King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 358 Give up martial arts and become a doctor, Dyne

Chapter 358 Give up martial arts and become a doctor, Dyne

"I don't need a snake as a pet, even if it can talk."

After being stunned for a short time, Dyne came to his senses. Although the white snake around Bai Zhu's neck was magical, Daiin had no interest in it.

At most, there is just a sense of surprise.

"I'm not a pet, and I don't like people wearing eye patches!"

"Why haven't I heard of you having this habit before?"

Hearing Chang Sheng's angrily shouting, Bai Shu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Is there still such a taboo about longevity? But when treating patients with eye diseases, we haven’t seen any extreme reactions from it?

"There is now!"

Changsheng grinded his teeth and groaned angrily.

"Haha, you are so many generations older than me, why are you acting like a child?"

When Bai Shu heard Chang Sheng's child-like performance, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"I am a snake with an old heart. What do you, a junior, know?" Changsheng raised his head with an old-fashioned look.

When Bai Zhu saw this, he did not argue with Chang Sheng. Having been with Changsheng for so long, Atractylodes' temperament is still very clear to him.

"Ember, you also saw it. Changsheng and I have a very close connection."

Bai Zhu sat in front of the locker in the medicine room and made himself a cup of nourishing tea.

"Want to come? It's very nourishing." Seeing Yu Yan's curious look, Baizhu raised his teacup and said with a smile.

Yan Yan stuck his head out and looked at the tea in Baizhu's hand. It contained some ginseng and some fruit. Just one look at it and he knew it would definitely cause nosebleeds.

"Look, I've already said that Dyne is more suitable for immortality than you. Look at you, you've become like this."

Yan Yan took the tea cup from Bai Zhu's hand, looked at it for a moment, and then put it down.

He ran to Dine's side and knocked on his body. Apart from drawing Dine's eyes to roll, he was unable to move Dine at all.

"Look at this, how strong this body is, absolutely resistant to damage."

Ember promoted Daine to Changsheng as if he were selling something good.

Then he got another eye roll, and together with Din's, Ember already had two eye rolls.

Bai Shu didn't roll his eyes at Yu Yan anymore. When he heard Yu Yan's words, he nodded thoughtfully and began to think deeply.

For a long time, Bai Zhu took a sip of the health-preserving tea. Then he raised his head and said to the embers:

"It seems Mr. Ember knows more than I thought."

"That's natural. The intrigue between the two of you cannot be hidden from my eyes."

Yu Yan waved his hand to Bai Zhu, pretending to be humble.

After finishing his fart, he put his hands on the table and said seriously: "Young man, I'm not scaring you. If you continue like this, your life will not be long!"

Yu Yan's words made Dain look at Bai Zhu a few more times. Judging from the experience just now, this man named Bai Shu not only has superb medical skills, but also has a rare benevolence.

What's even more difficult is that he is still a young man. Dain can only imagine how many people Bai Zhu will save in the future.

But Ember now told him that Bai Shu's life was not long. How could Dain not be surprised by this?

"Of course I know this, otherwise, I wouldn't be so actively seeking the elixir of life."

"The boss of Bu Bu Lu, a doctor with superb medical skills, is obsessed with longevity medicine. This is a well-known news around Bu Bu Lu."

"If I didn't have a lot of time, how could I be so arrogant?"

Bai Shu said and sighed. He is not a person who likes to show off, but the elixir of immortality is hard to find, and his health is getting worse day by day, so he has no choice but to take this step.

Even taking in the slow-moving Qi Qi, there was still the slightest thought of studying zombies for immortality.

But later, Baizhu gradually regarded Qiqi as his sister.

"Immortality is not a good thing, especially when you have no way to stop the wear and tear of time."

This was the first time for Dyne to meet someone who was so persistent in his pursuit of immortality and put it into action. He gave advice from a person who had experienced it based on his own experience.

"I know better than anyone else. But, I have a reason to do this." Bai Shu didn't take Dine's warning to heart. As the most famous doctor in Liyue, he naturally has no shortage of connections.

Whether it was giving him clues about the elixir of immortality or advising him to give up his delusions, there were all of them.

And mostly the latter.

"When you become immortal, you will find that the price it requires is something you cannot expect and cannot bear now." Dain still did not give up the idea of ​​advising Bai Shu.

"Do you know why my medical skills are so superb?"

Bai Shu suddenly asked about this, leaving Dai Yin stunned.

"I don't know, I haven't needed to see a doctor a long time ago."

Dain shook his head. He once knew what herbs could stop bleeding and regenerate bones, and what methods of bandaging could make wounds heal faster.

But now, these have been forgotten in the long river of time.

When Bai Shu heard this, he glanced at Dai Yin meaningfully and continued:

"Firstly, I am familiar with medical books and know the art of Qihuang. Secondly, it is because of my [Er Snake Dragging the Dragon Technique]."

Bai Shu widened his eyes, which had been slightly squinted, and there were two vertical pupils in them.

They looked more like snake's eyes than a human's.

"This [Er Snake Drags the Dragon Technique] is a good technique. It can save people's lives, but it requires my own life."

"Everyone in the past generations died early because of this, and immortality has been passed on to me. Now, it is my turn to suffer this fate."

"But I don't want to die, and I don't want Agui to become a sick man like me at a young age, and I don't want to have eternal life rotate through everyone's hands like a tool."

"This lineage has been passed down to me for a long enough time."

Bai Shu's tone was filled with unshakable determination. No matter what, he also wants to refine the elixir of longevity.

This is not only for myself, but also for possible future "contractors".

They are equally worthy of being saved!

"Don't you want to persuade him?" Dai Yin did not waste any more words with Baizhu. He just glanced at the silent Chang Sheng and asked casually.

"Changsheng? It doesn't need to think about so many things." Bai Zhu shook his head. Changsheng's mind is more like a child, and Bai Zhu doesn't need to think about so many things.

"No, it definitely knows more than you." Dain's tone was also very sure, just like Bai Zhu's just now.

When Changsheng heard this, he was no longer silent. He raised his head, avoided Bai Shu's sight and said, "Baizhu, this guy is right, Changsheng will twist you!"

"Have you noticed that you just said that this snake is like an 'object' that has been rotating in the hands of others? Isn't this the distortion of this snake by Changsheng?" Dine added on the side.

This time Baizhu was silent. After thinking for a long time, he slowly said: "From what you say, Dain, you seem to have lived for a long time?"

"To a certain extent, it's the same as the immortality you desire." Dain nodded and told Bai Shu directly.

"So..." Bai Zhu pushed up his glasses, looking a little excited.

"So hurry up and give up your immortality to Dyne! It's said that Dyne is more suitable for immortality than you. You don't believe it, and you still have to compete in the debate here."

Ember popped out from between Daine and Bai Shu and said a lot of words.

The argument between Bai Zhu and Dai Yin was so fierce that he didn't even get a chance to interrupt. Out of boredom, Yu Yan even drank all the tea that Bai Zhu made.

Now I have found an opportunity to intervene, so I should make good use of it.

"What do I need this talking snake for? Catching mice underground?" Dain sneered, but he didn't need it.

"Dyne, don't you want to take a shower?"


"This snake is the Teardrop Larva, the being that can make you give up martial arts and become a doctor!"

Ember said a lot of words that no one understood.

"Dane, become a doctor!"

(End of this chapter)

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