King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 376 Facial Paralysis Facial Paralysis

Chapter 376 Facial Paralysis Facial Paralysis


The withered and yellow grass leaves in late winter are very fragile. With just a slight step, the brown leaves turned into bits and pieces and disappeared into the larger grass.


A frost-white figure shuttled between the grass. The figure looked slightly fat but was not slow at all.

"Damn it, the enemy of the cult!" The Frost Abyss mage turned around, and the dark blue figure behind him was still biting behind it.

Not only that, the figures are getting bigger and bigger, and the details are getting clearer. It won't be long before the people behind it catch up.

"Let you taste the cold that is more biting than the depth of winter!" An irregular cry came from the sharp mouth of Bing Fa. As long as ordinary people hear it, they will feel their energy and blood surge and become upset for a while.

But this had no impact on Dyne afterwards. On the contrary, he could still clearly hear the language that belonged to the abyss monster.

While flying, ice crystals exuding cold air shot out from around the ice spell, stabbing hard at Dyne who was following behind it.

The ice crystals streaked across, and there were several white marks on the brown grass. The already fragile dead grass was eroded by the frost, and instantly formed a thick layer of frost, making it even more fragile.

The biting chill had even reached Dine's side, and his breath turned into thick white mist.

Dain frowned when he saw this. This is not because the incoming ice crystals are too difficult, but because the clues are broken again.

"Crack! Kick!"

Dain raised his arm and punched the flying ice crystals a few times. The ice crystals that looked like steel knives were shattered under Dine's iron fist and exploded into pieces of ice.

"I don't know..., or did you see it?" Dain stared at the frost-white figure flying in front of him, without any discomfort on his face.

Even though the Abyss Mage would teleport out of his sight from time to time, Dyne could always find its traces as soon as possible.

It seemed that Dyne was playing a cat and mouse game. He was not eager to catch the Abyss Mage, but seemed to want to play with it.

Of course, Dain would not be so bored. He just wanted this Abyss Mage to lead him to find the Abyss Order's stronghold in Liyue, or in other words, to find the Abyss Apostles lurking in Liyue.

Not long after being separated from Ember, Daine began to wander non-stop throughout Liyue, searching for any traces of the Abyss Cult.

But this time the Abyss Order seemed to be prepared. Dyne searched for it for a long time, but there were very few clues.

Now that he had found the Abyss Mage, Dyne wanted to let him lead him to the Abyss Order's stronghold.

But it looks like... this guy seems to have figured it out.

He ran from Nantianmen all the way to Aozang Mountain, and now he is immediately out of Liyue territory. He hasn't seen any sign of stopping from this guy.

The only explanation is that it has seen through Dine's thoughts.

Thinking of this, Daine's eyes became sharp. In this case, there was no need to waste time.


A white wave of wind suddenly appeared behind Dyne, blowing up the withered grass all around.

The Ice Abyss mage in the distance felt his eyes blurred and realized that it could no longer control his body.

"Tell me, where is your stronghold?!" Dain pinched the Abyss Mage's neck, his tone colder than the strong wind in late winter.

"Hoo...ho..." The Abyss Mage was out of breath. It kept slapping Daine's arm with its short hands, trying to escape from his grasp.

Unfortunately, it was doomed to be in vain, and Dyne's arms didn't even tremble.


Dai Yin exerted force with his palm, and the Abyss Mage's neck broke from the inside.

Nothing was asked, and there was no surprise in Dain's mind. Asking information from the mouths of monsters in the abyss is a difficult task.

Instead of thinking about how to pry something out of their mouths, it is better to save some time and check it yourself, maybe you will gain more.

"Hmm..., troublesome thing." Looking at the Abyss Mage turning into nothingness in his hand, Daine shook his head and sighed.

After finally finding an abyss mage, he didn't expect the clues to be lost so quickly, which made Daine a little irritated.

Of course, it was just a little bit. Daine had also experienced more frustrating moments than this.     “Who are you?”

Just as Dyne was thinking about what to do next, a huge shadow enveloped him. Dain raised his head and saw a woman holding a huge stone.

Her silver-white and gradually gray hair was braided into braids that reached her thighs. Her high-collar sleeveless gray cheongsam was paired with a black jumpsuit. With her calm eyes, she looked like a woman who lived deep in the mountains. , a crane far away from the world.

All in all, she is a very uniquely dressed woman.

But to Daine, none of this was noteworthy. The only thing that caused some slight fluctuations in his mood was the boulder held above the woman's head.

The boulder is about the size of a house, and judging from its texture, its material should be quite compact.

Dyne made a rough estimate and found that the stone should weigh dozens of tons, which is comparable to several ruins guards.

Because of this, he took another look at the woman standing on the hillside above his head.


After paying attention to the woman's appearance, Dain turned around and left without stopping at all.

"My hands smell evil." Shen He raised the boulder above his head and stared at Dine's arm.

Dain raised his hand and took a look. It was stained with some dirt, which was left behind when the Abyss Mage died and dissipated just now.

However, Dyne was not sure whether the woman in front of him was talking about the dirt on his arm or his real arm covered by the sleeve armor.

Or maybe both?

"Nothing to do with you."

Dai Yin glanced at Shen He lightly, and his calm tone was almost the same as Shen He's eyes.

"Oh ho, both faces are paralyzed!" Further on the hillside, Yu Yan and two little ones were lying in the grass, his tone full of excitement.

As soon as Shen He came out, Yi Yan had a feeling - a new facial paralysis had appeared!

Yu Yan was very interested in what kind of sparks two paralyzed faces could create, so he pressed Xingqiu and Chongyun's heads and took a peek.

"Eh? Why does that person look so familiar to me?" Xingqiu lay down in the grass and narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Pushing aside the debris blocking his eyes, Xingqiu looked around and saw a figure that impressed him deeply.

"Chongyun, why is that fierce aunt of yours here!"

Xingqiu's eyes widened, he immediately shrank his head and said with some fear.

He remembered that when he went to find Chongyun to do justice, he would occasionally see the white-haired woman just now.

Her fierce eyes left a deep impression on Xingqiu.

Is it possible that she doesn't want to find Chongyun to "act chivalrously"? Xingqiu couldn't help but reflect on himself.

"What, my aunt?" Chongyun also looked very surprised when he heard this. He stuck his head out and took a closer look, and found that it was Shen He who was right.

"Senior, take that man away quickly!" After discovering that it was Shen He, Chongyun was excited but didn't see much, and his reaction became anxious.

"Why, I see that your aunt has facial paralysis, and that man also happens to have facial paralysis. Don't you think it's funny when two people with facial paralysis come together?"

Yan Yan looked like he was just watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble.

"Huh? Facial paralysis? It's worse!" Chongyun became even more anxious after hearing Yu Yan's words.

His aunt was not very understanding of the world, and she was not good at talking to others. Now that she met someone with a similarly unsmiling face, she was afraid that she would start a fight.

What's even worse is that Shen He's strength is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong. Chongyun even felt that apart from her substandard character, it was not an exaggeration to call his aunt a fairy.

"What's so bad? We can still fight?"


Before Yan Yan finished speaking, a huge roar completely covered his voice.

After scratching his head, Yan Yan was a little confused. He was just talking and not using any force? Why do you just follow the law?

(End of this chapter)

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