King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 343 The hidden clumsy Dyne

Chapter 343 The hidden clumsy Dyne

Dain glanced at Ember and then looked away.He has somewhat adapted to it now.Maybe he wouldn't be surprised if Ember picked out an Abyss Apostle on the spot.

"Songer..., how did you meet this kind of thing? This kind of monster is a bit troublesome for me." Dain had doubts in his heart.

Although the Abyss Chanter and the Abyss Apostle are monsters of the same level, they focus on different directions.

If the apostles are the warriors of the Abyss Order, then the chanters are the conspirators hiding in the darkness.

Although they also have great strength, they prefer to hide in the dark and use some insidious means to achieve their goals.

In terms of difficulty level, the chanter is even more difficult than the apostle!

"Are you troublesome? It's okay." Ying recalled the two Abyss Chanters, Abyss Shang and Abyss Fire, and felt that they had nothing to do with "trouble" in any case.

"It seems that your strength is deeper than I thought." Dain nodded after hearing Ying's words.

As expected of being Sora's sister, he recognized this strength!
"Well..., forget it, thank you for the compliment!" Ying originally wanted to explain Yushang's affairs to Dyne, but found that it was too troublesome to explain.

Moreover, with Dyne's condition, he probably wouldn't believe that there would be such a strange chanter in the Abyss Religion.

Therefore, let’s wait until Dain and Fuchigami meet – if they have the chance to meet.

"In that case, it seems that the rest of the journey will be much easier." Dyne stood up from the table, then lowered his head and said to the screen:

"Let's go. According to my information, the Abyss Cult has recently been active in the [Temple of the West Wind Eagle]. I just want to go and investigate."

But before Ying could speak, Charles from a distance ran over first.

"Six large cups of stuffed apples, eight chickens stuffed with sweet flowers, and four fisherman's toasts, this..."

Dyne looked at the empty glasses and the plates on the table, and he found that the difference between himself and Paimon was even greater.

He is also a traveling companion, but he is not as good at eating as Paimon.

He stretched out his hand to stop Ying from taking out his own money.Dain took out a crystal clear emerald from the storage bag on his waist.

"No need to look for it. If I come here in the future, the cost will be deducted from this gem."

After that, Dyne walked out of Angel's Gift without looking back, leaving only an aura called "Brother Rich" echoing in the tavern.


The Guardians of the Four Winds of Mondstadt protect Mondstadt's powerful combat power. In order to commemorate them, Mondstadt built four temples outside the city for worship.

However, due to various factors, the four temples have become abandoned and have become gathering places for monsters.Among them, the Dongfeng Temple belonging to Tevalin even disappeared.

Of course, Tevalin Benlong is not very interested in these temples, sacrifices, and the like.

The temple of the Eagle of the West Wind is located between Mondstadt and the Land of Windrise, and represents the Knights of the West Wind, one of the Guardians of the Four Winds.

Although the Temple of the West Wind Eagle is the closest temple to Mondstadt, it also commemorates the Knights of the West Wind.

But when everyone came to the gate of the secret realm, the cracked stones and mottled moss all told the vicissitudes of this place.

If the temple of the Eagle of the West Wind is like this, I guess there is no need to look at the others.

"Is this a temple to commemorate the guardianship of the four winds?" Yi Yan looked up at the door that looked like a large tomb and couldn't help but complain.

"Although I was surprised when I first came here, the temple of the West Wind Eagle is right here." Ying nodded and said.

She was the same as Ember the first time, but at that time, she didn't care so much in order to cut off Tevalin's source of power.

Now it seems that it is really shabby.

"The external damage is insignificant. The older a secret realm is, the more dangerous it is. Don't take it lightly just because of the external damage."

After Dain made some great remarks, he opened the door and entered.

Teyvat's secret realms all seem to be built using the same technology.Many secret realms have similar layouts, similar patterns, and similar building materials.

If you just look at it from the inside, you can't tell which secret realm it is in.

This couldn't help but remind Ember of bad memories again - because the cemetery at the junction was almost like a secret realm.

All cemeteries use the same kind of bricks and stones, the same kind of white candles, and the same style of tomb passages.

Walking inside is almost like playing in a maze.The embers were swirling inside.If it weren't for his innate supernatural power, he probably wouldn't have been able to get out.

The gray and blue stone bricks in the secret realm are built together so tightly that if you don't look carefully, you might think they are a whole, which shows its superb construction skills.

On the stone wall, there are densely covered special patterns. These patterns seem to have some special function.

They emit a faint shimmer, and combined with the slimes condensed by the Qiuqiu people in the secret realm, for a while, you can see things clearly without any lighting.

This is much better than the cemetery at the junction.The cemetery at the junction was dim and dark, and it was impossible to see the way without lighting a fire.You might stumble over the bones on the ground.

Everyone was moving forward in the secret realm, and the only sound around them was their footsteps.

This secret realm is unusually large, with gray-green stone walls spreading out, and eventually disappearing at a certain height.

It seems that there is a huge pit under the temple, and the buildings in the secret realm were built in this pit.

Ember looked up at the top of the cave. It was very high, probably several hundred meters.

The cave is not only high, but also wide. The huge hollow is like a small world underground, and the light that penetrates from nowhere is the source of the light here.

"Some kind of space technology?" Yi Jin touched his chin and speculated.They are just traveling at normal speed and have not dropped off along the way.

The only explanation is that this secret realm uses space technology.

"Yeah, and it's still lost." Dine turned to Ember and confirmed.

"Hey, there's a story." Yi Yan smacked his mouth and said with emotion.

"This land has always had many stories." Dyne turned his head back.Then he pointed in a direction.

"I found it, the Abyss Mage. I just don't know if there are any Abyss Apostles."

Dain walked to a break and pointed to the Abyss Mage below who was talking to the people in Qiuqiu beside the campfire.

Ember, Ying, and others also came over, and the four of them just looked at the Abyss Mage below without saying a word for a long time.




"Hey! Why don't you say anything?" Pamon saw the silent people and stamped his feet.

"I don't know? I thought senior would take action!" Ying spread her hands and explained.

"I'm the same as Ying, but I'm waiting for Daine to take action." Ember said, and patted Daine on the back, beckoning him to go down and show off his power.


The gravel fell from the feet, and no reply was heard for a long time.Dain looked at the bottomless darkness under his feet. If he fell like this, no one would be able to find him.


Dyne knocked down Ember's iron hand.If his chassis hadn't been stable, he would have been in free fall by now.

"I rarely take action, so I'd better do it alone." As he spoke, Daine took a few steps away from the embers.

Because he felt that the ember might directly hit his feet, and if that happened, he would really fly out.

"I rarely take action, so I have to practice more." Yu Jin looked at the eyepatch on Dine's face and said it was an eyepatch. In fact, it was more like a part of Din's body, but this part was a little bit different from humans.

"Look at you, tracking the Abyss Cult, doesn't it require the strength to punch the apostle and kick the chanter?"

"Try it, maybe I can give you some pointers." Ember was actively encouraging Daine.

But Daine remained unmoved, "No, I have a way to compete with the Abyss Cult."

If you want him to take action, no way!

Ying couldn't stand it anymore when she saw the two people rejecting each other. She shook her head and said:
"I'll come!"

After saying that, Ying spread out her wings of wind and flew down.

(End of this chapter)

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