golden tree was so thin. Who could not lose weight after being skinned every day?
During the day, after Lujin led everyone to the Golden Tree, he began to gather everyone to start grinding the skin.

Even with the negative effects of malnutrition, sucking the residue of the devil, and being less than a year old, the bark of the golden tree is still very tough.

Later, even Yuan Shang began his journey of skin resurfacing.I kept busy until night, and finally ground enough bark powder for treatment.

"Thank you, how do you feel?" Fuchikami put down the scratched "crystal" pendant with trembling hands and asked with a smile.

"My body... doesn't hurt anymore."

The bandage on the girl's head twitched a few times, and it seemed that she was very excited about the fact that her body was no longer in pain.

"As long as it doesn't hurt, it's worth spending the whole afternoon soaking in this tree." Fuchsami nodded happily. It worked, and his time was not wasted.

The girl ran away because her mother had just let go of her hand and allowed her to run around.

I don’t know since when, her palm has never been separated from her mother.Her mother dragged her around without stopping for a moment.

It's okay now. Mom just said that she has a place to live.She will stop here in the future, and she has met many new friends, and now she wants to have some fun.

"Little brat, it seems to be really effective." Fuchikami watched the girl running fast, knowing that it was really effective, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course it works. This is the treatment method I invented." Lujin sat next to Yuan Shang and said with a proud smile.

At this time, he changed into regular clothes, and the differences between his limbs and those of a normal person were clearly revealed.

In Feimu Village, most villagers are like this, so there is no need to avoid it.

"Then you are still a smart person?" Fuchikami raised his eyebrows. He felt that Lujin was just bragging.

The therapeutic effect is so good, all thanks to the power of the golden tree itself.Yuan Shang even suspected that he could heal automatically without doing anything under the golden tree.

"Don't take it seriously. The person who planted this tree is a smart man. He should have expected this."

"The person who planted this tree? Who is it?" Fuchsami said, but a familiar figure appeared in his mind.

"Well, he's a weirdo. His whole body is covered in the Mondegu knight's armor, which is even tighter than when I leave the village." Lujin sighed with emotion.

The figure became clearer and clearer, and then the figure seemed to feel something. He was beyond the control of Yuan Shang's consciousness and gave a thumbs up to Yuan Shang.

"Ding——" Yuan Shang even saw the flash of light at the corner of Armor's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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