King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 354 Answering Machine

Chapter 354 Answering Machine

"What a strange sound." Yu Jin couldn't help complaining when he heard the obviously changed tone of his voice.

"What's even weirder is that it only repeats this sentence." Abedo couldn't help but said while looking at the huge fruit in front of him.

At first he was very interested in this talking fruit, and even built a long-term camp on such a high branch.

It turned out later that this thing would only repeat this sentence all day long without even changing its tone. In addition, other research still required him, so Abedo went down to carry out his own work.

"The world..., forgot me..."

As soon as Abedo finished speaking, the white fruit repeated what it had said countless times like a reminder.

"Forgot it? But I don't even know who it is, how could I forget it?" Ember patted the fruit's skin, and as expected, its voice changed a bit.

"Do any of you know about it?" Yi Yan patted for a while, feeling a little bored.

"Ask us rather than ask the golden tree."

"No, this is the first time I've seen a talking fruit."

Dain and Abedo both shook their heads. They really didn't know what this thing was about.

"I asked, but it didn't know. It said it was sucked out from the big tree underground." Yi Yan scratched his head, this was not easy to handle.

I don’t know the origin, so should I keep it or take it off?

"Big underground tree?" Dain's ears twitched. He looked around and looked at the huge golden tree in front of him.

The trees under the ground couldn’t be World Trees, right?

"It should be the World Tree." Albedo's words confirmed Dine's conjecture. According to his long-term research, the branches of the golden tree can connect to the veins hidden under the earth.

The honeysuckle tree under the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain is the best example.

Because the golden tree would release some nutrients from time to time and throw them to its newly recognized "little brother", the honeysuckle tree also looks different every day.

Besides the golden tree, the honeysuckle tree is the largest tree in the world.

"World Tree..." Dain looked at the white fruit in front of him, his face became solemn.

"It's better not to touch the things sucked out from the World Tree. The World Tree contains all the history of Teyvat. Perhaps this fruit is the crystallization of a certain period of history."

Dain warned as he recalled the information about the World Tree in his mind.

He has never seen the World Tree, but Kanria used to be deep in the earth, so he has naturally studied the World Tree.

Therefore, Dyne also knew some information about the World Tree. As for more, we have to go to Xumi to find it.

The World Tree is guarded by the Grass God, one of the seven gods. No one knows where the World Tree is except her.

"Is that so? It seems quite important." Yu Yan glanced at the Ginkgo in front of him with interest.

"The world..., forgot me..."

Then it started talking again.

"I find this thing so annoying." Yu Jin felt like his ears were about to grow numb.

Then, under the gaze of Dyne and Albedo, a bud was pulled out from the trunk of the golden tree next to the white fruit.

Then the shoot grows and its leaves unfold. At the top, a flesh-red bud bloomed, and then in addition to the talking fruit, there was an additional talking flower.

"The world..., forgot me..."

"Who are you?"

"The world..., forgot me..."

"Who are you?"



"What are you doing?" Dain saw the white fruits and red flowers singing in harmony and rubbed his temples.

Could it be that he ate some poisonous mushrooms underground?

"Answer this fruit." Yi Yan clapped his hands, very satisfied.

The people of Liyue know the quality of the corrupted morning glory.

"Look, if none of us recognize this fruit, doesn't that mean we have forgotten it? So, stop shouting!"

Ember slapped the white fruit again. "The world..., forgot me..."

"Who are you?"

The white fruit immediately responded to Ember, but soon the red flower followed closely behind.

"I think it's so noisy." Abedo took out his ears. Originally, the sound of a repeater was loud enough, but unexpectedly there was another one.

"Same feeling." Dain nodded in agreement.


Descending from the towering golden branches, Ember and the others returned to Albedo's camp.

"Just ignore it?" Abedo walked out of the tent and looked up at the sky, seeming a little worried.

"No matter, the golden tree won't die anyway. If you are interested, you can go and study it."

Ember looked like it was in ruins.

"Forget it. I have so many research topics that I really can't spare the time to study a new project." Abedo smiled bitterly. Why did he feel that Yi Yan was somewhat similar to his master?

But after thinking about it, there are still many differences between Ember and Reindot.

At least he won't really ignore it. And judging from the spread of the roots of the Golden Tree, as long as Ember is not on an uninhabited desert sea, in fact he will never leave the Golden Tree.

This is very different from Reindot.

She really doesn't care about anything.

"Alas -" Thinking of this, Abedo couldn't help but sigh.

"Why are you sighing? You're too busy? Show me your research project. Maybe I can give you some direction."

Ember saw Abedo's sad face. Suddenly I felt a little angry. Is the overtime problem in the Knights so serious? Look, the child is tired.

"There's no need for this. Senior's previous guidance has been enough for me to go for a long time. That's not why I sigh."

Abedo quickly calmed down after hearing Yu Yan's words. He walked to a storage box in the camp and took out a colorful reagent.

"Here you go, I guess it will have some effect on the swelling and pain in your body." Under Dine's surprised gaze, Albedo threw the strange-looking potion over.

Reaching out to catch the potion, Daine looked at the colorful potions flowing in it and shook his head.

"Forget it, my body is useless."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Abedo stretched out his arm, and black and red marks began to appear on his white palm.

Just like when the Abyss Mage died.

"Hiss--, if the loss of control is like this, it will be really painful." Abedo clenched his open palms tightly, and the black and red traces disappeared.

"You... were eroded by the abyss?" Dain was shocked when he felt the aura of the abyss suddenly rising and dissipating from Albedo's body.

The aura that Abedo leaked just now was much stronger than that of the apostles of the abyss.

"Not counting being eroded by the abyss, it should be said that the materials that make me up are extracted from the abyss."

Abedo explained calmly.

Dyne was eroded by the curse and the abyss, and was at risk of going mad; the same was true for Albedo. Chalk is a material refined from the black soil.

The black soil is a manifestation of the power of the abyss.

Abedo was afraid that he would lose control, so in addition to ordinary research, he was also looking for ways to stabilize himself.

This project initially made no progress at all, just like the research topic assigned to him by Reindot.

But since the arrival of Ember, things have been different.

Ember's words about human nature guided Albedo's research on the subject of the truth about the world.

The golden tree's absorption of the forbidden power in the earth's veins provides a possibility for Albedo to restrain his loss of control.

That is to use the golden tree to absorb impure materials produced by defects in one's body.

"How about it? You can try it now. Although it won't completely eradicate it, it can make you feel better." Albedo pushed the potion that Dine had put down on the table and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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