King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 352: Full Reputation

Chapter 352: Full Reputation
"So, where are you taking me?" Dain and Ember asked helplessly as they walked on the edge of the Wolf Territory.

After "peeping" at the Abyss Order, Ember took Dyne and ran away. She said that she wanted to let him know a few people and tell him that he was not alone.

"A place that definitely interests you."

"I'm not interested in anything except the Abyss Order."

Dain was very decisive in his response to the Jedi. He did have many things that he was interested in, but these have all dissipated. Now, he just wants to thwart the plots planned by the Abyss Order.

"Do you want to see that tree?" Yi Yan pointed at the huge tree that stretched straight to the sky above the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, and continued to add: "I just took a peek at the Abyss Cult, and I relied on it."


"I admit that I spoke a little louder just now. Take me there. I'm equally interested in this tree."

Dain's face showed a hint of embarrassment, he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

In fact, Dain originally wanted to make a few excuses to save his face. But then he thought about it, this guy Yan Yan probably didn't even know what face was.

Fortunately, he just let go of his reserve.

"Very good, but it's a pity that the target this time is not it, but a person at the foot of its tree." Ember choked Daine with one sentence.

Dain squeezed his fists and exhaled, "Let's go. Even if we go to the foot of that tree, I can learn a lot of information."

As for "that person" that Ember mentioned, Dain had no expectations for him.

There are very few people in this world that he can pay attention to. An ember popping up was enough to surprise him, but if another one came...

Dine estimates that he will have to classify Mondstadt as a "high-risk area."

"There's no need to be so disappointing, that person has a good background." Yu Jin patted Daine on the shoulder, then walked toward the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain with the back of his head in his arms.


Longji Snow Mountain was originally a barren land, but now it seems to be full of life.

The biting cold wind ripped away the muscles and bones, and the face was more like a ball of soft cotton than the sharp ice blade before.

The first to perceive these changes are always the unknown green plants on the earth. They are more sensitive than any other animal, and as soon as conditions permit, they will expand their territory to wherever they can grow.

In short, Longji Snow Mountain is starting to turn a little green.

Such a conspicuous change naturally attracted the attention of everyone in Mondstadt.

Most people would only regard it as fodder for after-dinner chat. But for many adventurers and alchemists in Mondstadt, today's Dragon's Back Snow Mountain is a huge unexplored treasure house.

Affected by this, the original camp at the foot of Longji Snow Mountain has changed from a sparse two or three people to almost the size of a small town.

"What is this?" In front of a stall in the camp, Yi Yan raised a sweet flower and asked the shy Sugar in front of him.

"This is the octaploid sweet flower I developed. If Senior Ember wants it, just take it!"

Sugar's words explain why this sweet flower is so special.


Yan Yan plucked the sweet flower in his hand, which was as big as a sunflower, and was a little shocked.

As expected of Albedo's apprentice, he could easily do things that ordinary alchemists cannot do!
"It's a good result, it's better for Sutangqi to keep it for himself. Try to make bigger ones in the future!"

The huge embers of sweet flowers were put back. In just a moment, his palms were covered with nectar flowing from the stamens of the sweet octoploid flower.

"This is all thanks to the perfume bottle sent by Mr. Ember." After hearing Ember's encouragement, Sugar touched the animal's ear with some embarrassment.

With her current technology, the most she can do is cultivate a tetraploid Tiantianhua. As for this octaploid, I still relied on the perfume bottle.

This small perfume bottle seems to be specially made to contain plants and their extracts.

The perfume bottle can stimulate the activity of the plant matter in the bottle. For sugar, which specializes in bio-alchemy technology, it is even more powerful.

"Is that so? Then you are quite powerful yourself." After hearing this, Yi Jin understood.

Perfumers are similar to sugar to some extent, but they focus more on how to combine various substances in plants to exert various magical effects.

Sugar is studied to improve the characteristics of plants. Anyway, from the perspective of Ember, they are all the same, and they are all good things.

"Bye bye, try to get a sixteenfold body!" In the distance, Ember waved to Sugar and left.

Walking in the camp, Dain looked at the embers that responded to others from time to time, and felt that he was a little out of place.

"You seem to be very popular?" After another greeting, Dyne asked Ember, who was still waving.

Ember stopped his movements and said proudly: "Of course, if Mondstadt has a reputation level, I must be at the highest level!"

He, as a senior, does not live in vain!

"Awesome." Dain responded calmly.

"Excuse me." Ember nodded, then led Daine out of the camp and into the snow-capped mountains.

Dai Yin stepped on the meager green land on the surface of Longji Snow Mountain and looked at the faint golden light everywhere in the mountain. He felt a little enlightened for a moment.

He had also been to Longji Snow Mountain, but at that time, the snow mountain was no different from a dead place. No animals or people could be seen.

but now……

With just a cursory glance, Dyne could see several expedition teams composed of little green men.

The snow-capped mountains also became lively.

Dyne and Ember walked through the mountains. The light pouring down from the golden tree spreads evenly without any change. Walking among it makes people forget the passage of time.

"Finally we're here, this snowy mountain is still so high."

The narrow rock wall spread out, and what appeared in front of Yi Yan and Daine was a huge tree that almost filled their field of vision... and a small tent at the foot of the tree.

"Dang Dang! Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt, Albedo is here!" Ember ran to the camp, pulled Albedo who came out of the tent, and introduced to Dyne.

"This is your mother's hometown." Yi Yan leaned close to Albedo's ear and whispered to him.

Abedo's eyes suddenly widened. He stared at Dine in front of him. Mysterious and dark were the first feelings Dine gave him.

Somewhat similar to his irrational "brothers".

"Dain. Your mother is..." Dain looked back at the golden tree and stretched out his hand to Albedo.

Life created by alchemists? Dyne recalled Kanria's advanced alchemy technology and felt that although it was magical, it was not impossible.

However, since he can create artificial humans that are almost identical to humans, his alchemy skills must be among the best in the entire Canria.

Maybe he still has an impression.

Dain didn't mind helping Albedo, who was half a descendant of Kanria.

"Reindot." Albedo said the name of his irresponsible master and mother lightly.

Then he felt an extremely sharp breath coming towards his face.

"Such a big reaction? Do you have a grudge against that Reindot?" Yi Jin saw the windless cloak behind Daine's back and poked him in the cheek.

It was quite tough, and he could keep his face expressionless even while gritting his teeth. Yi Yan somewhat admired Daine's expression management.

The embers knocked the air out of Din in an instant. The dark blue cloak behind him stopped, and his clenched fists relaxed.

Dain exhaled as he patted away the fingers stretched out by Yi Yan.

"Huh..., I'm sorry, I'm a little rude."

"Your mother and I don't know each other." Seeing what Abedo wanted to ask, Dain blocked his mouth in advance.

He really didn't know Reindot. Although he sounded very powerful as the captain of the palace guard, he was actually just the security captain.

Compared with people like Reindot who can influence King Canria, he is still far behind.

"Is that so? It seems that just information about her is so hard to find."

Abedo smiled bitterly, Master, Master, where are you?
(End of this chapter)

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