King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 346 Depression Treatment Master

Chapter 346 Depression Treatment Master

"Is this my fanboy?"

"It's true."

Andrius and Ember looked at each other, and then Andrius raised his paw, pointed at Dyne and said, "But I clearly heard him scolding me."

"Aren't you sleeping?" Yi Yan was shocked. Maybe the Wolf King didn't need to rest.

"You're not talking nonsense. Who sleeps during the day except lazy pigs?" Andrius pointed at the bright sky and shouted loudly.

"He hates you out of love. Don't worry about it. I really want to hear about your past glorious experiences!"

"I don't want to." Dai Yu firmly refused.He looked at Andrius who jumped up from the altar below and took a few steps back.

Having said bad things behind others' backs just now, Dain still felt a little bit flustered.


The Wolf King yawned, and then started talking to himself.

"I think back then, I fought against the tornado demon god Diekalapian..."

Perhaps it was because he hadn't talked to anyone for too long, so Andrius simply ignored Dine's rejection and just talked about his experiences in his youth.

During this period, Boreas popped up from time to time to add information about the history after the Demon God War.

Anyway, everyone listened with great interest, except of course Dyne.

His face was darker, although he still looked expressionless.

"So I gave Barbatos the position of Wind God when I was young and young," Andrius finally told everyone about his experience during the Demon God War in a joking manner.

These things are clearer and more vivid than those recorded in any book, but the accuracy is another matter.

At least Ember felt that Andrius definitely did not give up the Demon God War to promote the virtue of "loving children".

"Have you finished speaking? After finishing speaking, we should move on and look for traces of the apostles of the abyss."

When Dain saw Andrius finally stopped talking, he didn't want to waste any more time.

"Why are you so anxious? Isn't there a local snake who is most familiar with the Running Wolf Territory?" Ember lay on the lawn.

To be honest, he was a little bored, but because Andrius was talking so enthusiastically, he still listened patiently.

When Dain heard this, he also stopped. He looked up at Andrius, who reflected the frosty white luster in the sunlight.

This old wolf has been in Benlang Territory for thousands of years.This land may not be big or small, but on a thousand-year scale, even an ordinary person can know it well, let alone the King Wolf of the North Wind.

"Hmph! I knew you didn't mean to listen to my chatter." Andrius was not surprised. He snorted and then asked:
"Tell me, what do you want to ask? I know everything about this land, of course, only in the Running Wolf Territory."

"We want to know the traces of the Abyss Order!" Paimon immediately asked actively.

Although the story is very nice, the serious business should not be forgotten!
"The Abyss Cult?" Andrius recalled for a while, "Are you talking about those guys who exude a disgusting aura and teach the Qiuqiu people to cause destruction all day long?"

"Yes, that's them!" Ying nodded.

Andrius said nothing.It closed its eyes, and then Andrius' whole body glowed with dazzling white light.

After a while, the white light gradually dissipated, and Andrius also opened his eyes.

"Except for those guys with staffs and hairy necks who are chased by my people in the jungle, there are no other monsters similar to them."

"Is that so?" Paimon's tone was a little disappointed. She turned around and said to Ying, "It seems that our clue has been broken again."

"It seems those guys still have some brains." When Dain saw this, he wasn't too surprised.

"Why do you say that?" Ying felt a little confused.

"Andrius, the king wolf of the north wind, even the apostle of the abyss, is not willing to provoke such an enemy." Dyne felt the powerful aura of Andrius, and even without his body, the power of his will , enough to freeze the earth.

"Boy, you have great vision. You are worthy of being my fanboy." Andrius was very happy and glanced at Dyne with admiration.

Ember was also very happy, because for the first time he knew that wolves wagged their tails like dogs when they were happy. "Are you thinking of something rude?" Andrius looked down at the embers that were about to stir and said warily.

"You're overthinking it." Yi Yan scratched his head. Why did he find this passage so familiar?

"Again, I have no affinity for anything above ground."

Dain was very unhappy. He paused, as if he thought it was too cold to say this, and then added another sentence.

"Of course, there's no harm in it."

"Is there something wrong with this guy?"

Andrius leaned close to Ember and whispered.Why does it think Daine has a dying aura?
Just like those old wolves in the wolf pack who can't walk anymore, they don't care about anything anymore.

"Maybe I have depression, and I'm trying to treat it." Ember replied.It seems that what Dyne said that he got to know Andrius because of his traveling companion was true.

Because when Andrius talked about its "glorious experience," Daine's eyes didn't stay on Andrius for even a second.

He really wanted to learn about things that had absolutely no interest in him for the sake of his traveling companions.

"Depression, seems to be a lack of love? Should we put him in the wolf pack? The wolf pack does not include every member." Andrius gave his treatment plan.

"Come on, Dyne is a human and can't mix with wolves. This is a bad idea!" Ember retorted on the spot.

"Oh, do you believe this? Don't tell me that you can't tell. That guy is no longer human." Andrius glanced at Dyne who was walking away and snorted.

The smell of Dyne is like a combination of one-third Qiuqiu people, one-third abyss breath, and one-third human breath.

If this can be considered a human being, then Andrius can also call himself a human being.

"Go back and train your eyes. It's nothing to look at the appearance, it's about the soul." Yu Yan pointed to his own eyes, then pointed to Andrius's eyes, and then waved his hand to show that they were far behind him. .

This made Andrius very angry. He had only shown it to others before, but he didn't expect it to be the other way around today.

"Daine's soul still belongs to humans, there is no doubt about it." Ember explained.

"Besides, what if you're not a human being anymore? Aren't you also not a human being?"

Andrius felt that Ember was scolding it, but he couldn't find any evidence.

Paimon in the distance saw Ember and Andrius still chatting, so he flew over and called out. "What are you two whispering about? You have to leave!"

"Go, go, I'm going to sleep." Andrius was more active than Paimon, hoping that Ember would leave quickly.

"Oh——, I see, it turns out that you are a pig, not a wolf, Andrius. Goodbye, I will help you keep this secret..." After Ember sighed, he quickly disappeared.

This made Andrius put down the paw he had just raised in frustration.


"How about it? Isn't it faster than searching alone?" Ember caught up with Daine. He looked up at the still hot sun and said proudly.

"It would be faster if you just ask directly." Although Dain said that he was not forgiving, he had to admit in his heart that asking the Wolf King directly would be much faster than asking him stupidly alone.

"Isn't this for you? Didn't you say that you understand the story of the Wolf King? Now you are not happy to let you know more about it." Ember responded nonchalantly.

It's as if the story is the main thing and the traces of the Apostles of the Abyss are secondary.

"That's just what I did for my former traveling companions. It's not necessary now."

"If necessary, you can tell him again when we meet again. It will be more exciting and detailed, and it will be better than the first trip!"

Dyne's footsteps suddenly stopped, but after a while, they picked up speed again, very fast.

"Damn it, you kid can run so fast?!"

Ember watched Dyne disappear from sight in an instant.Without saying a word, he picked up Ying and Paimon and chased after them.

(End of this chapter)

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