King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 361 Martial Arts

Chapter 361 Martial Arts

"Take a look, take a look! The stone amber coming out of the new mine is of top quality!"

"Don't miss it when you're passing by. The newly written couplets are neatly written and the dialogues are smooth. They will definitely bring good luck for the year!"

"Baozi, freshly baked buns, delicious and not expensive!"


The current Liyue City is indeed as lively and busy as Bai Shu said. As soon as the genius dawned, the streets near the dock were already noisy.

Considering that the streets here are on two levels, Yu Yan estimates that the current flow of people will double.

Although Liyue is very prosperous in normal times, there will never be such a crowd of people in the early morning.

It's a pity that Dain couldn't see this lively scene. He ran away from the embers immediately after coming out of Bu Bu Lu.

It seems that the Sea of ​​Lanterns Festival is not very attractive to Dyne.

Looking at the bustling scene in front of him, Yi Yan had a new question in his mind. Didn't Bai Zhu say that the Hai Lantern Festival is a rare free time for Liyue people in the year? Why is everyone still getting up so early?

But seeing the smiles on people's faces, Ember soon had an answer.

Because people don’t care about so many things when doing what they like. Things like whether you are busy or not, whether you have enough rest time, etc., are only considered when you are working.

Walking along the street, there were constant shouts from both sides. The things on the stalls are also so dazzling that it is almost hard to see through them.

In the vast crowd, Yu Yan suddenly saw a familiar figure. That was Dugu Shuo, a young man who had "sparred" with him, a young man who aspired to become a hero.

At this time, he was sitting on the bench of the stall, his eyes looking at something intently.

Yan Yan squeezed through the crowd and walked over, and found that the stall Dugu Shuo said he was at was a bookstall, and Dugu Shuo was holding two books in his hands.

One was the "Rules for the Development of Nine Wise Warriors" that Yi Yan had given him before; the other was a book that Yi Yan didn't recognize, and it seemed to be much thicker than the "Rules for the Development of Nine Wise Warriors".

"This kid loves to study so much?" Yi Yan was shocked at first, and then a burst of worry came - if Dugu Shuo's intelligence exceeds nine points by studying, then his book will be useless!


But when it comes to Lonely Shuo on the other side, does he like to study? The answer is of course no.

When he was usually studying in the school, he was always thinking about how to sneak out to "practice sword" while the lecturer was not paying attention.

As for why he started studying at the Hai Lantern Festival now, it was purely because he encountered obstacles on his path to becoming a hero.

"This word..., read 'halberd'? When facing a magician, a halberd is compared to a straight sword..."

After identifying the words he didn't recognize in the dictionary, Dugu Shuo pointed to the words on the other side of the "Code of Nine Wise Warriors" and read them word by word.

The obstacle Dugu Shuo encountered on his journey to becoming a hero was that he couldn't even read the words in the book.

It has to be said that this is a sad story.

"Hiss..., is that so? A halberd? It should be a weapon similar to a spear, right?"

"I didn't expect that polearms could be used like this. It's because my thinking is narrow."

Behind Lonely Shuo, someone had read the densely packed small print on the book before him.

"Okay, Xingqiu, stop looking! This must be something secretly passed down by others. Go away quickly to avoid making people unhappy!"

A boy with short light blue hair was pulling another boy with dark blue hair, a guilty look on his face.

This is the alchemist Chongyun and the hero Xingqiu!

Originally, Xingqiu and Chongyun wanted to take advantage of the Hai Lantern Festival to see if there were any new books on the shelves.

Unexpectedly, after this reading, there were no new discoveries on the bookstall, but there were great gains in the hands of book friends who also read.

"Hey~, there's no rush!" Xingqiu ignored Chongyun's actions. He was now completely immersed in the "Rules for the Development of Nine Wise Warriors" in Dugu Shuo's hands.

There used to be many martial arts sects in Liyue, and martial arts classics were published frequently. But later people discovered that twenty years of martial arts training was not as good as one punch from the Eye of God.

As a result, the martial arts sects that once stood on the land of Liyue gradually disappeared, and finally reduced to the status of three or two big cats and kittens. Xingqiu himself is a person who loves martial arts, and he also has a high talent in martial arts.

Otherwise, he would not have learned all the martial arts of the Guhua sect within four years and thoroughly understood the three arts of the Guhua sect.

However, after understanding the Three Secrets of Ancient China, while Xingqiu was ecstatic, he also gained a little more insight into the decline of today's martial arts world.

The three skills of the Guhua sect are the spear method [piercing the bright method], the sword method [cutting the rain method], and the double skill of spear and sword [the shengke method].

Over hundreds of years of inheritance, these three methods have gradually become dusty and no one can inherit them.

But Xingqiu understood it thoroughly. The so-called spear and sword skills are actually pupil skills.

The Three Wonders of Ancient China do not mention the eye of God, but they do mention it. All its techniques are based on having the Eye of God.

It’s no wonder why the three unique skills of ancient China have been covered in dust for hundreds of years.

How few people have the Eye of God? There are probably only a hundred or so people in Liyue as a whole. As for the one who is obsessed with martial arts, he is probably the only one.

With such stringent requirements for practitioners, it is no wonder that the Three Skills of Ancient China have been lost.

In Xingqiu's opinion, situations like the Three Jue of Guhua are common in the martial arts world.

Each sect develops its own moves with the Eye of God as its core. The moves are very powerful, but no one can learn them.

If the original martial arts world could change its path, instead of focusing on studying how to strengthen the use of the Eye of God, and instead focusing on teaching ordinary people how to become stronger, I guess the current martial arts world would be a different scene.

Xingqiu sighed when he thought about this.

Then he lowered his head and read the book again - because Dugu Shuo turned the page.

Xingqiu was completely immersed in books. In the boy's martial arts book in front of him, he saw another path to the martial arts world.

That is to teach people how to become stronger step by step!

How should weapons be used? How should muscles be exercised? What should I use to push my limits...

All kinds of ways to become stronger are available in these books, and they are very easy to understand. It's's like teaching people who read books to be fools!

The more Xingqiu read it, the more delighted he became, and he also longed for the author of this book.

He can describe the profound and obscure martial arts skills so vividly and even humorously that children as young as five or six can understand them.

The author of this book has achieved a level of martial arts that is unmatched by Xingqiu.

This kind of person no longer needs the Eye of God to prove himself.

"It's so slow! Boy, can you turn the page faster!" Xingqiu saw the pleasant part, but found that there was no more content.

Seeing that Dugu Shuo was still looking up words in the dictionary, he squatted down and urged Dugu Shuo to start.

"Who are you? Don't interrupt my steps to become a hero!" When Dugu Shuo saw someone grabbing his precious martial arts secret book, he immediately trembled and closed the book.

This is his treasure, there must be no mistakes!

With this thought in mind, Dugu Shuo hugged the "Nine Wise Warrior Cultivation Rules" tighter.

This suddenly made Xingqiu even more anxious. He pulled up a bench and sat next to Dugu Shuo. He smiled and said, "Like you, I want to be a hero and a righteous person!"

This stunned Chongyun, who actually saw flattery in Xingqiu's smile.

Is this the Xingqiu he knows?

"Oh ho ho, that's it! It seems that we have the same ideals!" Dugu Shuo also felt very happy after hearing this, because he finally found someone who was consistent with his ideals.

Ever since, Dugu Shuo opened the book generously and started reading with Xingqiu.

Chongyun on the side saw Dugu Shuo not shying away from suspicion, so he also pulled up a bench and sat down.

Soon, there were three young men obsessed with martial arts in front of the small bookstall.

(End of this chapter)

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