King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 332: The Hall of Rebirth is So Horrifying

Chapter 332: The Hall of Rebirth is So Horrifying
"Wow! Why does the corner of your mouth shine so brightly?" In the reception room of the Rebirth Hall, Hutao saw the shining light at the corner of Yuchen's mouth and felt the praise inexplicably.

Could it be that the tea brewed this time suits the taste of Ember?But Ember didn’t drink either?

"It doesn't matter if the corner of my mouth shines, my whole body will shine." Ember said, and sparks began to spurt out from the gaps on his body, choking the walnut.

Now he was alone again, in the depression that Tvarin had fallen into since returning from the Dark Beyond.

Passed by Liyue without a word, dropped the embers without a word, and flew back to Mondstadt without a word.

The process went smoothly, without any dissonance - except for the scolding sound when the embers were dropped.

It seems that there is already a tragically thick barrier between Tvarin and Kutri.

"Brother Yu Yan, can you please be quieter? I can't see clearly the quality of Shi Po." Next to Yu Yan and Hu Tao was a very strong man.

Simply having a strong body is nothing. What is even more surprising is that there are two bright orange jade horns on the top of the man's head, which looks quite strange.

This is Ruo Tuo who has transformed into a human form!At this moment, he was wearing glasses on his eyes and holding a magnifying glass in his hand, staring attentively at the stone on the table.

His whole face was almost touching the table - everything was fine with Ruo Tuo, except that his eyes were highly short-sighted.

In Baizhu's words, he was almost blind. When he was young, he must have been hiding in bed and reading idle books every day.

It's a pity that Ruo Tuo hasn't read many books at all. His eyes are inherently bad. If Zhongli hadn't fixed his eyes, he would probably still be blind.

Could it be that the previous generation of Rock Dragon King used his eyes too much and passed it on to Ruo Tuo?
Ember thought.He looked at Ruo Tuo, who was wearing the same type of eyes as Baizhu, and felt that it was extremely inconsistent.

Glasses and muscles, two completely unrelated things actually appeared together in Ruo Tuo. It can only be said that he is worthy of being a dragon. He can easily do things that humans cannot do!
"What are you doing?" Yu Yan pulled Shi Po on the table. If there is anything special..., does it count if Shi Po's body is inside the stone ore?
"Gambling on stones? Have you never heard of Yu Yan?" Hutao also ran over, imitating Ruotuo and pretending to observe.

"The business in the hall has not been very good recently, I'm here to make some extra money." Ruotuo adjusted his glasses, picked up a mottled ore, and squeezed it hard.

"Crash!" The shell of the ore shattered, revealing the warm jade-like stone amber inside.

Calling it jade is actually belittling it. High-quality stone amber can often be sold for a higher price than jade in Liyue.And what Ruo Tuo is holding is obviously such high-quality goods.

"Not bad, it seems that after sleeping for so long, my hands are not raw." Ruo Tuo put Shi Po down and chuckled.

"This... this this this..."

Hu Tao raised the stone on the table, and now it was her turn to let her eyes shine.Although she doesn't like Maura, who has more time?
"Master, your mouth is watering!"

Ruo Tuo knocked Hu Tao's head and continued: "Moreover, good things like this are rare. In the future, the hall master should think more about how to expand the business of the Rebirth Hall."

After traveling all over Liyue, Ruotuo found such a leak.The other ores on the table can only be said to be of good quality, but far from being the best.

Although the Hall of Rebirth can be said to be big or small, it cannot be maintained by gambling on stones alone.

"Hehe, of course, I have thought of a new idea!" Hutao chuckled, and then said confidently: "How about a free stone bet for one business? Will there be many people coming?"

"I knew it would be like this, the hall master thought, so just go ahead and do it!" Ruo Tuo sighed and said helplessly.

The Funeral Hall has a long history of funeral services, and people in Liyue have heard about it more or less.

Although it is usually taboo not to mention it, when the need arises, the first thing that comes to mind is the Hall of Rebirth.

Therefore, Hu Tao's behavior actually affected the business volume of Shengshengtang.But it doesn’t matter, young people, it’s understandable to think a little bit outside the box.

"From what you two think, Ruotuo has joined the Rebirth Hall?" Yu Yan raised an eyebrow and said.

"Of course! I would like to solemnly introduce to you, the new guest of the Rebirth Hall - Ruo Tuo!" Hutao jumped in front of Ruo Tuo and pointed with both hands, looking very excited.

Can you not be excited?I originally thought that if Zhongli could be hired by Shengshengtang, he would just burn incense, but he didn't expect that Zhongli would turn over someone who was similar to him.

When Zhongli brought Ruo Tuo here, he said that Ruo Tuo was his good friend and he wanted to change his career recently, so he brought him to the Rebirth Hall, hoping that Hu Tao could take him in.

Hutao, of course, supported this request with both hands and feet.Zhongli’s friend, how can you not know astronomy from above and geography from below?

And Ruo Tuo did not disappoint Hu Tao. Ruo Tuo could have a say in anything from ancient times to the present.

Especially when it comes to rocks, he is even more proficient than Zhongli.Although it was a bit unkind to say it, Hu Tao really hoped that Zhongli could send other friends over.

With such a group of guests, it is no longer a dream to have the Rebirth Hall open across the seven countries!
Thinking of this, Hutao couldn't help humming a ditty that only she could understand.

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know. It's hard to guess what the hall master is thinking."

Yi Yan and Ruo Tuo whispered to each other, but did not discuss the reason.

The high-spirited Hutao saw Yi Yan whispering to Ruo Tuo and suddenly had an idea. He quickly ran over and took Yi Yan's hand and said, "How about it, Yi Yan, do you want to join us?"

"Our Rebirth Hall has high salary, good benefits, and plenty of vacations..."

In her words, the Hall of Rebirth seems to have become the best organization in the world, and Yi Yan will lose a lot if he doesn't join.

But none of this moved Ember.He looked at Ruo Tuo who was shaking his head helplessly beside Hu Tao, and then thought of Zhong Li who was wandering around all day.

After thinking about the current strength of the Rebirth Hall, Yi Yan decisively rejected Hu Tao's request.

Yu Yan feels that the current Palace of Purity is ready for the Fools, and with him and Teyvat in the mix, the situation will probably change.

"No, no, adventurers won't stay in one place for too long!" Yi Yan used the Adventurers Association as a shield to fight back Hu Tao's request.

"Is this so? Okay, if you ever get down and out, the Hall of Rebirth can take you in."

"I don't think I'll be down."

Ember felt that Hutao was cursing him.

"What about Zhongli? Did you go shopping again?" After talking for a long time, no trace of Zhongli was found, so Yi Yan asked.

He wanted to know where Mongot had gone.

"Zhongli..., well, it's true that he has been out for a long time. It's just such a simple thing, it shouldn't take so long." Ruo Tuo thought about what Zhongli said to him before leaving, and thought deeply.

Just signing a contract shouldn't take that long, right?Even if that contract is "a contract to terminate all contracts."


Northland Bank.

This is the stronghold of the Fools in Liyue. Although the last turmoil in Liyue should be blamed on the Fools, that is something only the top brass knows.

To ordinary Liyue people, the shaking of the earth and mountains a while ago was caused by the time when Emperor Yan Wang was going through a tribulation.

When the emperor overcomes the tribulation, the phenomena of heaven and earth caused can naturally level Minlin.But what makes people sad is that under that catastrophe, the emperor's body disappeared.

Despite their grief, more people in Liyue choose to move on.As for Northland Bank, it also avoids the experience of being thrown rotten eggs.


Zhong Li opened the door, and only Ekaterina was left in the huge Beiguo Bank, looking slightly depressed.

"Is Madam here?" Zhongli walked to the counter and knocked on the table.

"Ms... Madam?" Ekaterina looked at Zhongli and fell into deep thought.

"Yes, she should have informed you that my name is Zhongli."

"Mr. Zhongli?" Ekaterina paused, and then said with a constipated look on her face: "Madam, you moved out a long time ago."

"She said she was going to escape the disaster, but she hasn't come back yet."


(End of this chapter)

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