King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 345 What scene haven't you seen?

Chapter 345 What scene haven't you seen?

"No, it's best not to get involved in the abyss." Dain shook his head after hearing what Yu Ember said. Then he stared at the Ember between himself and Ying, and his brows finally furrowed a little.

"Even you, don't take the abyss lightly. Anyone who underestimates it will eventually be swallowed by it."

Dyne paused, then emphasized: "Without exception."

Dyne knew more about the taboos and dangers of the Abyss than anyone else.Because of this, he clearly understood how terrifying this thing that could erode the foundation of the world was.

The abyss is not only a mass of madness, but it also contains huge power and various magical uses that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

But this is not a reason to contact it. Compared with the destructiveness of the abyss, its "wonderful uses" are not so important.

There are many ancient civilizations buried under the ground, some of which were destroyed due to the use of the power of the abyss.Many of them are more developed than the Seven Kingdoms today.

Even Dain's own homeland, Canria.The godless country that surpassed any previous civilization was eventually reduced to ruins due to the out-of-control power of the abyss.

Although the role of gods cannot be ignored.

"Is that so? That's okay, I'll just stop contacting you." Yi Yan scratched his head. Seeing that Dain was rarely so serious, he agreed temporarily!
But if Abyss took the initiative to find him, that would be a different story.

"Dyne, you really know a lot about the abyss." Pamon couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw what Dine said so clearly.

Dain knew this dangerous thing so clearly, he was really well-informed.

"Haha, I have a close relationship with the Abyss." Dain spread his hands and said with a smile.

He was always sensitive when it came to things like the abyss.

"Okay, that's the end of the chat. According to the information I just got, the Abyss Cult is traced in the Wolf Territory." Daine looked at the slightly empty secret realm and touched his chin.

"I'll be waiting for you at Benlang Leader."

After saying that, Dyne disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! Why are you running so fast?!" Pamon saw Dyne disappear in an instant and stamped his feet angrily.

This guy left without saying a word.

"Actually, he didn't run away." Ember stood next to Paimon and Ying and pointed to the ground.

"He digs holes in the ground." Yi Yan said calmly as he looked at the blue light and shadow that shuttled through the earth's roots.

"Make...make a hole in the ground?" Ying obviously didn't understand what Yi Jin was talking about, her eyes filled with doubts.

"Don't think too much. He digs holes very fast. If you don't work harder, you will be left behind by him."

Yi Yan waved to Ying, and then strode out of the secret realm.

"Wait for me, senior!" Ying exclaimed and ran out.


Running into the Wolf Territory, this is the territory of the wolf.

It is surrounded by dense forests and crisscrossed ravines.Although there are no majestic peaks or mountains, the complexity of its terrain is not inferior at all.

Even the most experienced hunter will inevitably be confused by the dense ravines and trees that block the sky after staying for a long time, and then lose his way.

The only people who can travel unimpeded on this land are the wolves that have lived here for generations.

But obviously, this is true for ordinary people.

Ember and the others are naturally not included in this list.


A silver-gray figure sprang out from the lush jungle shrubs.Following him were two girls scratching their heads.

"Wow! These hooks are so annoying!" Paimon felt that his head was three times heavier and he quickly scratched it with his little hands.

As his hair became smoother, Paimon's hands overflowed with gauntlets.

She looked at Ying beside her. She was about the same size as her, and because Ying was larger, she had even more weird plants on her body.

Paimon suddenly felt much better.The happiness didn't disappear, it just moved from Ying's face to Paimon's.

"Why is Ember so fine?" Paimon saw the clean Ember on his body and felt that he must have some special skill.

For example, the footwork in Liyue's martial arts novels, or some magical magic. "Bang bang bang!"

Ember's arms banged loudly, "If you could wear the same armor as me every day, you could do the same."

"Okay... okay, forget it!" Paimon flew over and pulled Ember's arm, but it didn't move at all.

So Paimon decisively gave up the idea of ​​becoming Armored Pamon.

She also wanted to exercise and then hit someone!The result was so heavy, so forget it. Ying was already powerful enough on her own, she just had to be there to cheer her on.

"Is Daine here?" Ying also cleaned up the plants on her body at this time. She looked at the green space that was finally wider and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was traveling through the dense forest, whoever tried would know.

"Nearby." Yu Yan sensed the vicinity, and then led Ying towards a certain direction.

Dyne was not too far away from here. When Yi Yan and Ying came over, they saw Dyne looking far into the distance.

"What are you looking at!" Ember walked to Dine's side. In front of them was the huge altar where the Wolf King was.

The sun was just right at the moment, and there were many old wolves basking in the sun on the snow-white altar.

"Look at an old wolf that has lost its ambition." Dain said lightly.

"Do you know Andrius?" Ember looked at the peaceful altar below. It seemed that Andrius was still sleeping and did not hear Dine's bad words.

"I don't know it, and it doesn't know me." There was a hint of reminiscence in Dine's eyes.

"It's just that... my former traveling companion wanted to hear its story and learned a little bit about this old wolf."

This emotion called "memory" did not last long, and Daine quickly recovered his mood.

As if to change the subject, Dyne pointed to the looming fire in the distance and said to everyone: "Let's go, let's see if the apostles of the abyss have passed here."

"So, this place is so big, where should we start?" Paimon felt a little discouraged when he saw such a big place in Running Wolf Territory.

With such a big site, where to start?

"Let me tell you some more information. The power of the Abyss Cult in a certain area is generally not too dispersed."

"Did you see the bonfire over there? With the way the Abyss Order behaves, there should be some remaining traces nearby. Let's go look for it."

Dain said, wanting to take the first step.

Although the scope has been reduced, it is still very large. If we don't act quickly, we will have to work overtime today.

But before he could leave, he was grabbed by Ember.

Feeling the resistance behind him, Dai Yu stopped decisively. He turned around and asked Ember:

"Ember, do you have any ideas?"

"Of course, why not ask the wolf here?"

"Ask the wolf?" Dain obviously did not think of this method, or in other words, he did not have the option of seeking help from others in his mind.

No one can help him, and he doesn't need anyone's help.

"Watch it." Ember walked to the edge of the altar pit, made a trumpet shape with his hands and shouted loudly: "Hey! Lazy Wolf——, your little fanboy is here——"

The sound of the embers had an inexplicable penetrating power, directly waking up the sleeping old wolf and scaring away the wolves lying on the altar.

"Noise, noisy! What are you arguing about?! You don't know that the elderly need to sleep more!"

White frost filled the huge altar, and among the paleness, a giant wolf with blue and white colors and flying hair on its temples walked out.

"Ah~" Andrius yawned, then looked around his head and asked, "Where is my crush?"

"Here." Ember pushed Dine.


Dain feels that he has been more exciting these days than in the past few years.

(End of this chapter)

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