King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 366 The Nine Pillars of Jingshi

Chapter 366 Nine Pillars of Peace

"Is this what formation you were talking about?"

In Cuijue Slope, Xingqiu touched the ancient and vicissitudes of stone gate in front of him and asked Chongyun with a hint of amazement.

He didn't expect that there would be such magical things in such a deserted place. It really opened his eyes!

Should I expand the scope of activities with Chongyun? I can't find such "good places" in Liyue and Qingcezhuang.

Xingqiu thought this in his heart, without considering the possible roars of his elder brother and father in the future.

"This is it." Chongyun also reached out and touched the thick stone door in front of him. Unlike Xingqiu, he could clearly feel an obscure force flowing through it.

This must be the power contained in the formation here.

"Then how to open it?" Yu Jin saw Chongyun's understanding look and asked how to open the stone door.

He looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see any mechanism on it? Not only the mechanism, but also the crack in the door.

This made Yi Yan begin to wonder whether this thing was a stone slab or a stone door.

"I'll give it a try." Chongyun took a deep breath, and then began to chant the incantation.


His voice was as thin as a line, let alone Xingqiu, even Yu Yan couldn't hear what he was talking about.


A bright flash of light burst out from Chongyun's fingertips and disappeared into the huge stone door in front of him.

Then nothing happened.

"Chongyun, have you been slacking off recently? Why is this technique useless?" Xingqiu ran forward and buckled the stone door. There was nothing wrong with it, not even a scum fell off.

"Well..." Chongyun covered his head and lowered his head in thought.

"This formation is too powerful. The formation-breaking method passed down in my family is useless." After a while, Chongyun found the reason.

There was nothing wrong with his gestures and formulas. The only problem was that the formation was too stable, and even the magic techniques specifically used to break the formation could not shake it at all.

"The powerful formation here, what exactly is being suppressed here?" After hearing Chongyun's words, Xingqiu became even more curious about what was behind the door.

"Of course he is a great demon who is not even afraid of pure Yang bodies!" Yu Jin patted the two of them on the head, and then said: "But if you can't open this door, you won't be able to see anything."

Yi Yan took back his palm. If there was really no other way, brute force cracking was not impossible, but it was best not to do so.

After all, this is a historic site, so we should protect it as much as we can.

"Quick, quick, quick! Chongyun, take out your all-powerful "Yaoxie Qizhijialu" and find out how to break this formation!"

Xingqiu was even more excited after hearing this.

Speaking of which, because he and Chongyun were inseparable, he had never seen any evil spirits. Xingqiu was also full of curiosity about the things that Chongyun could not forget.

"Cough cough cough! Stop shooting!" Chongyun was so shocked by Xingqiu's shooting that he turned sideways away from Xingqiu, then looked at the nine stone pillars looming in the dark mist in the distance and said:

"If we want to break the formation, we have to look under those pillars. Those are the positions of the formation and the nodes of its power."

Chongyun said, striding towards the direction of the stone pillar.

Xingqiu is very excited, but why not Chongyun?

Based on the size and style of this formation, Chongyun was certain that those suppressed must be ancient demons.

As for how big this demon is? Chongyun didn't know, but he could definitely be big enough to not be afraid of his pure Yang body.

When he thought of this, Chongyun's heart agitated. His pure Yang body can finally work!

As for the previous one? Chongyun felt that wherever he hit the stick, he was not able to exert the power that a pure Yang body should have.

A true pure Yang body should be one that integrates Yang energy into alchemy and uses it at will!

Just like how he lit Xingqiu's hair before.

But it's a pity that Chongyun couldn't even find a demon that could resist the aura of a pure Yang body, let alone a big demon that could allow him to cast spells that incorporated Yang energy.

Cuijuepo is very gloomy, like the moment when the sun just sets in the evening when the yin and yang meet.

The first stone pillar was not too far away from everyone. Soon, the three of them arrived at the base of the stone pillar. The stone pillar is more than ten meters high. Different from ordinary cylindrical pillars, this stone pillar is a rectangular parallelepiped.

From Yu Jin's point of view, they are somewhat similar to the chopsticks used by Liyue people when eating.

The top of the stone pillar is the most severely weathered, but even though the edges are uneven, the huge stone amber on the top of the stone pillar still emits a faint light, like a bright lamp in the green slope.

"This power..." Feeling the somewhat familiar aura in it, Yi Yan raised his eyebrows.

Is this Zhongli standing here?

Although the power in the stone pillar was already very weak, Yi Yan still recognized that this power belonged to Zhongli.

"What, senior has made a new discovery?"

Xingqiu walked around the pillar several times, but found nothing.

"No, I don't know anything about 'formation' or anything like that." Yu Jin spread his hands, and then pushed Chongyun.

“This kind of thing should be done by professionals!”

"Okay, since senior believes in me so much, let's give it a try!" Chongyun took a deep breath. This was his first time to break through such a large formation.

After adjusting his breath, Chongyun looked up at the towering stone pillar. Its surface was as smooth as marble, making it difficult to start.

Seeing this scene, Chongyun glanced at Xingqiu. The latter also nodded.

"Drink!" Taking a few steps back, Chongyun shouted softly and then strode towards the stone pillar.

At the same time, the Eye of God on his waist began to flash, emitting a bright frost-white light.


Xingqiu also followed Chongyun's movements.

Sharp and flat water arrows gathered around Xingqiu, then flew out and were nailed to the stone pillar.

And Chongyun's movements could just keep up with the water arrow. Whenever the water arrows were nailed to the stone pillars and were about to dissipate, the cold air at Chongyun's feet would follow, turning the water arrows into springboards for one jump after another.

"No, why are you so skilled?" Yu Jin couldn't help but marveled when he saw the two of them moving smoothly.

Even a close friend cannot achieve this kind of proficiency! At least it takes wearing a pair of pants to get to know each other so well!

"Well..., it's a long story, a long story!" Xingqiu stopped using his elemental power when he saw Chongyun jumping on top of the stone pillar.

He turned to the embers and scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

As the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, whether Xingqiu thinks about it or not, a lot of the business affairs of the Chamber of Commerce will always fall on him.

And he was a master who couldn't bear loneliness, so in order to prevent Xingqiu from escaping, Xingqiu's father deliberately built the walls of his home very high.

But it's a pity that the devil is as high as the Tao. The move just now was used by Xingqiu to climb over the wall!

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's see if Chongyun has made any new discoveries!" Xingqiu obviously didn't want to dwell too much on this topic. After he finished speaking, he looked at Chongyun.

Chongyun, who was high up, noticed the two people's gaze and shook his head.

Then, he jumped down from the top of the stone pillar.


Coming down is much easier than going up. Chongyun just jumped slightly and returned to the ground again.

"It can't be solved. This formation needs a token. I guess it should be some kind of gem or something." Before Xingqiu and Yi Yan could ask anything, Chongyun took the lead in telling the result.

He took out his family's "Illustrated Book of Demonic and Evil Chronicles", pointed to a page with complicated lines and explained: "Look, it says it above. This kind of formation can only be unlocked with a token. . Otherwise, we can only use brute force."

Chongyun took back the book, and he was already thinking about how to forge the token. There should be no problem if you ask at home and then go to the alchemist circle to seek help.

"Let's go back first. I have an idea. I can break this formation in a few days!"

Chongyun clenched his fists, looking confident.

"What? You said it can be cracked with brute force?"

Ember heard nothing, only the word "brute force".

(End of this chapter)

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