King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 337 Skirmisher No. 2

Chapter 337 Skirmisher No. [-]
Keep walking along the road of Dihuazhou, and you can see a towering tree in the distance.

There is nothing special about big trees, they just grow big.But what is surprising is that there are many pavilions and pavilions on the winding trunk of the big tree.

This is Wangshu Inn, the largest building complex in Dihuazhou.It not only provides shelter for the people of Dihuazhou, but also serves as a resting place and supply point for merchants traveling between Mondstadt and Liyue.

But at this time, Wangshu Inn was no longer as prosperous as before.When Huan Yan and others walked in, there were no tables and chairs in the stalls below the inn, replaced by large sheds.

In the greenhouse, there were people who fell asleep due to the meteorite falling this time.

"So many?" Everyone was a little surprised when they saw people falling asleep one by one.

I originally thought that a few people would be enough, but looking at it this way, there must be dozens of people, not to mention that they are all in Liyue Dihuazhou.

Including the comatose people in Mondstadt, the number is conservatively estimated to be in the hundreds.

"It seems that this life star was completely shattered." Seeing this, Yi Yan complained a few words.

"Really, will the stars in the sky be shattered into pieces like the rock slime's shield?" Paimon also felt a little troublesome when he saw the busy inn staff coming and going.

The conversation was unobstructed, and after hearing a few people's movements, a man wearing a gray and black coat and a woolen beard came over.

"I'm the manager of Wangshu Inn, Huai'an." Huai'an bowed his hands to Yi Yan, Fischer and Mona, and nodded to Ying and Paimon - it seemed that they knew each other.

"What do you you know anything about this strange thing?" After a brief greeting, Huaian asked anxiously.

Don't be impatient. Since the meteorite fell, more and more people have fallen into coma.

At first he was just an ordinary traveler, but later even the weaker Qianyan Army was a little unable to bear it.If Huaian hadn't been a good player when he was young, Huai'an would have probably slept with the people in the greenhouse.

"We are the Adventurers Association here to handle this matter." After hearing Huaian's words, Paimon couldn't wait to show off.

"According to our investigation, as long as the falling meteorites are disposed of, the comatose people will wake up slowly." Mona gave Huai'an, who was full of joy, another surprise.

"Really, this is great!" As expected, Huaian was very excited when he heard that everyone had a way to wake up the comatose.

But soon, he reacted.

"That's not right. As long as the meteorite touches it, it will fall asleep. How do you clean it?"

"If you have the Eye of God, it will be much better." Mona explained.

Only then did Huaian pay attention to the details of everyone. After seeing the divine eyes of Mona and Fischer, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"In that case, could you please help me clean up the meteorites around me? If we don't clean up, my Wangshu Inn will be overcrowded."

Huaian said and held his forehead. It seemed that these unconscious people really kept him busy.

"Since we accepted the commission, we will definitely help." Yi Yan nodded, and then said to the others: "Let's split up. This meteorite is scattered all over the ground, so split up quickly."

Everyone agrees.

Although meteorites in the sky are sparse and small, they are easy to find.Because these stones from the sky are exuding strong spiritual fluctuations all the time, it is not difficult to find them if you pay a little attention.

Picking up the meteorite fragments on the ground that exuded a light blue luster like sapphires, Ember weighed them gently.


A deafening sound broke through the air, and suddenly there was another eye-catching blue stream of light on the horizon.

Ember clapped his palms, feeling very satisfied.He felt that this should be regarded as mending the sky to some extent.

When will he ask that white-haired girl to pay him overtime pay?

Just as Ember was thinking this, he discovered a special guy.

He quickly walked forward, pushing aside the bushes in front of him, and saw a very simple puppet.

The internal joints and wiring of the doll are directly exposed without any cover.There is no decoration on its body, and its wooden body is completely exposed, like a child's toy puppet.

The doll turned around, and its facial features were also blurred, making it look quite penetrating.

"You are..." Yi Yan crossed his arms and looked at the skirmishers in front of him with interest.Isn't this guy digging a river in Liyue?Why did you come here?

Moreover, why did he become so naked?Could it be that someone gave it to...

Ember suddenly felt some pity for the stragglers. The dignified executive had fallen to this point.

This is really... so damn good!
Feeling Ember's gaze, the skirmisher couldn't help but shudder.His instinct told him that Ember must be thinking about something bad.

But now is not the time for conflict. I finally created this puppet clone just for the clown's mission.

Before the mission is completed, Ember must not be allowed to discover his identity!

"Chichi...kaka..." The skirmisher imitated the sound made by the mechanical doll in humiliation.

While chattering, he quietly took a few steps back, hoping to escape from Ember's sight.

Unfortunately, he was destined to fail.Ember instantly came behind the skirmisher and resisted his retreat.

Touching his chin, Yi Yan was thinking about how to modify the personality of the skirmisher.This guy is really dishonest. There is nothing wrong with digging the river channel, but he insists on running out.

There is no mercy for such a stubborn person, he must be given a taste of the iron fist!
The skirmisher leaned against the embers, and he suddenly felt a chill running down his spine, and then he ran away without even thinking.

"Jie Jie Jie! Run? No one will come to save you even if you run to the end of the world!"


As soon as Yu Jin finished speaking, he heard the voices of several people.

Considering the mental health of Paimon and Fischer, Ember felt that it would be better to save Skirmisher's personality-modifying punch for him first.

Reaching out to grab the straggler's neck, Yi Yan waved his big hand and threw the straggler's figure beside the others.


"There are no self-made dolls here?!"

"He didn't fall from the sky too, did he?"


Several people had different reactions. Ying and Paimon were poking the skirmishers' bodies with tree branches. Fischer told everyone about the puppet settings that no one listened to. As for Mona, she was looking carefully. Observing the puppet body of the skirmisher, hoping to see something from it.

"Ember, what is this?" Pamon asked curiously when he saw Ember approaching.

"This is..." Yi Yan looked at Skirmisher No. [-] lying dead on the ground. He knew that this guy was pretending to be dead.

"This is my newly invented doll!"

Yi Yan rolled his eyes and thought of a good way to transform the skirmishers.Actually, personality modification sometimes doesn’t have to be done with fists.

"Senior invented it?"

"Just now?"

Ying and Paimon looked at each other, the suspicion in their voices almost overflowing.Although Ember is strong and omnipotent in their hearts, such sophisticated things as dolls have nothing to do with Ember.

"You look down on people, don't you?" Yi Yan was a little unhappy. Why couldn't he invent dolls?

Lifting the skirmisher from the ground, Yi Yan thoughtfully patted the dust off him.Then he walked up to the skirmishers and explained matter-of-factly:
"To introduce you to you, this is my newly invented service-type bionic doll! Just look for him to serve tea and water, chat to relieve boredom, entertain guests, etc.!"

"Why does this sound so similar to Miss Catherine?" Pamon scratched his head, feeling that Ember was completely talking about Catherine.

Isn’t that what Catherine does?
Hearing this, Yi Yan's eyes lit up. He pushed the skirmisher in front of him forward and said, "Yes, this is my newly invented male model of Catherine!"

"AKA...Catherine Two!"


(End of this chapter)

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