King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 363 The only way to understand Rice Wife

Chapter 363 The only way to understand Rice Wife

"Hero, hey, Chongyun, did you see that?" Xingqiu heard the conversation between Dugu Shuo and Yu Jin, and tugged on Chongyun's sleeve and said.

"I saw it~ If you don't go up and ask for advice, they will have to do their own thing."

Chongyun rubbed the hem of his clothes that had been wiped black by Xingqiu just now. He caught a glimpse of Yi Yan walking to the bookstall from the corner of his eye and reminded him.

It seemed that the "hero" Dugu Shuo called him was interested in some of the books on the bookstall.

It would be bad if you wait until people are really immersed in it before disturbing them.

"Yes, yes!" Xingqiu shook his head and muttered a few words, then abandoned Chongyun and hurried up.

But at this time, Ember's attention had been attracted by a book on the bookstall.

Picking up the copy of "Please, my Lord Fox Immortal Palace Secretary" lying on the stall! ", the embers turned the pages of the book.

It's not that he likes reading novels or has any special hobbies. It's purely because of the two words "Fox Fairy" and "Gong Si" in the title of the novel.

From Yu Yan's only understanding, these two words should be relatively close to Inazuma's side.

It's damning to say that Dao's wife's order to lock down the country has been implemented extremely thoroughly. There is really no news about that land in recent years.

Otherwise, Ember wouldn't be searching for information about Inazuma using this seemingly shady book.

"Welcome home! General..."

"Eat first? Shower first? Or..."

Yi Yan touched his chin. He felt that there was something wrong with the plot. The two protagonists of this book are both female, but why do they seem to be in a relationship?

I don't know about that fox Ember, but that general is definitely not the shy character in the book.

Just because she stabbed him when they disagreed, Yi Yan knew that this woman was definitely in a menopausal state.

Like the state in the book, Yi Yan estimated that it was because General Thunder had eaten some big mushroom that could fascinate the gods, and he was hallucinating.

After scratching his head, Yan Yan didn't quite understand. But it didn't stop him from continuing to read, because there were many customs about Inazuma, which could help him better understand the islands in the thunderstorm.

"Uh..., Chongyun, do you think heroes can read this kind of book?" , he couldn't hold himself any longer.

The hero actually knows how to watch "Please, my Lord Fox Immortal Palace Secretary!" 》? This made Xingqiu have to wonder if he was dazzled.

"Didn't it say in the story that heroes all have special quirks? Maybe this one is it." Chongyun nodded. Anyway, he didn't care too much about heroes. How about Ember, it wouldn't affect him at all.

"This is not a special hobby. Only when you are open to all rivers can you transcend yourself as an individual."

Yi Yan closed the book in his hand, turned his head and said to the two teenagers in front of him.

"Hey, are you bothering me?" Xingqiu said a little embarrassed when he saw Yu Yan closing the book.

"No, I've finished reading it." Yi Yan put the book back in his hand.

In this novel, which is neither too long nor too short, Ember still gained a lot.

For example, the palace secretary is the person in charge of Kamizura Taisha Shrine, and is in charge of matters such as the worship of Inazuma and the suppression of evil spirits.

Another example is the existence of a special race of monsters in Inazuma. And because of their special abilities and rare numbers, generally speaking, monsters seem to have a higher status among Inazuma.

Another example is that he can let Mengt act as a monster, lead him to get through the pass, and enter the rice wife openly...

These are the inspirations this book brings to Ember.

"Hero, do you think this book is good to read?" In addition to being a chivalrous and righteous person, Xingqiu also has a hobby of writing.

Although not many people have read his debut novel "The Record of Shen Qiu's Picking Up Swords".

"I'm not sure. This is the first time I've read a novel. I don't know if it's good or bad." Yu Yan replied in an uncertain tone.

When these words fell into Xingqiu's ears, they naturally turned into Yuan Yan, who was too obsessed with martial arts and had no time for entertainment. Now that my magical power has been accomplished, I am traveling down the mountain. This may be the first time I have seen such a miraculous thing.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu's eyes almost glowed when he looked at Yu Yan.

To a certain extent, although the process of Xingqiu's guess was not quite right, the result was not much different.

"This is my first time even reading the novel. He is indeed a hero!" Xingqiu exclaimed with bright eyes.

Yi Yan blocked his peek with his hand. Why did he feel a dazzling light?

"Just call me Hu Jin, a hero or something... let's just forget it!" Hu Jin recalled Liyue's definition of "hero" and felt that a hero could be compared to the knight in his impression.

Ember's chivalry is quite acceptable, provided he is not blinded by the power of Kick Ha.

Do your best to win, win by any means necessary! This is the taboo power of kicking! Under the influence of this power, Ember will stop at nothing to win.

Including but not limited to the use of wet scythes, ring-seal knight swords, large goat suits, hara-kiri hound pace double cross knives, inviting people to eat chocolate and other means that ordinary embers would never use.

In short, it is very terrifying and a power that must not be touched.

"Senior Yan Yan! Senior Yan Yan!" Xingqiu pulled Yan Yan back from his memories.

After coming back to his senses, Yi Yan immediately shuddered. It was really terrifying. He was almost swallowed by the force of Kick Ha just now.

"What's the matter?" Yu Yan asked Xingqiu. He just had to pull himself out of the kicking force, and he would help Xingqiu no matter what!

"Senior Yan Yan, that book..., that book..." Xingqiu scratched his head and scratched his head anxiously. He was so focused on reading the content of the book that he forgot the title. What a miscalculation.

"The Code of Development of Nine Wisdom Warriors." As Xingqiu's best friend, Chongyun, of course, had to step in to help Xingqiu at this moment.

"Yes! That's it. I heard it was written by you?" Xingqiu's face showed some expectation.

"Hmm..." Yi Yan lowered his head and thought for a moment, and it took him a while to realize that he was talking about the book he gave to Dugu Shuo.

"Yes, I wrote it."

Yi Yan nodded. This time he finally knew where the inexplicable light just came from - it came from Xingqiu's eyes.

"Is it possible that Xingqiu knows magic?" Chongyun couldn't help complaining when he saw such a scene.

If Xingqiu can maintain this state, then there will be no need to worry about lighting problems when slaying demons in the future.

"Hero, you really are a hero!" Xingqiu kept mumbling something.

Ember expressed that he did not want to talk to him and threw a copy of "The Code of Development of Ten Wise Warriors" to him.

"Senior, why is the title of this book different from the previous one?" Chongyun has excellent eyesight, and he immediately recognized the difference between this book and Dugu Shuo's.

There’s actually a little more intelligence on the cover!

"Because I think he is a little smarter than that guy Dugu Shuo." Yu Yan pinched his thumb and index finger together and said to Chongyun.

Then he raised his hands and spread his fingers. Several very similar books appeared between his fingers like magic.

"Chongyun, do you want this "Code for the Development of the Ten Powers Mages" or the "Code for the Development of the Ten Powers Prayer Masters" or the "Code for the Development of the Ten Powers Spell Masters"?"

From Yu Jin's point of view, Chongyun is not lacking in intelligence, given that his spells tend towards professions such as mage.

So Yi Yan decisively took out his newly compiled series of cultivating mages for Chongyun to choose from.

As for whether there will be a series to develop an assassin, a series to develop an archer, or a series to develop a little knight in the future...

Ember doesn't know either.

(End of this chapter)

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