Chapter 364 Heroes

"How about it? Which one do you want?" Yi Yan piled up several books and asked Zhong Yun.

Seeing his confused look, Yan Yan threw all the books in his hand over, leaving Chongyun in a panic.

In fact, he just thought the book was too heavy and didn't want to hold it.

Not far away, Chongyun took a while to sort out the simple and heavy book in his hand. He flipped through it casually a few times, and what came into view was a complex and different special magic circle.

In the center of the magic circle is a burning palm, and behind the palm are clear and mysterious complex lines.

Kindling the Fire - A prayer derived from ominous prophecies. Can trigger instant burning flames from his hands. It can be used immediately after other actions.

Ashes to extinguish flames are taboos for the golden tree─

The prophet who believed in the golden tree saw the flame and was expelled from his hometown.

"Lighting the fire, basic flame prayer. Beginners should be proficient in copying the prayer pattern, and then..."

"Bang!" Chongyun slammed the big book in his hand shut. He frowned. Although the "Fire Burning" method and principles described in the book were completely different from the magic, from Chongyun's point of view, this was a magic from another land. .

But things like magic are secretly taught in Liyue. No, this special power is taught secretly not only in Liyue, but also in the Seven Kingdoms. What is spread among the public is nothing more than some body-building methods or self-defense techniques.

If you want to control extraordinary power, you either have to inherit it from your family, or you have to go through a lot of hardships and learn the skills from a master.

Most of those who claim to teach magic and alchemy in public are liars.

But is Ember a liar? Chongyun looked at Xingqiu, who was gesticulating something, and now he was immersed in books again.

Although his best friend often cheats on him, his martial arts skills are beyond compare. Xingqiu's senior brother of the Guhua Sect is not someone he calls himself.

Xingqiu can be so immersed in it, which shows that the book's understanding of the word "wu" has reached a certain depth.

"Senior, this... I can't accept this." Chongyun tidied up the books in his hands and handed them back to Ember.

"Huh? Is there something wrong? Do I remember? I checked it several times." Yu Yan said as he turned over the development series in his hand.

It seems that those guys in my body are getting worse and worse. I can't even ask them to compile a book. It's a pity that they claimed to be gods before!

Yes, these books in the Nurture series were not written by Ember - does he seem like the kind of person who can write books?

These are all ways that Yu Yan found to kill time for the few idle guys in his body.

For example, the chief editor of the Nine and Ten Wisdom Warrior Development Codes in the hands of Xingqiu and Dugu Shuo is Yousui, and the chief judge is Ember.

As for the books on magic, prayer, and incantations in Chongyun's hands, the chief editor was Epilepsy, and the chief judge was still Ember.

Although Hu Yan can't write a book, his ability to find faults is second to none.

Don't say it's substantively wrong, even if it's just one word wrong, you have to type it back and rewrite it!

Because of this, Epileptic Fire and Youshuo are now proficient in Teyvat language.

As for Corruption and Chuhuo, Corruption might be able to write a "Super Biology", but for Chuhuo..., it would be a blessing if he didn't burn other people's manuscripts.

"No, there should be no mistakes in the senior book." Chongyun scratched his head. In fact, even if there were mistakes, he couldn't tell.

"Then why not? I don't think you're very strong either?" Yu Jin closed the book and breathed a sigh of relief. He almost wondered if one of him and Chong Yun had an eye problem.

"Uh..." Yu Yan choked Chongyun with just one sentence. Although he was indeed not a strong man, he wouldn't say it directly!

Taking a deep breath, Chongyun solemnly said to Yi Yan: "Senior, these things are not secrets, I shouldn't accept them!"

"What?" Yu Jin almost thought he heard wrongly. This was the first time that he had been rejected when he offered love.

"I can't accept them. You should leave these things to your senior's future apprentices!" Chongyun gave another book in his hand, and also snatched Xingqiu's.

Although there was resentment in his heart, Xingqiu didn't say anything. After in-depth understanding, he also discovered the extraordinary things in the book.

This kind of thing can usually only be seen by becoming a disciple and joining a sect. He has watched so much for free, so he should be satisfied. "The same goes for leaving it to future generations. The stronger you become, the happier I will be." Yi Yan inserted the book into the arms of the two of them again.

Hearing this, Chongyun stroked the thick book in his hand and felt puzzled, "Why would senior do this?"

There are so many strong people, even if Ember is also strong, that's not a good thing, right?

"Well..." Yi Yan touched his chin, what should I say?

If you really want to be serious, maybe it can be said that it is the inertia developed from previous experiences?

Originally, Yi Yan thought he could sleep in a small wooden box until he died. As a result, the bell rang and woke him up from the cemetery.

Later he found out that he was going to burn firewood. But there is no good firewood in the world, so we have to pull out the firewood that has been burned once and burn it again.

What made him collapse was that he was not included in the firewood that was pulled out. Ember was simply woken up.

What made him even more devastated was that all the firewood added up was still not enough to burn! In the end, Ember had no choice but to go up on his own.

The result is that he seizes the fire, burns, burns, burns!

"Maybe because I'm a hero?" Ember said like a joke. He didn't intend to talk about those old things.

Even if he said it to Yu Ember, they probably wouldn't understand it, so he might as well explain it in a way that they could understand.

"And he's still that kind of tired hero." Ember yawned and added.

"A little tired hero?" Xingqiu thought for a moment, is there any hero like him?

"Yes, when you become stronger, you won't need me to do many things. At least, I won't have to do anything." Yu Ember said and laughed a few times.

"Is that so?" Chongyun heard this and finally took back Yi Yan's book. His eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Hehe, isn't this what senior is saying, asking us to be more chivalrous and righteous?" Xingqiu put his arms around Chongyun's neck and chuckled.

Although the two of them are not great heroes, they still have the reputation of being knights.

Moreover, Chongyun's reputation in this regard is even greater than that of Xingqiu. The reason is that his identity as the second young master of Xingqiu Feiyun Chamber of Commerce is too dazzling and overshadows his other identities.

Some people may even speculate on Xingqiu's "chivalrous" motives because of his identity.

Xingqiu felt a little envious of Chongyun when he thought of the rumors he heard from time to time.

Chongyun comes from a family of alchemists, so he has the responsibility of subduing and eliminating demons.

However, due to the extremely rare pure yang body in his body, Chongyun himself could not see evil spirits, and he was often regarded as a liar because he could get rid of evil spirits just by sitting down.

When he thought of this, Xingqiu, who was still a little envious of Chongyun, suddenly felt a lot better. To a certain extent, they can be regarded as brothers in need.

"Walking chivalry?" Yu Jin looked at Xingqiu and Chongyun in front of him, but he didn't expect these two boys to have such a hobby.

"Yes, a chivalrous person." Xingqiu nodded.

"Conquer demons and destroy demons, part-time as a chivalrous person." Chongyun still couldn't forget his main responsibility.

"Chongyun, Chongyun, you'd better accept your fate! You can't even see the demon, so how can you get rid of it? You are just doing chivalry and justice!" Xingqiu said decisively.

What he said is actually correct. Most of the heroic acts of Xingqiu and Chongyun happened because Chongyun heard about the evil in a certain place and rushed there.

If we really talk about it, there are far more evil people than evil spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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