King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 370 Authentic Kanria Demon

Chapter 370 Authentic Kanria Demon

"Yaoxie? Yaoxie is not that troublesome." Chongyun looked at the relic hunters flying in the sky and took a deep breath.

Monsters are not as scary as relic hunters. They can only scare people. Those who can take people's lives are considered to be great evil spirits.

But the relic hunter in front of me is much more ferocious than the evil spirit. It not only takes people's lives, but may even scatter their ashes.


Just when Xingqiu and Chongyun were on full alert, the ruins hunter in the sky made another move.

After hearing a low humming sound, the sharp arms of the Relic Hunter suspended on both sides of the machine began to twist and deform.

In the end, the four sharp arms like drills turned into a brand new launching unit.

The ring-shaped firing unit rotates around the relic hunter, flashing with orange light, which is the same light as when the core engine of the relic hunter's body is burning.

The four launch units look like glowing hollow flying discs, not war weapons at all.

But soon, Xingqiu and Chongyun saw the terrifying firepower of the ruin hunters who had completely given up their close combat capabilities.

The flashing light of the launch unit became brighter and brighter, and the light enveloped the ruins hunter. Showing its scorched but still strong body.

Judging from the scars on its body, this ruin hunter had no chance of surviving, but it survived.


There was a sound like melting steel, and the light of the transmitting unit had reached an extreme level.


The light grew larger and swelled, and finally an orange-yellow laser shot out from the four light-emitting units, hitting Xingqiu and Chongyun below at lightning speed.

"So fast!"

Xingqiu's pupils contracted. At such a speed, there was no time to dodge!

With his numb scalp, Xingqiu began to frantically activate the Eye of God around his waist.

Light blue light covered his weapon, and facing the incoming laser, Xingqiu immediately raised his sword to strike at it.


The originally weightless light seemed to have an entity in such a solid and rapid state.

Xingqiu held the sword with both hands, and then an extremely powerful force came from his hands. If he hadn't stabilized his focus in advance, that one blow just now would have been enough to leave him wide open.

"It's okay. I can hold on." Xingqiu squinted his eyes slightly. He didn't feel any discomfort under such a strong light intensity.

If anything, it might be because he looked directly at the "Shiny Chongyun" before.

The laser struck Xingqiu's sword, bringing up a dense mist and scattering it into countless smaller light pillars.

Looking at the stone slabs on the ground that had been eroded by the beams of light, Xingqiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he had used elemental burst before. Otherwise, Xingqiu would not have the confidence to withstand the laser blast from the ruin hunter head-on.

The rain curtain sword surrounding him is not only a weapon for killing enemies, but also a strong shield.

While continuously providing elemental power, it can also strengthen Xingqiu's body. Coupled with his martial arts skills, all these have created Xingqiu's rock-solid lower body, allowing him to take a step further while standing in the laser!

"Hey, big iron block, let me show you what the strength of muscles and bones is!" Feeling that he still had some strength left, Xingqiu immediately lost his temper in his dantian and exerted force under his feet - he actually started walking amidst the roaring lasers.

"Huh..., I kind of underestimate this thing..."

Xingqiu moved forward step by step, and each step was more strenuous than he imagined, as if he was walking in waist-deep mud. Still, he didn't back down.

Xingqiu clenched his teeth at this moment, his face turned red, and veins popped up on his forehead. He was holding his breath now.

This breath cannot be relaxed in the autumn. Once it is relaxed, all the strength he has accumulated before will be gone. And he will also become a fish that can be slaughtered by others.

Xingqiu's mind is now blank. He only has one thought now, which is to completely scatter the bright orange laser in front of him.

However, something got into Xingqiu's mind while he was not focused on anything else. Invisible to ordinary people, a green and black resentment escaped from the ruin hunter and entered Xingqiu's mind along with the gushing laser.


"This side of the world... not even a blade of grass grows..."


Xingqiu felt a stinging pain deep in his brain, and then waves of meaningless roars and vents full of unwillingness and resentment began to echo in his mind.

Affected by this, Xingqiu's progress immediately stopped. At the same time, the palm of his hand holding the sword began to tremble uncontrollably.

With that look, it looked like he would be swallowed up by the laser soon.

"Hey! Wake up quickly!"

Just when Xingqiu was struggling to hold on, a familiar voice penetrated the roar filling his ears and reached deep into Xingqiu's heart.

Along with Zhongyun's drink, Xingqiu felt a thorough cooling feeling between his brows.

That was the heart-clearing talisman that Chongyun had just put on Xingqiu. As soon as the white talisman paper was pasted on Xingqiu's eyebrows, it turned into a trickle and seeped into it.

The object transformed by the talisman looks like water but not water. It seems that it should be the object transformed by alchemy.


Xing Qiu opened his eyes suddenly and saw a new light - it was Chongyun who was wearing a talisman.

At this time, he was holding a big sword in front of Xingqiu. Seeing Xingqiu wake up, he immediately swung it with all his strength, and the laser was immediately torn apart by the sword wind brought by Chongyun.

"When did you become so strong?!"

When Xingqiu saw this scene, he jumped up from the ground like a carp, and even the pain in his mind was forgotten.

Others are living a good life, but if a brother is living a good life, it will make it hard for him to live a good life.

This is also true for Xingqiu, but the word "good" has to be changed into the word "strong".

Xingqiu looked at Chongyun with a shocked and puzzled expression, and said clearly: Gouzi, you have changed.

"Adjusting the breath is not easy." As Xingqiu's good friend, Chongyun could tell what Xingqiu was thinking at a glance.

He didn't explain anything, he just stretched out his hand to seal the secret, and then brushed Xingqiu's eyes with his fingertips after performing the spell.

Some kind of special power covered Xingqiu's eyeballs. When he opened his eyes again, the picture Xingqiu saw became special.

If you really want to say it, it should be similar to elemental vision. But what replaced the elemental power became something else.

An obvious bluish-gray trace began to appear in the originally empty sky. Looking along the trace toward the sky, Xingqiu saw the so-called "evil".

The relic hunters in the sky still exist, but there are many more things in them.

The entire body of the Relic Hunter was shrouded in a blue-black mist.

The fog is not as invisible as before. On the contrary, it is extremely thick, so thick that the entire ruin hunter seems to be covered by a curtain.

The mist doesn't just exist on the exterior of the Relic Hunter, it goes deeper into its interior. The entire ruin hunter was eroded by this fog inside and out.

The relic hunter is like a body, a body that can hold this thick fog. As for what it is, it doesn't seem to matter.

The mist rose and changed around the ruins hunter, as if countless wriggling tentacles were born on the ruins hunter's body. Coupled with the dim light underground, it looks like a demon that ran out of legend.

"Hey..., Chongyun, are you saying this is evil?" Xingqiu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked Chongyun.

"I take back what I said before, Yaoxie, this should be it." Chongyun pinched the hilt of his sword and looked at the ruin hunter in the sky who was possessed by resentment and responded.

(End of this chapter)

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