King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 357 Rescue Station for Fools

Chapter 357 Rescue Station for Fools

After thinking for a while, Yi Yan felt that it was more likely that Dine was a snake, because Yi Yan had also killed snakes before, and he was not merciless.

In view of his calm state of mind when he slaughtered the abyss serpent, Yu Ember made this judgment.

Seeing that Yi Yan and Dai Yin stopped whispering, Bai Zhu and Chang Sheng also stopped talking.

After looking at the curious eyes of the fools around him, Baizhu shouted to the house: "Agui, come out for a consultation!"

"Here we come, master!" Agui ran over in a hurry, holding a large handful of herbs.

"I took a quick look and found that these are just bruises caused by overwork. With your current knowledge, you should be able to deal with them."

"This is your first consultation, don't let me down." Baizhu smiled at Agui.

"Yes! I promise I won't disappoint the master!" Agui, who was still a little depressed, straightened up as if he had been given a shot of blood and started working overtime.

He put the herbs in his hand on the counter and quickly ran to the clinic seat, looking extremely excited.

Agui is the only disciple of Atractylodes Atractylodes. He has been working as a pharmacist in Bubulu. Although he is free, he is quite different from the doctor in his mind.

What Agui wants is to hang a pot to help the world and heal the common people like Atractylodes! Now, he has finally taken the first step towards his ideal goal of becoming a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Seeing this, Bai Zhu nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that Agui is so energetic, should I give him more chores in the future?

Yu Yan looked at the smile on Bai Zhu's lips, and inexplicably felt that there was a small sinister aura emanating from him.

Is this the legendary villain?

"Why are there so many fools here?"

So what if you're shady? As long as it doesn't affect the embers.

"Other places won't accept them, so they have to come to my Bubulu."

"I will be given a performance increase at the end of the year, so I have to consider whether it's time to thank the fools." Baizhu shook his head, and it could be heard from his tired tone that he was not relaxed.

"Mr. Bai... are you... a patient...?" Qiqi ran over because she noticed that Agui seemed to be motionless.

"Well... I'm a guest. Qiqi, go help Agui, he's very busy."

"Okay... okay."

Qi Qi nodded and jumped towards A Gui's direction. Then she paused, turned around and said, "Yes... that's right, the patients in the ward... need to... run away!"

"Wow! Doctor Bai, come here quickly. My brother is trying to escape. Do you want to give him an injection?"

As soon as Qiqi finished speaking, a boy wearing a winter hat ran out of a side door of Bubu House.

"Huh? Where is Mr. Ember?" Bai Zhu intuitively blinked his eyes and Ember disappeared.

"My intuition tells me that he should go to the escape patient's ward." Dain patted the dust on himself and complained.

"Toke, don't be anxious, I'll go and have a look. If you don't follow the doctor's orders, even the executive officer can't do it." Bai Shu touched Toke's head, and then walked into Bubu Lu with a dangerous aura. in the ward.

"You... don't come over!"

"Jie, Jie, Jie, no one will come to save you even if you scream until your throat is broken!"

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Yi Yan finished saying this, Bai Shu walked in. He pushed up his glasses and asked in shock at the scene in front of him.

I saw the young master sitting slumped on the hospital bed, with a frightened look on his face. It seemed that he was very frightened.

As for the embers, they were sitting on the frame of the window, firmly blocking the open window.

"I see your legs and feet are very nimble? Why did you run to the hospital bed? Are you trying to be lazy?"

Ember asked the young master fiercely. The young master's "Duang~" just now almost knocked him over. Is this the strength a patient should have?

I definitely don’t want to dig the river channel, I just want to be lazy!

"But I hurt my wrist." The young master said with tears in his eyes, his hands wrapped in white rice dumplings.

Damn it, why did you just recuperate and be lazy, and then you met Ember again?

"What? That's okay." Yu Jin saw Young Master jumping down from the frame of the window with his "round hands" that were about to be wrapped into cocoons.

"Don't move..." After Bai Zhu saw Yu Yan jump down, he stepped forward and looked at Young Master's wrist.

"Fortunately, nothing's wrong. I just need to take another dose of medicine." Baizhu looked at the young master's "white pig's trotters" and said with a sigh of relief.

Looking at the young master who was lying down obediently again, Bai Zhu turned his head and shouted: "Qiqi, bring the concentrated pure heart syrup, I want to use it." " he comes!"

This time Qiqi's reaction was unusually fast. Almost as soon as Baizhu finished speaking, Qiqi ran over with a bottle of liquid that looked like water.


Qiqi put down the medicine bottle and quickly moved away from here as if he had seen some wild beast.

Qiqi has forgotten many things, but there are some things she will never forget.

For example, coconut milk is delicious, Mr. Bai's medicine is very bitter, and the one with the word "Qingxin" in it is the bitterest...

These are things that Qiqi will never forget even without a notebook.

"Tuoke, feed this bottle of medicine to your brother, don't leak even a drop!" Baizhu said to Tuoke and Young Master with a smile on his face.

"Ember, Dain, let's go, let's find a secluded place to talk." The screams behind Bai Zhu and the smile on his face made him even more sinister.

Looking at the poor-looking young master not far away, Yi Yan inexplicably felt that he was a little miserable, but good medicine tasted bitter and there was nothing he could do about it.

After taking such a bitter medicine, the young master should recover quickly...right?

"What a strange little girl, whose life is locked up?" Dain asked with interest as he watched Qiqi go away with the talisman paper on his head.

"Mr. Dain should be even more special than Qiqi." Bai Shu nodded, and then led Yu Hu and Dain into a medicine room deep in Bubu Lu.

"Are you two here to see a doctor?" Bai Shu closed the door and stared at Dyne in front of him.

Although Bai Zhu's eyes were directed at Daine, Daine himself turned his head and looked at the ember beside him.

"Sick? We two are not sick." Yi Yan spread his hands.

"Oh? That's strange. Mr. Dain's appearance seems to be a little different from that of a normal person." Baizhu looked unbelieving. With Dain's appearance, anyone who is not blind can tell that there is something wrong with him.

"Hey~, let's not mention this for now. Let me ask you, Bai Shu, are you seeking immortality?"

"I'm already here at Baizhu."

The little snake next to Bai Zhu's neck responded to Yu Yan's words, like a boy or a girl.

"Oh, it turns out your name is Changsheng. I thought your name was Xiaobai." Yi Jin looked at Changsheng who was speaking and didn't care.

It's just a talking snake, is it rare?

As long as the curse frog doesn't talk, nothing can scare Ember.

"What a random name?" Changsheng felt that Yu Jin was just trying to make fun of him. Would anyone really give him such a random name?

"Indeed, human lifespan will eventually come to an end. For mortals, immortality is the greatest temptation."

"I am not exempt from vulgarity."

Bai Shu didn't smile, and seemed extremely candid.

"No!" Yu Yan refuted Bai Shu's words confidently. Because he saw that Baizhu's aura was almost connected to longevity.

Moreover, there is still a trace of black energy lingering on Bai Shu's body, and it seems that he has sucked things into his body that do not belong to him.

"You seek immortality because of the little white snake in your body!"

"My name is Changsheng."

Changsheng reminded weakly.

When Bai Zhu heard this, the smile on his face gradually disappeared. He sighed and said with emotion: "It is widely said that Mr. Yu Jin has extraordinary abilities. When I saw him today, he really lived up to his reputation."

"So, Mr. Ember came here for 'immortality'?"

"That's right!" Yi Yan nodded, and then introduced Dyne to Bai Zhu like he introduced Albedo:

"Baizhu, let me tell you good news! Dain is more suitable for immortality than you!"

Ember said in a tone of white art, you are so lucky.


Dyne's head was full of question marks again.

(End of this chapter)

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