King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 381 Is there something wrong with the meteors underground?

Chapter 381 Is there something wrong with the meteors underground?

"Why is this place also eroded?"

Entering the secret passage from the side of the hanging statue, the two people still saw the eroded ground in front of them. This made Paimon feel a little frustrated. There really was a jackal in front of him and a tiger behind him.

Unlike Paimon's panic, Ying's face was very calm. She knows that the more dangerous the situation, the more she must stay calm.

Looking at the gradually eroded ground behind her, Ying took a step forward and stepped on the ground in front of her that had just glowed with purple light.


Lifting her feet, Ying saw a black mark on the soles of her shoes that should have been white.

"Paimon, follow me, you can walk ahead!" After feeling the height difference between his two feet on the ground, Ying nodded. If you hurry up, it will be no problem at all!


After saying that, Ying stepped on the ground and turned into a blurry figure and ran forward.

"Wow, wait for me!" Upon seeing this, Paimon shouted in panic and followed him.

That speed did not match the strength of one-fifth of her wild boar.

The sound of wind whistled past Ying's ears, and all she could see was a blur of purple. Only the looming stickiness on the soles of her feet told Ying that she was not out of danger yet.


Ying's flying figure suddenly paused, and when she looked down, she suddenly found that she had soared into the air. Under her was a bottomless abyss - the ground had collapsed.

"It's not that easy to keep me here!" Ying quickly reacted and saw her dress suddenly swinging wildly.

The sound of the piercing wind immediately suppressed the sound of the ground being eroded. An eye of the wind appeared at Ying's feet. Strong updrafts spurted out from the eye of the wind, stopping her falling.


A pair of wings spread out from behind Ying. They were the wings of wind that Amber gave her.

"It scared me to death! I thought you were going to fall!" In addition to the immovable Wind Wings, Ying also has a moving Wind Wings.

Paimon grabbed Ying tightly and pulled her up.

With the help of Paimon and Wind Wings, Ying flew across the section formed by the collapse and returned to the ground.


Stepping on the ground, Ying immediately noticed the difference. Here..., the degree of erosion seems to be much smaller.

After looking at the brand new gate standing in front of her, Ying immediately ran over.

This gate is very common in secret realms. It is not considered a mechanism. It can only be said to function as a divided area.

After detecting someone approaching, the closed door automatically opened, revealing the intact open space inside.


The open door was closed, and the plain stone door seemed to have infinite power. The eroded purple automatically stopped in front of the door.

"Huh..., it seems we are fine for the time being." Ying looked back at the closed door, panting and laughing.

As she spoke, she raised her palm.


Paimon's little hands and Ying's palms hit each other, making a clear sound of applause. Then she climbed onto Ying's back.

"Let...let me rest for a while, I'm going to...die." Paimeng's face drooped, looking like he was half-dead.

In order to catch up with Ying just now, she had used up all her strength, and she would never be able to make up for it without eating three big meals.

"You come here, you look directly at it. The secret of the [Abyss] cannot be looked directly into."

"Pay the price, you reckless man."

The hoarse voice echoed in the small space, like a devil coming from an unknown place, making people fearful.

As soon as he finished speaking, a wormhole formed by starlight appeared in front of Ying's eyes.

Then, a tall figure walked out.

The blue-black robe and armor, the ferocious mask with two horns, the deep eyes, the tense muscles... all of these tell the story of the power and distortion of the inhuman thing in front of him.

"——punishment, sent down by the [Apostle]!" The Abyss Apostle shouted, and showed the double swords on his arms.

"Hide!" Ying's pupils narrowed slightly. She didn't expect that the apostle of the abyss who had been looking for so long would appear here. He saw Paimon thrown far away and jumped back to distance himself from the apostle of the abyss.

She raised the edgeless sword she had just put away again, and a swirling storm began to swirl around her, with blade-like wind blades also swirling around it.

The apostle of the abyss glanced at Paimon, who fell dizzy on the ground, and didn't care.

It's a flying gadget with little strength, so it's better to deal with the imposing guy in front of you first.

The two swords on the arms of the apostle of the abyss gathered water elements, and the water flow on them was rapid, forming a flowing barrier that shimmered with light.

Both of them kept a certain distance and did not act rashly. This was the first time for Ying to see the apostle of the abyss, and he didn't know the details of this monster.

The apostle of the abyss felt the powerful aura emanating from Ying's body and was trying to find Ying's weaknesses, hoping to easily deal with her.

"Apostle of the Abyss? Let me try the depth!" Perhaps because he had been tricked again and again in the secret realm, he held his breath, or because of his confidence in his own strength, Ying moved first.

She suddenly took a step forward, and the edgeless sword in her hand started to dance. The wind howled along with it, and the wind blade shot towards the apostle of the abyss like a sharp arrow.

Facing this abyss monster that she had never seen before, Ying didn't dare to hold anything back. She went all out with all her strength from the moment she started fighting, without any of the gentleness she had in her previous fights.

The apostle of the abyss smiled coldly, crossed his swords, and the water flow gathered into waves. As he waved his arms, the wind blades that struck him were defeated one by one.

Then, it waved its backhand, and the water flow turned into two crossed "cross" sharp blades, hitting Ying like a pouring waterfall.

Wherever the sharp blade passed, there were two smooth carvings. Although the blade is made of water, it is many times sharper than an ordinary sword.

"Desolate Star!" Ying shouted loudly, raising his free arm upwards, and the huge and solid rock creation rose up, blocking the path where the sharp blade must pass.


The sharp blade struck the planet, immediately cutting into pieces the rock that was as thick as a person.

"Dual elements?!"

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes under the Abyss Apostle's mask. Affected by this, its subsequent movements were a little slower.

"good chance!"

A trace of joy flashed in her eyes, and she waved the sword in her hand, crazily activating the wind elemental power around her.

The ordinary bladeless sword swung out an ordinary eye of wind. But in just a moment, the eye of the storm became extraordinary.

The eye of the wind swept the surrounding elemental forces, and the wind's path forward seemed to be controlled, unable to stop converging into the eye of the wind.

At the same time, a storm suddenly arose.

A tornado completes the steps from small to large, from weak to strong in a few blinks of an eye, forming an all-encompassing storm.

The tornado swept towards the Abyss Apostle. In a hurry, the Abyss Apostle had no choice but to cross his arms and use a teleport.


The raging storm cut through everything. Wooden boards, gravel, and even the blown floorboards were instantly turned into powder as long as they were sucked into the tornado.

"This power seems familiar." The double swords on the Abyss Apostle's arms gradually dimmed, and it stared at Ying in the distance, thinking deeply.

"Well... I see, you are... the one!" The apostle of the abyss looked at Ying who was on guard and immediately understood something.

Isn't this the wandering princess? In this case, there is no need to continue fighting.

"It seems that I shouldn't stay for a long time." After thinking about it, the Abyss Apostle opened the abyss passage, as if he wanted to escape.

Ying wanted to step forward to stop it, but suddenly felt a strong wind pressure above her head.

It was as if a huge palm was trying to pin her to the ground.


The howling of the wind grew from small to loud, and soon resounded throughout the entire space. With the arrival of the wind, the already dark environment of the secret realm became even darker.

"Then...what is that."

Paimon in the distance looked up and his eyes suddenly widened.

"You're dead! A meteorite fell from the ground!"

(End of this chapter)

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