King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 362 The Hero and the Alchemist

Chapter 362 The Hero and the Alchemist

Even though the Hai Lantern Festival has not officially started yet, Xiao City is already overcrowded.

The bookstall, which is usually not visited by many people, took advantage of the convenience of the season and achieved the success of people coming and going.

Countless tourists picked up a book out of curiosity and flipped through it for a few minutes, then put it down and walked to the next stall that caught their attention.

However, among the moving crowd, there was a special trio who never left the bookstall.


Xingqiu's hands felt itchy after seeing it, so he raised the wooden stick on the ground and performed the tricks according to the movements mentioned in the book.

Although he had just learned about this move, the sharp energy exuding from Xingqiu's movements showed that he had already understood it to some extent.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a martial arts genius. When Dugu Shuo and Chong Yun were still confused, Xing Qiu had already started to master it.

"Boy over there, don't swing my crutch around. My crutch can't withstand your torture!"

The old voice of the stall owner came from behind. When Xingqiu heard the words, he took a look and realized that the "wooden stick" in his hand was an old man's crutch.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't know!" Xingqiu immediately stopped and returned the crutch to the stall owner with a smile.

He turned around and was about to return to his seat when he felt something touch his feet.

Looking down, Xingqiu found that the crutch he had just returned had rolled to his feet again.

After calming down, it seemed that I could still vaguely hear the snoring coming from behind me.

Xingqiu was originally surprised that he picked up a stick at random, but now it seems that the bookstall owner was simply too conceited and didn't put his crutches away.

Stuffing the crutches into the mezzanine of the lounge chair, Xingqiu finally returned to his seat.

He glanced sideways at the "Martial Arts Secret Book" in Dugu Shuo's hand and found that it was still the same page.

Xingqiu couldn't help but sigh, geniuses are always troubled.

Just when he wanted to urge Dugu Shuo to turn the page, he saw the white-haired boy closing the big book with a "bang".

Xingqiu also saw the real name of this "Secret Book of Martial Arts".

"'Nine Wisdom Warriors Training Code'? What a strange name." Xingqiu scratched his head. This name didn't sound like Liyue's style.

But he soon figured out that although this book was also about martial arts, the writing on the blackboard, martial arts terms, etc. were very different from Liyue. It was not a thing of Liyue, which was normal.

"I'm going to buy soy sauce. My mother will spank me if I'm late." Dugu Shuo stuffed the books into the sack he put on the bookstall, looking like he wanted to leave.

"and many more!"

Xingqiu's horse stood in front of Dugu Shuo with a golden sword, blocking his way.

"What do you want to do?" Dugu Shuo looked Xingqiu up and down with his wary eyes. Could it be that he met a gangster?

Thinking of this, Dugu Shuo felt a little excited. It seemed that the martial arts he had studied so hard for many days would finally shine in glory today - he completely forgot that his current three-legged cat martial arts could not even stop his mother's "caress".

"Of course I am a book friend with you!" Xingqiu rubbed his hands, which made people wonder if he had ulterior motives.

In fact, this was the case. Xingqiu took out a secret book from his arms and showed it in front of Dugu Shuo.

"Have you ever heard of the Guhua Sect?"

Xingqiu looked mysterious.

"I've heard that it's the largest sect in Liyue!" As someone who aspires to become a hero, Dugu Shuo has long inquired about the status of various sects in Liyue.

Although the number of Guhua sect is only in double digits now, it is really the number one sect in Liyue.

In the past, Dugu Shuo only wanted to join this sect one day. Of course, this desire is not so strong now.

"Huh huh huh! I am the current senior master of the Guhua sect, and this book is the legendary [Three Secrets of Guhua]! Do you want it?"

"Now if you lend me the book you just read, you can get the teachings of the senior brother of the Guhua Sect, plus the unique secrets of the Guhua Sect!"

With that said, as if to show his generosity, Xingqiu also took the initiative to hand the three skills of Gu Hua to Dugu Shuo. Dugu Shuo took the next step. He flipped through the book and felt a little strange. Why is the martial arts secret book that records the unique skills of the Guhua Sect so new now?

Maybe it’s the Guhua Sect’s unique skill that values ​​itself! Dugu Shuo explained this unreasonable phenomenon in his mind, so he continued to read.

As Dugu Shuo flipped through the pages, his little face became more and more distorted. It was exactly the same as when the young master drank Qingxin Concentrate - because the words in this book were similar to ghost symbols and could not be seen clearly at all!

"How's it going? Do you think it's very profound and powerful?"

Xingqiu's tone was full of temptation, and Chongyun's eyes were also full of doubts.

When Chongyun saw Xingqiu looking completely different from usual, he felt that his best friend might have been possessed by an evil spirit during a certain heroic act.

【In this case...】

Chongyun looked at Xingqiu who looked like he was kidnapping a child, and took out a talisman from the talisman around his waist.

"Monster, leave quickly!"

The bright yellow talisman paper automatically burned without wind, and then burned directly, forming a bright yellow ball of light in the air.

This is the talisman specially developed by Chongyun based on his [Pure Yang Body].

In addition to exorcising evil spirits, it also has a wide lighting range, is windproof and waterproof, and does not require fuel.

It is really an excellent helper for Chongyun to go out and do justice!

"Elder brother! Your head is on fire!" Regardless of whether you agree or not, the relationship between Lonely Shuo and Lonely Shuo is considered established.

"What?!" Xingqiu rubbed his eyes, and then felt an unusual heat coming from the top of his head.

"Look at my Caiyu Sword Technique!" After reacting, Xingqiu's fingertips flew, and tiny water arrows shot out from his fingertips, hitting the pure Yang flower above his head. The fire was extinguished.

The power of pure Yang only has a strong restraint effect on ghosts and evil spirits, but for ordinary things, its effect is not very great.

In addition, Xingqiu is also a person with the Eye of God, so there is just a hint of blackness on the top of his head.

"Good! Wonderful!"

"Wow, I didn't expect there to be jugglers in Xiao City! It's really a worthwhile trip!"

"But isn't this a bookstall?"


Continuous applause came from all directions. The performance of the three people was really wonderful, which made the passersby cheered.

Of course, this also includes idle embers.


Dugu Shuo saw Yu Yan's extremely conspicuous figure at a glance and ran over immediately.

"Hero?" Xingqiu wiped away the black burn marks on his head, and then wiped it on Chongyun's body.

This kid actually carried out a sneak attack. It seems that the next time he performs a heroic act, he must be allowed to test the water first.

"That's right! This is the real hero. That book was given to me by the hero. He is my goal in the future, Dugu Shuo!"

Dugu Shuo looked excited. Ever since he found out that Yu Yan was effective for his Scarecrow and the "Nine Wisdom Warrior Development Code", Yu Yan had become the person that Dugu Shuo yearned for the most!

"Really? If you don't want your journey as a hero to lie on the ground from now on, you'd better buy soy sauce now, otherwise your father-in-law will definitely spread your butt!"

The words from Ember were like the cold wind in the snow-capped mountains, making Dugu Shuo's heart feel cold.

"Hero, I will definitely come back to find you!"

After a brief weighing, Lonely Shuo chose to give up the embers and go buy soy sauce. Because his mother's iron sand palm has a full thirty years of skill, it is a burden that Dugu Shuo cannot bear now.

"Waiting for you at any time." Looking at Dugu Shuo's retreating figure, Yu Yan waved to him.

(End of this chapter)

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