King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 374 9 Causes of Unrest

Chapter 374 Nine Causes of Turmoil


Soul ripples invisible to the naked eye swept across, blowing away the gravel on the ground. The originally invisible soul seemed to have substance, and it actually directly affected the material world.


This ripple swept over Xingqiu and Chongyun, and the most intuitive expression was that the two of them turned into mosquito-repellent incense eyes.

The two of them felt that their consciousness seemed to have been distracted by something, and their consciousness dispersed independently in their minds, unable to form any effective thinking.

Just being affected by the residual power, Xingqiu and Chongyun became like this, not to mention the resentment of being hit by soul arrows in the front.

The ruins guard and the young rock dragon lizard, which were condensed with resentment, struggled a few times after being hit by the soul arrow.

But from the looks of it, it's not so much a struggle for survival, but something inside that's holding them up a few times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After shaking for a few times, the ruins guard and the young rock dragon lizard exploded violently, turning into dots of white fluorescence.

But if you look closely, there is a hint of creeping black energy in the white.

"No wonder that guy Zhongli doesn't care." Yi Yan stretched out his hand and the fluorescent light scattered in the air flew back into his body.

After all, it was his own soul that condensed the soul arrow. Although it was a little dirty now, he couldn't just throw it away, could he?

What's more, it doesn't matter if it gets dirty, it can still be used.

He lowered his head and looked around at the neat open space in front of him, which had been cleared due to the soul storm just now.

"This... is still as powerful as before." Yu Yan held the staff and scratched his head. To be honest, this action is the one he uses most when releasing magic.

Ember's magic level caught up later. Before, when he got a magic scroll, he always had to scratch his head thousands of times before he could release it.

Over time, Yi Yan developed a habit: whenever he encountered any problem while holding the staff, he liked to scratch his head.

Scratching and scratching, maybe ideas will pop out like magic.

"Hmm...Senior, have you solved the evil spirit?" Chongyun rubbed his temples and used his secret breathing technique to calm the turbulent consciousness in his mind.

But Xingqiu was not as calm as Chongyun. He took one step to the left and one to the right, like a drunkard - he was resisting forcefully.

"Solved, a bit...unexpected?" Yi Yan put down his hand. It seemed that soul magic had an outstanding effect on things like resentment and evil spirits.

So he can be considered half an alchemist?

Ember all thought so. He still has many tricks that he hasn’t used yet!

For example, flange fast arrows, powerful flange fast arrows, powerful soul arrows, soul giant arrows, powerful soul giant arrows...and so on.

In addition to exorcising evil spirits, looking at the posture, the damaging effect of this soul magic is not only on the body, but also on the soul.

Thinking about it, it is normal for arrows that are crystallized from the soul to be able to attack the soul.

As for why Ember hadn't been discovered before? That's because the ones he used to clean up with magic were all unconscious living corpses.

Living corpses have no independent consciousness at all. The principle of magic to deal with them is to destroy them physically.

And for the rare normal people, whether it is Lordran or the border area, those who can be conscious are among the best, use soul arrows? That's scraping them.

But now it's better. Soul Arrow finally doesn't have to clean up the minions, it can now create minions.

If a soul arrow passes by, the immortal will become a retard.

"Eh--" Yi Yan shuddered. This soul magic seems a bit cruel. Can it make people mentally retarded? Ember can't do this kind of thing.

The life in front of him usually only has two states: living body and corpse.

"Is it over? Huh..., it is indeed a powerful evil!" Chongyun looked at the messy ground and sighed with emotion.

Then he lay on the ground and started writing furiously.

"Cuijuepo... the great formation... the seniors helped... the great demon was destroyed..."

Chongyun was lying on the ground, and he could clearly read the words on "The Record of the Demonic and Strange Records" without any lighting - because the sun fire was coming out of his head again.

"What are you drawing?" Yu Yanzai pointed at the graffiti on the book that looked like ghost drawings and asked in confusion. "A demon-possessed ruin hunter?" Chongyun's eyes revealed excitement. He was finally not basing his plans on his own imagination!

Once you have something in your head, you can draw it quickly!


Yi Yan silently looked at the messy black mess on the blank page, feeling that Chongyun seemed to have put too much emphasis on resentment.

But Yan Yan didn't even think about lighting it up. After all, his own painting skills were not very good.

Yi Yan vaguely remembered that when he pulled Gale out of the end of time, his hand was itching unbearably, so he stabbed Gale directly and started the painting of the world with his blood.

Later, the eldest lady, who is a real painter of the world, left after reading it and said, "Actually, the deep sea age is not that scary." After that, she worked overtime to drive out of the new painting world.

This hit the ember hard enough.

But he was never one to be knocked down easily. So he showed the painting to the fire-proof girl, but the fire-proof girl didn't say anything, just smiled and burned the painting.

Since then, Yan Yan has officially stopped writing and withdrawn from the painting circle.

"You two, come here quickly! Look what I found!" While Chongyun was concentrating on painting and Yi Yan was concentrating on observing, the sound of Xingqiu came from the distance.

Judging from his tone, he seemed to have made some surprising discovery.

Hearing this, Yu Yan and Chong Yun stood up from the ground and walked over in search of Xing Qiu's voice.

Deep in the underground cave, a very eye-catching orange light suddenly lit up, which was so conspicuous in this darkness.

And in front of the bright lights, there is a dancing figure, which seems to be Xingqiu.

Walking quickly over, what greeted Yi Yan's eyes was a flash of golden light and two gorgeous treasure chests.

In the middle of the two treasure chests, there is an ancient stone tablet standing. The writing on it is clearly visible, as if it had just been engraved on it.

Chongyun stepped forward, looked at the handwriting on the stone tablet and read out word by word, "Greed, attachment, gaze, jealousy, anger, evil desire, self-pity, robbery, turmoil..."

"These nine kinds of ordinary hearts can help the world, and they can also bring chaos to the world. They will never fade away, never fade away, and will last forever... Therefore, nine pillars are set up to calm the world and suppress the chaos in the world."

"If future generations break through the Nine Pillars of Jingshi and enter, there will be wars and wars in the world."

"Why is such a big hat stuck on me?" Yi Jin couldn't help but complain when he heard this.

From what Shizhu said, it seemed that the following turmoil was caused by them.

"There's more down there." Chongyun paused and explained.

"Okay, you read it." Yi Yan stopped talking.

"Let me see... whoever is reading this tablet can take the world's treasures and guard them in all directions of Liyue." Chongyun read out the last sentence.

"Does this mean that all these things belong to us?" Xingqiu stuck his head out, looking eager to try.

"It's okay, but it means we have to guard Liyue." Chongyun emphasized.

"Isn't that what you guys do in the first place?" Yu Jin saw the two men thinking deeply and knocked on their heads.

One is a chivalrous person, and the other is slaying demons. Isn't this guarding Liyue?

"Yes!" Xingqiu clapped his hands, and there was no longer any psychological burden. He stepped forward and reached out to touch the treasure chest that was half waist high in front of him.

A flash of light flashed above the gorgeous treasure chest, and it opened by itself before Xingqiu could use any force.

Xingqiu was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to his senses. Since this place was sealed by an expert, it is only natural to leave some tricks on the secret treasure.

The stream of light just now was probably testing whether the person who touched the secret treasure had the ambition to truly protect Liyue.

Now it seems that Xingqiu passed successfully.

The lid of the treasure chest opened, and then there was a golden light that could blind people's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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