King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 335 Astrology

Chapter 335 Astrology

"Hey! Wake up, wake up!"

Throwing the fallen star fragments back to Tianlong, Yi Yan squatted on the ground and observed the mental state of the Corpse Mondrian.

To be honest, not so good.

Yi Yan reached out and nodded the unconscious man's forehead, his consciousness entered his body through his fingertips, and he saw his current dream.

It was a steep snow mountain. Different from Longji Snow Mountain, this snow mountain was more "slender" and naturally steeper.

The cold wind blowing in the mountains is as bad as the Longji Snow Mountain before the trees were planted.

And the Mondstadt who was unconscious in reality is now halfway up the mountain.

He seemed to be in a trance, his eyes were blurred, and he climbed to the top of the snow mountain against the cold wind, as if he was determined to climb to the top of the snow mountain.

"My obsession is mountain climbing? That's rare."

Ember was very surprised when he saw this scene.Seeing the will contained in this star fragment, he was very persistent in climbing the mountain.

"But no matter how persistent you are, you can't force others to climb the mountain!" After sighing for a while, Yi Yan started his action.

As his consciousness poured in, the originally towering snow-capped mountains began to sink into the earth.

Then the climber halfway up the mountain found that he had climbed to the top of the mountain inexplicably.His already confused eyes became even more confused.

What about a mountain that was just that high?Why did it shrink in the blink of an eye?
"After climbing the mountain, it's time to wake up!"

The sound of embers echoed from this dreamland, like a basin of cold water pouring down on the head, jolting people awake.


Fritz woke up from the ground, and then vague memories flooded into his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

Originally, he was just transporting goods from Chenxi Winery. He saw a shiny piece of gravel on the road and picked it up out of curiosity. Who would have thought that there was something wrong with the stone, and it actually made him faint!
"Are you finally awake?" Yu Yan waved his hand in front of Fritz's eyes, making him recover from his fear.

"My name is F...Fritz, thank you...thank you Mr. Ember!" Ember dresses very strangely and behaves in a special way. He is a household name in Mondstadt.

Just when Yi Yan was thinking about what to say, he suddenly saw three figures walking in the distance.

Two of them are very familiar, Ying and Fischer, and the other one is a bit unfamiliar, wearing a big hat and full of star pendants.

Ember was sure that this guy must have come to Mondstadt after he left, because if there really was such a strange person in Mondstadt, he would definitely have an impression.

"Fritz——, I told you to go back and deliver the goods quickly!" Paimon's shout was heard from a distance.

It seems that the purpose of their group was to get Fritz, but they were preempted by Ember.

When Fritz heard this, he immediately patted his head. He hurriedly picked up the scattered goods on the ground and nodded to Ember, "Mr. Ember, if you have a chance, let's have a drink together at Angel's Gift."

With that, Fritz trotted away with the cart.

"It depends on the time." Yi Yan muttered a few words when he saw Fritz's back.Then he saw three people in the distance coming to his side.

"Would you like to introduce me?" Yi Jin pointed at the woman in the big hat next to Ying and Fischer, raised an eyebrow and said.

After hearing this, Mona looked up at the embers in front of her.If her astrological robe is unique enough, then Ember is at least three times more unique!
"Mona, a very powerful astrologer. She was the one who figured out Fritz's position!" Paimon walked around Mona a few times and introduced him enthusiastically.

"Astorogis Mona Megistus." Mona held up her huge warlock hat and said her full name very skillfully.


"Just call her Mona." Next to Fischer, Ozzy was as dedicated as ever, acting as an off-site translator and commentator.

"Ember." Ember's name was not as long as Mona. He looked at the three-person team and said, "Investigating meteors in the sky?"

"Exactly, the unbelonging stars flowing in the darkness have brought the curse of the earth. For this reason, I, the princess, and my companions are wandering between light and shadow."

"It's just what the seniors said." Fischer and Oz sang along and answered Ember's question.

"Really? In that case, you can take a break for a while." After hearing this, Yi Jin walked towards Wangshu Inn in the distance.

"Why? Those people are all unconscious!" Paimon chased after him and asked closely.

"It's okay. Fritz was like this just now, but he was revived by me."

"It's just a dream. Those meteorites are only a small part, and the big ones are still behind."

"We'll just get rid of the big one together then."

Ember explained as he walked.

After listening to Ember's words, Ying and Paimon looked at Mona. As the invited off-site aid, it was time to play a role!

"Well, it's true as Ember said, those meteorites are just a small part of a human constellation. The real life star is still in the sky."

A water chart appeared in Mona's hand. She flipped it a few times based on the existing information, and got the same information as Ember.

This made Mona couldn't help but look at the ember more. He came to the same conclusion as her so easily. Could it be that he is also an astrologer?

"Look, you still don't believe me."

Ember saw this and complained a few words.Has he ever deceived anyone?
"I don't, I always believe in seniors!" Fischer waved his hand and said.

"I'm just testing Mona's level! Right, Ying!" Paimon used her special skill and giggled!
"Yes, that's it!" Ying nodded and agreed with Paimon.

"Are you also an astrologer?" Seeing the three people falling towards the embers so quickly, Mona couldn't help but become curious even though it was a joke.

"No, but I'm very interested in your astrology." Yi Yan shook his head. Mona's water chart just now had something to say.

"You're not an astrologer, so how do you know so much?" Mona felt extremely confused, and then she spread her hands and began to perform astrology.

Ember watched with interest and did not stop Mona's performance. Anyway, he was sure that Mona would not be able to divine anything.

"What, what did the divination come out?" Seeing Mona's movements, Ying, Paimon, Fischer and Oz all came over.

They were also curious about what Mona could divine.

"Uh..." Mona kept fluctuating on the water divination board. She found that her divination results did not point to anything, and even her attempts to reflect the destiny star ended in failure.

Mona wiped the sweat from her forehead. This was the first time she had experienced such a strange thing.

"I didn't expect that not long after I came out this time, I would meet someone as powerful as you, Yan Yan. Okay, I won't watch anymore. You must have covered up your destiny!"

After thinking about it, Mona only thought of one possibility - Ember was also an astrologer and was more proficient in divination than her.

"Astrology? You misunderstood. I don't have this skill of predicting the future." Yi Yan scratched his head, then he considered it and whispered: "However, I can make astrology useless."

Ember reached out his hand and began to move the water occupancy plate on Mona's behalf.

The mirror-like water plate rippled, reflecting Fischer's figure.

The girl grew up, no longer fantasizing, she had her own family, and eventually grew old as time passed...

Then the screen suddenly flickered, and the girl turned into a capable archer again, jumping and galloping in the secret realm full of monsters, looking like a Valkyrie...

Then the picture changed again. The girl in the mirror was a painter, a novelist, a knight of the west wind, and many many people...

The picture changed faster and faster, and countless beating scenes continued, eventually turning into chaos and nothingness.

"See, out of the infinite possibilities, nothing can be divined."

(End of this chapter)

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