King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 380 The hanging statue

Chapter 380 The hanging statue

At the end of this road is a ruined palace. A statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods hangs in the air, in an incredible way - it is upside down.

A distorted deep purple light emitted from behind the statue, making it difficult to see the specific face of the Seven Heavens statue.

Next to the statue, a figure knelt down. He did not move at all. He looked like the most devout believer praying most intently.

But Ying knew that this person was definitely not a believer. Because judging from his clothes, this person is probably the treasure thief group they are looking for.

"This guy... is he the [Big Thief of Treasures] we are looking for?" Paimon followed Ying's footsteps and came to the side of the statue.

"Looks like he's praying?" Ying ignored Paimon, but Paimon didn't care either and kept talking to himself.


Paimon's words seemed to have touched something, and the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods hanging upside down above their heads suddenly glowed with even more intense light.


Ying pulled Paimon back, raised the weapon in her hand vigilantly, and stared at the statue of the Seven Heavens in front of her, guarding against possible changes.

In the deep purple glare, Ying finally saw clearly the origin of the seven-day statue. This is the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods from Mondstadt. The one hanging upside down is Barbatos, the god of wind!

The statue of the god was the same as what Ying had seen in other places. It was covered with robes. But the statue that originally looked gentle and peaceful on the ground revealed an indescribable weirdness here.

The robe was embroidered with ancient runes, which Ying had read in books. They were Mondstadt's unique decorative stripes and were very common on the land of Mondstadt.

But under the reflection of the purple light, the stripes seemed to turn into symbols for the operation of the taboo array. The purple taboos flowed along the stripes and finally merged into the palm of the statue.

The robe on the statue seemed to have turned into an ancient veil, deeply hiding Barbatos' originally peaceful and casual expression.

"Ying..., is that the statue of the Seven Heavens God..."

The silence lasted for a long time, and nothing else changed. Paimon peeked his head out from behind Ying, looking at the strange scene in front of him and asked with some fear.

She vowed that after this time, she would not go to any secret place for three months!

Originally they were just tracking a group of treasure thieves, but who would have thought that the process would turn out to be so weird.

"The statue of the Seven Heavens... belongs to the wind god Barbatos." Ying loosened her grip on the hilt of the sword after hearing Paimon's words.

"Why... why, why is the Seven-Heaven Statue hung upside down? And, I remember, doesn't the Seven-Heaven Statue hold an orb in its palm?"

Paimon looked at the dark purple color gathering in the palm of the Seven Heavenly God Statue, and his voice trembled.

That dark purple mass brought a lot of pressure to Paimon. It absorbs energy from the dark cracks surrounding the idol and emits it through light.

The source of all the weirdness in the secret realm seems to be the deep purple ball of light held in the palm of the statue.

"I don't know, but I only know that all of this must have something to do with the Abyss Cult." Ying shook his head and said solemnly.

Speaking of which, this was her first real contact with the Abyss Order.

It had happened twice before, the first time it was a dragon disaster, but in the end it somehow got better on its own, leaving Ying's only understanding of the Abyss Cult as the organized name.

The second time was the journey with Dyne, but in the end he was busy for a long time, and there was no substantial progress in Dine's understanding of the Abyss Order.

And today, she finally knew why the Abyss Order was called the "enemy of mankind" by Diluc.

No organization in the Seven Kingdoms would dare to secretly dig up the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods. Because this not only represents a provocation to the authority of the Order of the Seven Gods, but is also an act that actually damages the fundamental interests of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods is not only a statue built to commemorate the seven gods, but also a node that stabilizes the smooth flow of a country's land veins and the harmonious circulation of elements.

The statues of the Seven Heavenly Gods on the mainland are like valves one after another. They contain the power of the Seven Gods and control the circulation of elements and the flow of earth veins across the entire continent.

Not to mention the damage to the authority of the gods caused by uprooting the statue of the Seven Heavens, the harm caused by the disorder of earth veins and elemental power is no less than a war.

Of course, that's in a densely populated area. If it is in the wilderness, it may take a few days for people to discover it. The statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods in front of you was probably dug out from a remote place in Mondstadt.

"The Abyss Order..., what a group of troublesome guys!" Paimeng stamped his feet. Now the Abyss Order's dislike in her heart has skyrocketed, and it is already tied for first place with the Fools!

"Huh..., look at that treasure-stealing group, although I don't think his end will be good..."

Ying took a few deep breaths and then walked forward.

"Hey, are you okay?" Pamon quickly flew behind "The Treasure Thief" and observed it carefully.

No matter how much Paimon shouted, there was no movement from "The Treasure Thief". He was still kneeling quietly in front of the hanging statue as before, without hearing any breathing.

"He...he is dead." Although Paimon's expression was sad, there was no excessive fear.

During his adventures with Ying, Paimon also saw a lot of death. Although I still feel sad, I can no longer talk about fear.

"I feel very bad." Pamon returned to Ying's side and shook his head, as if this could get those bad images out of his mind.

"Unknown cause of death." Ying pursed her lips, and the scene in front of her was beyond her current capabilities.

"Let's go! Find senior!" A figure flashed in her mind, and she turned around and prepared to leave this strange secret realm.

"Huh? I thought you were going to find Dyne." Pamon followed closely, looking surprised.

In this case, shouldn't we contact Daine? He is obviously a professional in the Abyss Order.

"Daine? Do you think he looks easy to find?" Ying rolled his eyes at Paimon.

She did think about looking for Dyne, but Ember's figure quickly kicked Dyne away.

In terms of strength, Ying felt that Daine couldn't compare to Ember.

In terms of understanding of the Abyss Cult, Ember does know less than Dine, but he can speak the words of the Abyss Monster and can chat with the Abyss Monster.

And the most important point is that embers are easier to find. Judging from my experience in the Adventurers Association, as long as you issue a commission in the association and name Ember, he will come to you in a short time.

Comparing the number of commissions in the association, many adventurers suspected that there were many different people under Ember's armor.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that there were dozens of commissions for naming Embers in one day, and many times they were in conflict, but the results were all completed perfectly.

However, these rumors disappeared one day - because that day Ember came on stage and performed "The Big Change" with Six-Fingered Joe.

Therefore, for both emotional and rational reasons, finding Ember is definitely a better choice for Ying than looking for Dyne.

"When you say that, I think he's going to jump out." After Paimon finished speaking, he looked around a few times, as if he was really worried that Ember would jump out from the corner.

It's a pity that the embers didn't jump out, but those purple bubbles did.

"What happened?!" Ying looked at the ground that was glowing with purple light and bubbles rising, and jumped back in one stride.

The earth seemed to be boiling, and countless tiny bubbles swelled and exploded from the cracked earth.

After taking just one breath of the pungent smell that spread, Ying immediately felt a pain in her nasal cavity.

"Leave quickly, we can't stay here any longer!"

Paimon covered his nose and pointed to a hidden path on the side of the statue. That place has not yet been swallowed up by that strange force.

Looking at the ground in front of her that was gradually being eroded by purple, Ying decisively got into the path.

No matter what happens in the depths of the secret realm, it's better than being swallowed up by something you don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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