King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 371 Chongyun’s secret trick

Chapter 371 Chongyun’s secret trick

"I finally met Yaoxie, how are you? Are you excited?" Seeing Chongyun's nervous look, Xingqiu raised his eyebrows at him and made a joke.

"Huh... let's get rid of that guy first before we celebrate or anything else." Chongyun exhaled a breath, and even the light emanating from his body fluctuated a bit.

"If you have any solution, tell me and I'll do it." Seeing this, Xingqiu stopped making any more jokes.

He nodded to Zhongyun, looking ready to go. For evil spirits, the only ways Xingqiu knew to deal with them were to let go of dogs' blood, sprinkle children's urine and other folk remedies.

As for more, he didn't know much about it. Fortunately, there are professionals here, so Xingqiu doesn’t have to worry so much.

After hearing Xingqiu's words, Chongyun used his yin and yang eyes to carefully look at the evil-possessed ruin hunter in front of him.

This ancient machine should have been completely scrapped, but it was only able to exert its original power because of the evil spirit possessing it.

The demon uses its body to avoid the suppression of the formation, and at the same time it also uses its body to destroy the formation.

The only thing that puzzled Chongyun was how this ruin hunter came to this closed underground place.

He took a cursory look at the large formation outside the door. It looked like it was at least thousands of years ago, and these steel creations only appeared a few hundred years ago.

This can be considered a new unsolved mystery.

Shaking his head to dispel the random thoughts in his mind, Chongyun felt the cold feeling coming from the top of his head and made a decision in his heart.

The resentment and yin energy contained in this evil spirit are indeed the most that Chongyun has ever seen in his life, but he has a body of pure yang that is rare to see in a thousand years!

Who will win and who loses has not yet been determined!

"Okay, Xingqiu, find a way to kill the relic hunters in the sky. I'll do the rest!" Chongyun said, tearing off a few talismans that emitted bright yellow light from his body and handed them to Xing Autumn.

After saying that, Chongyun started running away not knowing what to do.

Holding the warm talisman in his hand, Xingqiu raised his sword again and faced the ruin hunter in the sky.

He and Chongyun had been wearing the same pants for a long time. Xingqiu had never thought about the possibility of Chongyun betraying him.

"Hit it down?" Seeing the ruin hunter aiming the launch unit at him in the sky, Xingqiu felt a little at a loss as to what to do.

Whether it is rain painting the cage mountain or cutting the rain leaving a rainbow, it has no good effect on such a large machine flying in the sky.

Needless to say, Yu Hua Long Mountain, if the ruin hunter were on the ground like the ruin guard, Xing Qiu would definitely be able to kick a big gap with his two feet.

But if it were in the sky... the water waves kicked up by the autumn rain on Hualong Mountain would not be able to hit the sky.

As for Cai Yuliu Hong, it might be okay to deal with the wind slime, but if you are a ruin hunter, you can only be lucky and hit the core.

Moreover, it seems that simply hitting the core of this demon-possessed ruin hunter is useless. The resentment attached to the core must be removed as well, which makes it even more difficult to knock it down.

"Da da da!"

Xingqiu is thinking, but the ruin hunter in the sky cannot think. It will only tear apart all the enemies it is targeting.

Countless bullets flew out of the firing unit. Although there was no elemental power, their speed and firepower density were no less than any elemental arrows.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The stone slabs on the ground were torn apart by the bullets fired. The four firing units were all firing, and the bullets fired had little or no accuracy. In the face of absolute density, accuracy seemed not so important.

"I'll block it! It's over, I can't stop it anymore!"

At first, Xingqiu wanted to delay for a while, trying to use his reaction speed to stop the flying bullets.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the power of the Relic Hunter's bullets. Small bullets contain huge power thanks to their speed.

Xingqiu could indeed block a few bullets, but every time he successfully blocked a bullet, Xingqiu felt like his arm was hit hard by a heavy hammer.

If this continues, if his one-handed sword can withstand it, he himself will not be able to withstand it.

So Xingqiu decisively chose Kerun! Although you can't stop the bullet, you can run away if you can't hold him back!

With the accuracy of the ruin hunter, against Xingqiu running around on the ground, the hit rate was simply impressive.

Even if a few stray bullets were lucky enough to hit Xingqiu, they would still be blocked by him. The high-density pouring of firepower is not an easy task for the relic hunter's launch unit.

After sweeping the ground into a honeycomb, the transmitting unit finally stopped due to overheating.

Xingqiu below was only in a state of embarrassment. The seemingly fierce rain of bullets actually caused very limited damage to him.

Of course, Xingqiu did not cause any harm to the relic hunter. The only minor damage was caused by the relic hunter's own overheating.

"It's troublesome." Xingqiu panted while thinking of ways to capture the ruin hunters.

Familiar moves have limited effects. Is it really necessary for him to create his own moves on the spot?

Although Xingqiu admitted that his talent and attainments in martial arts were very good, it was still too difficult for him to learn new moves in battle.


Just as Xingqiu was thinking hard, a crisp collision came. Looking down, Xingqiu saw the "big firecracker" rolling to his feet.


"I knew senior wouldn't just watch!" After a brief silence, Xingqiu picked up the missile on the ground and attached all the luminous talisman papers that Chongyun handed him.

The talisman contains pure yang energy, which is undoubtedly the most effective means to combat the evil within the relic hunter.

At first he was wondering why he hadn't seen any embers after so long, but now it seemed that it was probably the missile that had been rubbed by his hands.

Place the missile in position with ease and light the fuse. The familiar tail smoke lit up in the air and accurately hit the core of the ruin hunter.


The light of this explosion was more intense than before. It seemed that the talisman paper attached to it had played a role.

Yang Qi rages in the engine, and wherever it goes, all evil spirits retreat.

An engine without resentment is just a piece of useless scrap metal, and the power that provides the ruin hunter with flying power has also dissipated.

The giant steel beast flying in the air finally landed on the ground.


Dust was flying everywhere, and Xingqiu didn't have much time to care about the status of the ruin hunters. The top priority now was to find Chongyun.

In the blink of an eye, Xingqiu found Chongyun. You want to ask why so fast? That must be the firm friendship between them, definitely not because of the dazzling light on Chongyun.

"It's landed! Chongyun, what happens next is up to you!"

Xingqiu came to Chongyun under the bright light. He blinked his tearful eyes. Was it an illusion? Why did he feel that the light around Chongyun was brighter?

"It's landed! That's good! Just watch, Xingqiu! Watch how I kill demons!"

Chongyun immediately stood up from the ground and shouted in an passionate tone. At the same time, he also threw away the garbage in his hands.

"You ate Jueyun pepper?!" Xingqiu said in shock when he saw Chongyun's discarded pepper stalk.

"Don't worry about these details!" In the yellow and white light, a touch of red appeared, which was Chongyun's face with blood rushing up.

"Ha——" Along with Zhongyun's hot breath, the light around him became stronger and stronger.

The quietly glowing talisman began to turn on its own without any wind, and in the end, it even began to burn.

The light around Chongyun also began to wander back and forth between "dazzling" and "very dazzling", like an inciting fireball.

"Chong...Chongyun, what do you want to do?" Xingqiu felt the heat emanating from Chongyun's body and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Chongyun did not answer Xingqiu. He only saw him raising his hands in the air, and then shouted: "Yaoxie, try my exorcism bomb!"

After saying that, he shouted and rushed towards the ruin hunter who fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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