Chapter 365

"Can't you see the evil?" Hearing Xingqiu's words, Yu Jin carefully looked at Chongyun in front of him.

Well, he is a very angry young man.

Yi Yan nodded. The fiery aura of life flowing around Chongyun was much richer than that of ordinary people, and was almost overflowing.

This kind of breath is called growth power here, but in Liyue, it should be called [Yang Qi].

"Hehe, don't underestimate Chongyun. He is proficient in alchemy. In fact, he has never even seen what evil looks like!"

"Senior, you have never seen Chongyun's "Yaxie Qizhijialu", it is full of..."

"You're the only one who talks a lot!" Before Xingqiu finished speaking, Chongyun stepped forward and covered Xingqiu's mouth.

Chongyun doesn't have any secrets. If he really wanted to, it would be this "Yaxie Qizhi Family Record".

This is not because there are any shocking secrets or super magic spells recorded in this book.

"Yaoxie Qizhijialu" is a catalog of evil spirits passed down by the Chongyun family. Successors of all generations have recorded in detail the evil spirits they have conquered in this book.

Everything from nameless monsters to big monsters active in anecdotes are all recorded. In addition to detailed written records, inheritors of past generations also added drawings to it.

It can be said that Chongyun's biggest help on his journey to conquer demons was this all-encompassing family letter.

But after this "Yaoxie Qizhi Illustrated" was passed into Chongyun's hands, some small troubles arose - Chongyun couldn't see Yaoxie's appearance at all.

Ever since, the painting style of "The Illustrated Records of Demonic and Evil Chronicles" has become more and more bizarre. It's best not to delve into the ferocious beasts with seven wings and five legs, the half-fish and half-human monsters.

"Hmm... it's really novel that as an exorcist you can't see evil spirits." Yi Yan thought for a moment, then smiled.

"It's not novel at all." Chongyun shook his head expressionlessly.

"Senior, do you know what it feels like every time you leave with joy and come back disappointed? Every time!!!"

Chongyun clenched his fists. Every time there were rumors of evil spirits appearing somewhere, he was always the first to arrive.

But every time he arrived, those evil spirits who were rumored to be so powerful were burned to death by his body of pure Yang, which made him waver in his plan to conquer demons.

Are you really suitable for this path?

"Then is there any solution?" Yu Jin raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Chongyun was very resentful about not being able to see Yaoxie.

How can such a quiet young man be so angry that he almost loses his temper? How can this resentment not be great?

"No, before Chongyun thought about suppressing his pure Yang body. Later, under my persuasion, he turned to looking for monsters who would not be scared away by his pure Yang body." Xing Qiu shook his head.

"It seems like it still has no effect?" Yi Jin saw Chong Yun's erected hair softening again and smacked his mouth.

"You can't find such a monster at all." Chongyun spread his hands. Pure yang bodies are too great a threat to evil spirits, and there are no evil spirits who are not afraid of pure yang bodies.

"Haha, are you guys busy?" Seeing Chongyun and Xingqiu looking like this, Yu Jin knew it was his turn to appear!

There is no shortage of evil spirits in the underground world of Liyue.

"not busy."

"I won't come to Xiaoshi if I'm busy."

Xingqiu and Chongyun replied that there is no difference between being a knight and doing justice and subduing demons.

They are shopping in Liyue now because the Hai Lantern Festival is approaching, the evil people have restrained themselves, the evil spirits have shrunk, and they have nothing to do.

"That's good, come with me! I'll take you to meet Yaoxie."

"Well..., it's very powerful. Even a pure Yang body can't drive away the evil spirits!"

Yi Yan smiled mysteriously at Xingqiu and Chongyun behind him, then turned around and walked away against the flow of people.

Xingqiu and Chongyun looked at each other, then shouted and followed.

"Senior, wait for me!"×2


Cuijue Slope is located to the west of Guiliyuan and north of Luhua Lake. In terms of geographical location, it is just another ordinary depression in Liyue.

There are countless places like this in Liyue. It is said that the huge depressions all over the land of Liyue were caused by the rock spears dropped by the Rock King during the Demon God War. As for whether it is true or not, no one can test it. As soon as they entered Cuijuepo, everyone noticed the difference here.

It was clear that he looked bright and bright before, but as soon as he walked into Cuijuepo, the weather became gloomy.

The thick dark clouds could not reveal a trace of light, making the entire Cuijue Slope look extremely dark.

In the darkness, there was a glimmer of light.

Apart from the firelight emitted by the usually growing flame flowers, the most eye-catching thing about Cuijuepo is the nine huge stone pillars standing in the depression.

The stone pillars seemed to be inlaid with stone amber, emitting a faint warm yellow light in the darkness.

"Ah... sneeze!" Standing on the hillside, Xingqiu felt the cold wind blowing in front of him and unexpectedly sneezed rarely.

His body has been strengthened by the Eye of God. No matter it is hot summer or deep winter, he will not feel any discomfort. He did not expect to feel the cold here.

"There's... something unusual here." As an alchemist, Chongyun is much more sensitive than Xingqiu when it comes to looking for evil spirits.

He could detect the difference, but he couldn't tell what the difference was.

"No, you are from Liyue and have never been here before?" Yu Jin complained immediately when he saw Xingqiu and Chongyun looking here for the first time.

He, who has only been in Liyue for a few months, has traveled all over Liyue, but these two locals haven't been to Cuijuepo yet?

"Who has nothing to do to come to such a deserted place? Do you want to do chivalry for Qiuqiu and Slime?"

"The correct answer is that I can't see demons in the first place. In this uninhabited land, even if there are demons, I can't get rid of them."

Xingqiu and Chongyun nodded simultaneously. How big is Liyue? If you really want to finish the journey, I'm afraid it will be the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Only someone like Yu Yan, who was extremely fast and had nothing to do all day long, could travel all over Liyue in such a short period of time.

"Is this the place where the great demon lives that senior said?" Chongyun stepped forward and carefully looked at Cuijue Slope above.

Messy gravel, weathered and decayed wreckage, Qiuqiu people chasing something unknown... If you ignore the abnormal weather and the huge stone pillars nearby, Cuijue Slope will be no different from other desolate places in Liyue.

"Yes, that's right here." Yi Yan's eyes turned to a closed stone door in Cuijue Slope.

"The howling demon wind is breathtaking, this is definitely the place where the great demon is!" Before Chongyun could say anything, Xingqiu shook his head and muttered a few words.

"When did you learn the art of identifying monsters and finding evil?" Chongyun was a little surprised when he saw Xingqiu's words were clear and logical.

Is it possible that this close friend of mine also practiced alchemy when he was alone?

"Learned it from the storyteller." As expected, Xingqiu didn't learn any alchemy at all, he was just careless.

"Tsk, you can't do this, you need a professional." Yu Jin waved his hand to Xingqiu, then patted Chongyun on the shoulder and asked:

"How's it going? Did you see anything?"

Chongyun was speechless. At this moment, he clasped his hands together, holding an upright yellow talisman tightly between his two palms.

The yellow talisman was made of steel. Although the wind was freezing on the hillside, the talisman did not waver at all.

"Clap clap clap!"

The talisman paper in Chongyun's hand made a crisp crackling sound. The talisman paper was broken into tiny strips of paper from the middle, and each strip of paper pointed in a certain direction.

"Nine heavens are aligned to calm the evil grudges."

"The righteousness of the nine directions is the center of the formation."

"The location of the formation eye is right here!"

The talisman in Chongyun's hand burned out of thin air, and with a push of ashes, he knew the magic here.

The location of these nine stone pillars is the position that a certain expert found to suppress the monsters.

The nine pillars are connected, and the entire Cuijue Slope is a demon-suppressing formation with the nine pillars as the position and the sky and the earth as the map.

(End of this chapter)

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