Chapter 342 Intivate
"Perhaps... neither is important?" Ying retracted her gaze, her tone full of uncertainty.

"I thought you would get involved with Ember again." Dyne breathed a sigh of relief and was finally able to carry out the conversation smoothly.

"Actually, I originally planned to ask senior what he thought. But then I thought, since you are asking me, I should give my own answer instead of asking other people."

Ying scratched his cheek and said with some embarrassment.She has been really slacking off recently. Whenever there is a problem, she just thinks that Ember is there and there is no need to worry.

If this continues, he will become a loser like Paimon who only knows how to eat.Ying glanced at Paimon, who was dancing beside him in boredom, and secretly warned herself that she could never become like this.

"I always feel like you're thinking of something rude." Paimon was very sensitive to gazes. After noticing Ying's gaze, she crossed her arms and wanted to question him.

"No, you're overthinking it." Yingying said a few perfunctory words to Paimon without changing his expression.The latter felt relieved, as Pai Meng never held a grudge for more than three seconds.

"Okay, it seems that she is indeed his sister. Your two answers are very similar."

"Is there anything similar? Two of the three questions turned to Ember. Don't let the person you said [he] have also seen Ember."

When Paimon heard Dyne's deep words, he immediately stood up and spoke out.

"I testify, golden retriever, I have seen you and Ying."

Ember's figure appeared and he echoed Paimon's words.

Hearing this, Dyne glanced at Paimon, who was inseparable from Ying.Ying and Sora looked a bit alike, but Paimon looked nothing like his past self.

"I won't speak anymore." When Paimon saw Dyne's expressionless look, he immediately gave up and shrank behind Ying.

Ying looked up at Dain and said with a trembling tone: "You and your brother know each other?"

"[Him]? Is he still your brother? You have to find the answer yourself." Dain nodded first, then shook his head.

After they parted ways, he and Sora had never seen each other again.Even though they were once the best friends.

What's Sora's current situation?What was he thinking about?Dyne didn't even know.

"What about his news?" Ying stood up and patted the table and asked eagerly.

"Calm down, you won't be able to find him in a hurry." Seeing Ying's excitement, Dai Yin poured a basin of cold water on her.

When he saw Ying slowly sitting down and returning to normal, he continued: "Does the Abyss Cult know?"

"I know, they are inhuman monsters." Ying didn't know what Dine's purpose was, but she continued.

"When you travel, pay attention to them. You may be able to find some traces of him."

Dyne stretched out his hand, and there was a blue and white flower in it.The little flowers are very delicate and delicate, as if just a breeze can blow away the five-colored petals on them.


But unexpectedly, when the weak-looking blue and white flower fell on the table, it made a sound of collision with hard objects.

"This is..." Ying looked at the small flowers on the table that looked like they were carved out of white stone, and a picture of Sora suddenly appeared in her mind.

The picture was gray, and Sora was holding an identical little flower and placing it gently on the ground.

Then the picture flickered and blurred, and then disappeared from Ying's mind.

Dyne and Ying said in unison.When Dain heard Ying say the name "Intivat", he couldn't help but look up at Ying.

It seemed that Ying knew less than he thought.

"Intivat? What is that?" Pamon picked up the flower as hard as steel and looked at it curiously.

Could it be that Dine asked Wagner at the door to forge this flower?
"The lost ancient country, the national flower of Canria." There was a rare fluctuation in Dyne's eyes. He searched for the long-standing memories in his mind and continued:
"Intivat, it once bloomed in every corner of Camria. The flowering period of this kind of flower is only two weeks, and they will show their most beautiful appearance within two weeks."

"But if someone breaks off the flower, it will no longer grow, and will become very hard." "So, Intivat symbolizes [the wanderer] in Canria and means [the tenderness of hometown]."

Dyne's tone was as unchanged as before.But everyone felt an inexplicable sadness.

Affected by this, the small world that was originally talking and laughing became silent.

However, the silence did not last long. A sudden fragrance of flowers filled the tavern that should not have appeared, making everyone a little surprised.

"Come on, come on, one flower per person."

Ember held a large handful of freshly picked Intivat and put one on each of Dine, Paimon, and Ying's heads.

"Where did you get Intivat?!" Dain almost stared out of his eyes when he saw this.

He stretched out his hand to remove the Intivat from his head and twisted it in his hand.

The soft petals and overflowing fragrance hit her face, exactly as Daine remembered.

"Are you making such a fuss? This is a specially cultivated Intivar flower that can bloom anywhere!"

"How's it going? Do you want some seeds?" Ember said, moving closer to Dine.

Dyne wanted to accuse Ember of destroying the meaning of Intivat.But he took a deep breath, and the fragrance of the flowers in his memory flooded into his mind, making the pain in his body weaken a lot.

"Thank you, I owe you a favor." When Dai Yin's words came to his lips, they turned into thanks.He took the cloth bag from Yi Yan's hand and put it into his pocket with great care.

"Hehe, I'll give it to you, it seems to match you very well!" Paimon on the side took off the Intivar words on his head and inserted it into Ying's head.

Two large and small Intivat flowers were placed on Ying's head, and there was an indescribable sense of nature. Everything was so natural.

"Really? Saying nice things won't change the fact that Maura is consumed by you. Next, we are going to hunt wild boars in the wild." Ying's mood also improved, and she made a joke with Paimon.

" could this happen?!" Paimon took it seriously.She began to think about it, should she use her little treasury?
"That's right. Instead of being immersed in sorrow, it's better to take action!" Ember slapped the table and said, "Let's go find trouble with the Abyss Order!"

"It's rare that we have the same point of view." Dyne's expression management is definitely the best that Yi Jin has ever seen. Any expression that fluctuates on his face will turn into expressionless in less than two seconds.

"However, it seems that the Abyss Religion is difficult to find. Since the dragon disaster, we have been entangled with internal human forces such as the Fools, and we have not even seen the shadow of the Abyss Religion."

Paimon looked at Ying, who nodded, confirming her statement.

"Huh, really? Then have you ever thought that someone specifically ordered the monsters of the Abyss Order to stay away from you?"

Dain snorted coldly. He couldn't understand the thoughts of the Abyss Cult.

"In that case..." Paimon scratched his head. How could he still find traces of the Abyss Order?
"Don't worry, I have traces of the Abyss Order here." Dine put his hands on the table with a mysterious look.

"Have you ever heard of the Apostle of the Abyss?"

"I've heard of it. Isn't it the higher form of the Abyss Mage?"

"Not only have I heard of it, but we have also seen it! What is it called... what is the Abyss Chanter?"

Ying and Paimon each said a word, and Din was silenced again.

Dain looked at Ember, who was struggling with the hardened Intivat.


Feeling Dine's gaze, Yi Yan decisively cosplayed Wendy.

(End of this chapter)

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