King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 333 The ups and downs of an executive’s life

Chapter 333 The ups and downs of an executive’s life

In a teahouse in Qingce Village, a lady sneezed violently and rubbed her nose, "What's going on? Are you catching a cold?"

The lady looked at the withered yellow leaves and felt that they were probably gone.

Qingce Village is very beautiful in autumn. The colorful terraces are arranged in an orderly manner in the mountains, like different jade pieces inlaid in the mountains.

"nice view."

The lady took a sip of hot tea, shrank her fur coat and said comfortably.How long has it been since you relaxed like this?

The lady doesn't know and doesn't want to remember. She just wants to stay in Qingce Village and have a good rest.

[Hmm..., did I forget something? 】The lady looked at the quiet and peaceful scenery in front of her, and she always felt a little empty in her heart.

After thinking for a while, the lady's eyes suddenly lit up.She stretched out her recliner and lay down on her back.

A warm fireball rose from her hand, driving away the severe cold of late autumn.

Then the lady closed her eyes - she forgot about today's nap.


Unlike Qingcezhuang, the sun from Qingxupo to Minlin is very fierce. The bright sun hangs high in the sky, which is not at all like the energy that autumn should have.

At this moment, Qingxupu has changed drastically. Valleys, ruins, lakes... these have all disappeared.

After the destruction of Rudo and Osel, plus the recovery of Ember.At this time, Qingxupu has turned into a wide plain.

New shoots and trees are growing vigorously here, looking full of life.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

In the green clearing, the young master moved forward quickly, waving a shovel that was about to leave the afterimage.

Behind him is an extremely wide new river.

Wiping the sweat on his forehead with his arm that was about to cramp, the young master took a deep breath.

When did it become like this?The young master began to think deeply.By the way, it was when Keqing showed him the design drawings of the new dam.

Auxerre drew a new river channel on the earth, running through this wide plain.

After Qixing's inspection, he knew that the brand-new Qingxupu was a good place to grow things.So, they designed a new dam to facilitate irrigation.

Before building a dam, water from the river needs to be diverted.Keqing surveyed for a long time and finally discovered low-lying land on both sides of the river.

A low-lying area capable of carrying the flow of a large river for several months.This time is enough for Liyue, who possesses elemental power and alchemy, to build a brand new dam.

Therefore, the burden of building water diversion channels naturally falls on the shoulders of Liyue's two excellent "cultivating machines".

The river on the left is the responsibility of Young Master, as for the one on the right...

The young master looked at the other side of the river across from him. The soil there was flying, as if something was digging rapidly into the soil.

In the brown-black soil, you can vaguely see a mushroom head swinging up and down - it is a skirmisher who has taken off his bamboo hat.

"Brother! I'm bringing you delicious food!" From a distance, a boy wearing a fur hat and wearing a style that was incompatible with Liyue ran over.

Behind him were Ying and Paimon.

"Tok, slow down!" The young master saw his brother running from a distance and shouted loudly.

The young master felt extremely headache when he thought of this restless younger brother.He was able to hide in a cargo ship and run to Liyue from Winter Solstice! ! !

When he learned the news from Qixing, the young master's first reaction was that Qixing had specially kidnapped Tuoke from Zhidong in order to monitor and warn him.

But later, with the contemptuous looks in Keqing and Ningguang's eyes and Tuoke's own explanation, the young master finally accepted the fact that Tuoke ran to Liyue on his own.

Then Keqing added an extra circle to the design, saying that there were important ancient ruins in the middle of the original diversion river, which needed to be detoured and protected.

When the young master saw this, he could only endure it.Originally, he had the idea of ​​​​escape, but now Tok came to Liyue and directly gave Qixing a good assist.

Now he, Dardalia, couldn't run away.

Looking at the young master of the pit brother running towards him with excitement on his face, the young master looked helpless.What could he say?When he was a child, he could still run better than Tok, and he ran directly into the crevices of the abyss. "Brother, look, this is the Liyue delicacy recommended to me by Sister Paimon. You can try it." Tok said and opened the lunch box he was carrying.

A scent of aroma hit my face, and it was obvious that this was real food, not some trick.

"After you eat, hurry up and do it, Mr. Enthusiastic Young Master." Ying and Paimon saw the dirty look of the Young Master, and almost laughed without lying on the ground.

It’s so heavenly that reincarnation is so easy, let him lie to me!Not only cheating, but also stalking; not only stalking, but also fighting, unable to win in a fight, and also aggressive.

Live it!

Ying and Paimon felt very relieved when they saw the young master devouring the food.In fact, Paimon felt that this was a small punishment.

The young master and the skirmishers should be allowed to wrap up the entire dam project!
Anyway, the two of them work with one for a hundred or one for a thousand, so it's probably about the same.

However, Qixing is obviously not that big-hearted. Liyue would never dare to let Foolish People get involved in a water conservancy facility like a dam.

If the fools had done some tricks, the damage caused would probably not be much worse than this time.

"How's it going, brother? Is it delicious?" Tok asked impatiently when he saw the young master destroying all the food in a hurry.

"It's delicious! My whole body is full of strength now!" The young master shouted, stepped on it, and the shovel flew up, and then fell into his hand.

"So handsome!" Tok clapped, his eyes shining.

"There's someone even more handsome!" Seeing Tuoke being so excited, the young master also wanted to show off.He activated his divine eye, and the water elements gathered on the shovel.

Then a bigger shovel appeared in the young master's hand. As for its function... of course it dug the soil faster!

So, under the scorching sun and cheers, the young master started a new work again.


"Hmm? No friends?"

In the diversion river opposite the young master, Menggert looked at the far-sighted skirmishers and said lightly.

"It's just core overload. Just rest for a while." The skirmisher raised his arm and poured out the soil from the joints of his joints.White superheated exhaust gas was constantly spraying out from his body.

"Besides, only the weak need friends." Skirmisher added while sorting out the mud on his body.

"You should have no friends." Menggert did not give any comment on the stragglers' words. He felt that the stragglers had no friends, and they just had a bad mouth and a blind eye.

For such a person, give him a beating first. If he can't do it once, give him two.The more you hit, the better it will be.

But Menggert was too lazy to do anything, because he was afraid that this guy had a bad mouth, and if he got pissed off, he might use too much force and the doll would fall apart.

"Hmph! Thanks for the compliment." The soldier sneered, and then began to activate his evil eye.


But just when he wanted to continue opening the river, he heard a whistling sound in the sky.

Looking up, several bright blue tail flames shone high in the sky, causing the skirmishers to stop.

"What? Want to go?" Menggert looked up and stopped paying attention.It's just a shooting star, let alone seeing it, he has even beaten it.

The stars in the junction area are alive, even the shooting stars.When the border area is in turmoil, malicious meteors will take the opportunity to enter.

As the former king of Rodel, he had dealt with a lot of fallen star beasts and the like.

"Of course, the reason why I came to Liyue is this meteor." The skirmisher's eyes looked around, and the arrival of the meteor obviously made him a little impetuous.


A golden light that shone brighter than the meteor tail flame emerged. When the golden light dissipated, the skirmishers suddenly saw a golden sledgehammer on Menggert's shoulder.

"You can try." Menggert placed the giant hammer lightly on the ground, and the ground suddenly cracked inch by inch.


After a brief silence, the two rivers became busy again.

(End of this chapter)

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