King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 375 An adventure with rewards for everyone

Chapter 375 An adventure with rewards for everyone

"Wow, golden legend!"

"Can color also indicate quality?"

Chongyun was a little confused when he heard Xingqiu's words.

"Of course, haven't you been to a museum? The holy relics there are all golden!" Xingqiu said matter-of-factly.

The quality of a holy relic is judged by the luster it emits. The stronger the will contained in it, the more eye-catching the luster displayed.

The highest quality holy relics are golden. Within these holy relics, there is often a very clear and powerful will, which plays a great role in people's understanding of history.

Of course, the role of sacred relics is not just to understand history.

"Gold? Yours is the color of Mora. This is the real golden quality treasure." Yi Yan ran to the platform above the two treasure chests and picked up the small blue and white flowers on it.

"Ah? Maura?"

Although this is very precious, for Xingqiu, the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, mola can be said to be the most common thing.

Seeing this scene, Xingqiu's excited expression immediately dissipated a lot.

"Don't be depressed, you should like this thing very much." A small flower shining with golden light was thrown in front of Xingqiu, and the strong will in it rushed towards him, even making some thoughts appear in Xingqiu's mind. A scene he had never seen before.

"Qianyan is firm and unshakable!"

The deafening war cry echoed in Xingqiu's ears. Then he saw a Qianyan soldier holding a spear and fighting bravely against the giant beast in front of him.

Teasing, stabbing, prodding... all the moves were extremely clear. As the fuzzy Qianyan Army moved each move, the similarly fuzzy giant beast also fell into a pool of blood.

The only thing that was clear was the various moves that lingered in Xingqiu's mind. What this holy relic contains is about fighting and the will to protect.

"This thing... is somewhat valuable." Xingqiu woke up from the will of the holy relic. Silently put it back next to Ember.

A set of green holy relics can be worth the entire wealth of an ordinary person, and a blue holy relic can be passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

As for the purple and gold ones, they are precious cultural relics that can only be seen in museums.

Not to mention that the will in this holy relic is about fighting. If it spreads, it is estimated that not only the adventurers will be interested, but also Yu Jingtai and the Fools.

Things that can quickly enhance a person's combat effectiveness are always scarce.

"Why, do you think I need this kind of thing?" Yi Yan saw the holy relic back beside him, picked it up, looked at it, and threw it back into Xingqiu's hands.

This guy is obviously very interested in the tricks, but he pretends not to care. Is this the etiquette that Liyue often talks about?

Ember jumped down from the platform above and waved his fist.

"Rain lines are difficult to draw!"

Xingqiu's familiar formula came from Yu Yan's mouth, and then he saw many rain curtain swords emerging next to Yu Yan.


"You've just learned the Guhua Sword Technique." Yu Yan pulled down the Rain Curtain Sword beside him and wiped himself.

It just so happens that I haven't cleaned my armor for a long time, so I wiped it with this rain curtain sword.

Seeing Yu Yan casually using the Rain Curtain Sword as a rag, Xing Qiu was speechless.

Let’s not talk about the Rain Curtain Sword beside Yu Yan, which is obviously several times more than his. Just talking about using the Rain Curtain Sword as a rag is enough to explain the gap between the two.

Xingqiu himself couldn't make the rain curtain sword strong and soft at the same time. He could only make the rain curtain sword as hard as a real sword.

"But where is your divine eye, senior?" Xingqiu saw Yu Yan looking so casual, so he circled around him. To his surprise, he did not see the real core of Gu Hua's swordsmanship - Eye of God.

"No." Ember Wind replied calmly.

"No?!" Xingqiu's tone was full of disbelief.

"Of course, so I changed your swordsmanship and showed it to your fellow apprentices in the future." After saying that, Yi Yan also threw a blank piece of paper to Xingqiu.

What is above is the formula modified by Ember. The focus of all the moves has changed from the eye of God to the practitioner himself.

It is not as powerful as before, but it is better than being able to be practiced by ordinary people. After practicing to the extreme, there are not many people who have the Eye of the Weak God. When Xingqiu saw it, he accepted the holy relic in his hand dully. It seemed that Ember was telling the truth. He had reached the point where he no longer needed the holy relic.

Xingqiu seemed to see a brand new set of holy relics being brewed.

However, holy relics generally have to be born when they experience the edge of life and death or die directly, which is a moment when consciousness undergoes major fluctuations.

From this point of view, it seems that this set of holy relics cannot be born. Ember has died countless times. Immortal, immortal, do you really think this title is for nothing?

He turned to look at Chongyun aside. He was also holding something at the moment, and it seemed that he had gained something.

"What good stuff do you have here?" Ember ran over. It couldn't be that both treasure chests were Mora, right? That would be too vulgar.

"A ring."

Fortunately, Zhongli's taste is still guaranteed, and he also knows how to deal with differences. One treasure chest is full of Mora, and the other one... is also full of Mora, but with an extra ring.

The ring is inlaid with a green jadeite, and because it is stored in the treasure box, there is no dust on it.

The jade is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting Chongyun's face.

"There are words on it... The world is full of troubles, and life will be miserable." Chongyun recited silently, recalling the inscription on the stone tablet, a feeling of sadness surged into Chongyun's heart.

It's hard to imagine what the person who set up the formation was thinking when he first put this ring in.

Is it a sentiment about the suffering in the world? Is it the helplessness of having nothing to do? Or is it confusion about the future?

Chongyun felt that it was all there, otherwise the emotions contained in the words in the stele wouldn't be so complicated.

"Hmm... Why do you, a young man, care so much about the emotions of the elderly at certain times?"

"If you have this time, why not take out the few books I gave you and read them carefully." A voice pulled Chongyun out of his thoughts.

Looking up, it was Ember who was rummaging for something in the treasure chest.

"That's it? It's a bit of a deduction. Is there some kind of artifact or magic weapon?"

Ember rummaged through the treasure chest and found that there was nothing else besides Mora.

"Perhaps it's because the master who set up this formation believes that those who can eliminate evil spirits have reached a level where foreign objects cannot disturb them?"

Chongyun looked at the crude "treasure" in front of him and speculated.

"Have you reached that level of strength?"


Chongyun shook his head simply. Whether it is him or Xingqiu, there is still a lot of room for improvement in strength, and they are far from reaching the point where foreign objects cannot disturb them.

"That's alright, let me rub your hands together to bring out a holy relic." From the corner of his eye, Yu Yan caught sight of Xingqiu, who was holding a holy relic in his hands, and he began to rub his palms together.

The collection of wills is the holy relic. With this thought in mind, Yi Yan's palms kept rubbing, and sparks soon appeared.

"Is it on fire?" Xingqiu came back from his excitement when he saw the flying sparks.

"Look! It's done, a new holy relic!" A brand new corsage was born among the sparks.

Yi Yan held the flowers in his hand and showed them to Xingqiu and Chongyun.

"New holy relic?" Chongyun rubbed his eyes. Why did he feel that the holy relic looked at it like a living thing?

No, it’s not like, this is a living thing! This thing is moving!

"Sorry, I added too much ingredients when kneading. Let me knead it again for you." Yi Yan saw the stretched petals of the holy relic and knew that he had made something new.

He collected the small flowers in his hand and planned to rub another one out. Unexpectedly, both Xingqiu and Chongyun shook their heads.

"Senior, Chongyun and I can use this holy relic interchangeably, so I won't bother you too much."

"Yes, what's more, I have seen evil spirits with my own eyes. This is the biggest gain for me!"

Xingqiu and Chongyun wiped the sweat from their foreheads and said quickly. They were afraid of the embers and rubbed them some more, so they made a big one.

(End of this chapter)

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