Chapter 353 Repeater

"Are you looking for her?" Dain looked at Abedo, who had a pen holder by his ear and a notebook in his hand, and was a little confused.

This is not like looking for someone.

"Well..." Albedo recalled what Reindot said before leaving, and more wrinkles appeared on his face.

"Almost, but the hope is slim."

Abedo sighed. He had not even scratched the surface of the "truth of the world."

"But you can't give up, can you?" Dain had an inexplicable liking for Albedo.

Maybe this is some kind of sympathy?
"Indeed. By the way, let's not talk about this for now..." Abedo nodded, then as if he remembered something, he turned to the embers in the distance and shouted:
"Ember——, there is something wrong with the fruit of the golden tree."

Yi Yan, who was having a friendly interaction with the branches of the golden tree, raised his head and said, "What? Are you done talking? Shouldn't tears come to your eyes when you see a fellow countryman? Where are your tears?"

"Mr. Dein and I shouldn't be considered fellow villagers, right?" Abedo complained.

He was created by Reindot after the Cataclysm, so Potian could only be considered a half-Kanria descendant.

"As far as I know, this is Liyue people's slang. I'm not from Liyue, so it doesn't apply to me." Dain folded his arms and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Two tears streaming down your face? Dain had never been like this when Camria was destroyed, let alone just meeting a strange Albedo.

"Okay, what's the matter? Say it again, I was just playing with the golden tree and didn't hear clearly." Yi Yan pressed down the branches of the golden tree with a big hand.

"Let's go take a look at the tree. It's a bit hard to explain." Albedo thought for a moment and then led Ember and Dyne towards the trunk of the golden tree.

The huge tree trunk is getting closer and closer, and the texture with golden light on it is becoming clearer, making people can't help but stare at it.

Dain came under the tree trunk and looked up at the sky. Go out and see nothing clearly beyond the endless golden ocean.

Even the Sky Island, which had been floating high in the sky, disappeared under this brilliance.

"What on earth is this?" Daine reached out and touched the trunk of the golden tree. It felt like an ordinary tree.

Just when he was stunned, a suction force came from his palm that was in contact with the golden tree. Dain found that his power was being swallowed by the big tree in front of him.

"Hiss—" Dyne immediately retracted his palm, and the suction force disappeared.

"What's going on?" Albedo looked at Dyne's strange behavior next to him in surprise. He had never reacted like this to other people's golden trees.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that it might not like the aura on my body." Dain said and took a few steps back.

"Actually, no, it's just that the Golden Tree was hungry and wanted to eat." Yan Yan dug a hole in the ground with his back to the two of them. After he threw something in, he filled it up at lightning speed.

Abedo glanced at it from the corner of his eye. It seemed to be an indescribable mass of black and flesh-red.

Rubbing his eyes, Abedo felt that it would be better for him to forget those things.

Ember first clapped his hands, then stepped forward and patted the tree trunk.

"That's all I have in stock. You can figure it out on your own when you get hungry."


Inexplicably, a sigh seemed to ring in the ears of Dain and Albedo. Under the influence of this sigh, they felt that the golden light of the golden tree seemed to have dimmed a lot.

"Why are you sighing? When you grow up, you have to forage for yourself! By the way, there are a lot of things underground. You can dig deeper. I guess you can eat a lot."

"If it doesn't work out, I'll reluctantly allow you to open a small opening and come out, as long as nothing leaks in."


The sigh seemed a little happier, but still frustrated.

There is no way to be depressed. The golden tree just wants to eat "meat". As for its appetite...

Is there anything in Teyvat that can compete with the Golden Tree? Ember had reservations.

This hole cannot be opened, otherwise it will be over. By then, Ember will have no place to have fun.

"Ember looks... very familiar with this tree? Also, why can people communicate with trees?" Dain felt a little magical when he saw that Ember communicated with the golden tree without any hindrance.

Why does Ember know so much? Obviously the Golden Tree said nothing. Well, if the illusory voice in my ears just now can be considered words.

"He planted this tree. You have never seen a golden tree grow. It is simply a miracle."

Abedo saw the embers discussing something with the golden tree and said with emotion.

Do gods have such terrifying abilities? Abedo has never seen it, so let’s assume he has it. "However, if I want to communicate with the golden tree, I can do it."

Abedo smiled at Dyne, and then began to beat the trunk of the golden tree rhythmically.


The ground cracked, and a rather thick vine broke out from under the earth. It grew just under the feet of the three people, and took them flying into the sky.

"Do you still remember the fruits that the golden tree bore before?" Everything on the ground was shrinking rapidly. Abedo looked up and looked at the veins of the tree crown above his head that finally became clear.

"What's wrong? Is it ripe? Call the others, let's cut it and eat it." Yi Yan also looked up and saw a tiny white dot in the golden light.

If you didn't look carefully, you might think you were overusing your eyes and white spots appeared in your field of vision.

"No, it can talk."

Abedo sighed, tightened his expression and said.

He feels very sick now. Why are things related to Ember so strange?

Fortunately, the sound of the fruit is now very quiet, not as loud as the rubbing sound of the branches and leaves of the golden tree's crown.

But maybe one day it will turn into a loudspeaker, like it suddenly starts talking.

Before that, Abedo felt that he needed to find the first guardian of the golden tree, Ember, to come and take a look.

"???" Several question marks appeared on Yi Yan's head. Could it be that the golden tree bears not fruits but its cubs?

It seems that there is no difference between the fruit and the cubs for the tree, right? Unknowingly, Yi Yan's thinking slipped again.

"Talking fruit." Dain was a little numb. He had seen new and strange things recently. It seemed like there were too many, right?


"The world..., forgot me..."

"I poke!"

"The world——,forgot me——"

"I'll poke again!"

"The world~, forget me~"

"It's fun."

"Senior Yan Yan, stop playing." Abedo pulled Yan Yan away from him, who was squatting on the ground and poking at him.

The white fruit is the size of a person, with emerald green light flowing in it, and the elemental power overflowing from it has almost turned into substance.

However, those grass elements were absorbed by the golden tree as soon as they penetrated. Otherwise, the golden tree would have hirsutism.

Yan Yan stood up, touched his chin and moved around the white fruit, as if he wanted to see something.

Abedo saw that Yan Yan was so serious, so he handed over the notebook in his arms.

"This is my rough research, senior, please take a look."

Yi Yan took Albedo's notes and flipped through them slightly, but he couldn't understand them. Fortunately, Abedo thoughtfully wrote a summary at the end.

Throwing the notebook back to Albedo, Yi Yan said with a serious face: "You mean, if this thing explodes, it might turn the entire Mondstadt and part of Liyue into a rain forest?"

"What's even worse is that the growth of so many trees is more likely to cause climate imbalance. This is a more deadly threat than the rainforest itself!"

Abedo also had a solemn look on his face. When he came to this conclusion, he himself was shocked.

This small white fruit is so powerful that it can be said to be a weapon to destroy a country.

"Well..., I understand..." Yi Yan nodded, and then he jumped up and slapped him.

"It turns out you were the one who deflated the Golden Tree!"

"The world ↑, forget me ↓"

Guozi's voice became louder this time.

(End of this chapter)

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