King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 336 Countless Fischers

Chapter 336 Countless Fischers
"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me?" Mona looked very excited when she saw the shaking picture on the water board.

She grabbed the water tray and began to stir it.But no matter how Mona adjusts the parameters on the water chart, the picture still shows surging chaos.

Now she couldn't even see Fischer's future.

" is this possible!" Mona looked shocked.In the astrology taught to her by her master, everyone's destiny is engraved in the destiny star in the sky.

The destiny star reveals a person's destiny. No matter how tortuous the process is, it will eventually lead to the ending predicted by the destiny star.This is also the reason why hydrology can predict the future.

As long as you can see the result, then the result will definitely happen!This is the root of astrology and something Mona believes in deeply.

But now, the source of the theory that she once believed in was shaken.

"Nothing is impossible, not to mention that your astrology is still flawed. If you introduce a few variables, you won't be able to see things."

Yan Yan used a water cup as a mirror and a rag to wipe his helmet. Not to mention, it was very clean.

"If you ask me, furthermore, what's a prophecy? This thing has never really come true. It's better to find a way to see the future directly." Ember returned the dirty water chart to Mona and complained.

Prophecy is a slap in the face if you say it.Anyway, Ember has never seen any prophecy come true.

Or can it be said that speaking of the prophecy itself affects the occurrence of the prophecy?
Yi Yan thought for a while, but couldn't think of a reason. He always felt that divination was not easy to use, so it was better to just use his eyes to see it.

"Look...see the future? This kind of thing is impossible!" Mona was so shocked that she didn't know where to answer the question.

Seeing the future is impossible no matter how you think about it.If divination is about leveraging fate, then seeing the future is about stripping away all the underpants of "destiny".

After looking at the blackened water cupboard in her hand, Mona silently threw it away.Since Ember is so mysterious and powerful, she doesn't care.

Mona then summoned a new water fortune teller and flicked it a few times.

"Huh..." Mona couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the results on the fortune board.Sure enough, it was similar to what she had guessed. As long as it was not involved with the ember, the divination results would still come out.

There is nothing wrong with hydrodivination!It was Ember who was wrong!
After knowing that astrology is still useful, Mona's mood suddenly improved.Now she just wants to run back and tell the old woman about Ember and see how deflated she is.

But when she thought that she had peeked at the old woman's diary as a girl, Mona sighed again.She felt that she might be "humanely dealt with" by the old woman before she could speak.

What a sad story to think about.

"Hey, what's wrong with her?" Yi Jin saw Mona's dejected look and approached Ying and Fischer and asked.

"I don't know, maybe I was hit by you, senior." Ying shook her head, and that was how she got along with Yu Yan.

In Mondstadt, I thought I was going to have a fight with Tvarin, but nothing happened and Tvarin was fine;
In Liyue, she felt that she had to fight the devil no matter what, but in the end she just became a heartless applauding robot.

"So fragile?"

"Who said I'm fragile? I'm already healed!"

Mona was depressed for just a moment and then regained her energy.She has known for a long time that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

The old woman alone can hang her up and beat her in every way, not to mention her weird "sisters".

And the ember in front of him is just one of the new strong ones.After realizing this, Mona accepted the fact that astrology was invalid.

"But those pictures you just touched are really strange." Mona recalled the scenes she had glimpsed, with shock and doubt coexisting in her heart.

She had been running around with the old woman before, so she naturally knew more secrets than others. In the sudden glimpse just now, Mona saw many taboo scenes.

This made her wonder if Fischer, a middle-aged girl, really had the possibility to lead to those futures?

"It's true what you said. I seem to have seen the scene where the princess became the leader of the knights." After Mona said this, Oz also remembered the scene he saw before.

The adult Fischer, with a ponytail and a Zephyr Knight armor, is handsome and dashing!
"This possibility is relatively small, not as high as the possibility of you becoming the leader of the Knights, Oz." Ember nodded and added.

"Is this... like this?" Oz suddenly didn't know what to say. He never thought that his bird life could be so exciting.

"I saw Fischer wearing a white robe. What's going on? Is it possible for Fischer to become a nun?" Ying also joined in the fun.

"No..." Yi Yan pondered for a while, and then said: "That was Fischer who stabbed Barbatos and turned into the god of wind."

"Fischer can still be so powerful!" Ying was immediately shocked. She didn't expect that Fischer, who looked like a middle-aged man, could be so powerful.

"The possibility is even smaller than Bennett becoming the God of Fire."

"How small is that?"

"The probability is smaller than the probability of Teyvat being destroyed tomorrow!" Ember gestured. It is true that there are countless possibilities in the future, but the probability of realization is different.

And the possibility of Fischer becoming the God of Wind is indeed smaller than the explosion in Teyvat tomorrow.

Just when everyone wanted to discuss Fischer's endless possibilities for the future, Fischer couldn't stand it.

She blushed and ran to the middle of the crowd in a panic, shouting shamefully: "Stop talking, I will ignore you if you continue!"

"Hey, I didn't expect Fischer to have such a shy side?" Paimon saw that Fischer was so embarrassed that he didn't even say a word, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to tease her.

Originally, she wanted to ask why Fischer turned into an angel, but she didn't want to tell her now.

It is estimated to be a very unlikely possibility.

Seeing that everyone stopped talking about the outrageous future about him, Fischer finally felt a lot better in his heart.

What kind of painter, leader of the Knights, God of Wind, etc., she had never even thought about it. Is it really possible for her to become these people in the future?

Oh, no, some of them can’t even become human beings.

Seeing Fischer's confused eyes, Ember knocked her on the head, "Fischer, where your future will go depends on you now."

"So, don't think about what is available and what is not available. If you don't want to become Catherine No. [-] in the future, you must work hard now!"

"What does Catherine No. [-] mean?" Mona scratched her head and asked curiously.

"You are the one who brings tea and water to people. If you indulge yourselves, the probability of this happening is quite high." Yi Yan glanced at Mona, and then joked:
"I think Mona is about to come soon. Are you running out of Mora in your pocket?"

Mona blushed immediately after hearing this, and she defended unconvincingly: "Who said that, the reward offered by the Adventurers Association this time is very generous, enough for me to spend a few months!"

"I hope so." Ember smacked his mouth, almost writing the word "disbelief" on his face.

Because in his peeping just now, Mona bought a lot of astrological materials as soon as she got paid.

The Mora she had received flew away from her hands before she could warm it up, causing Yi Yan to worry about whether she would become malnourished from eating dirt for too long.

"What do you mean by this?!" When Mona heard this, she felt that Yu Yan was looking down on others.

Although she is a little poor now, she has made a decision!You must be more careful and save money in the future!
By then, I will definitely be one of the richest men in Mondstadt, and Ember will look down on me!

"It's not interesting. If you stay dumbfounded, just sleep alone in Dihuazhou!"

"Hey! Wait for me! Why are you running so fast!"

As she spoke, Mona quickly ran towards the group of people in the distance. She didn't want to sleep in the wilderness.

(End of this chapter)

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