Chapter 382


Huge wind pressure came from the dark sky, and the strong airflow blew all the debris on the ground to both sides, leaving only Ying and the abyss apostles who were still struggling to support themselves.

"Ying! Run away!"

Paimon saw the scene in the sky and shouted hurriedly.


There was a sudden rumbling sound above her head. Ying looked up and saw a huge rock falling towards the ground.

It seemed to be the only star in the dark night sky. Of course, it would be more like it if it could hang quietly in the air.

"Clap! Clap!"

The rain of gravel fell from a height, accompanied by roaring and shattering sounds. They splashed on the ground, seeming to be a preview for the fall of the boulder.


Seeing this, he no longer cared about whether he was an apostle or not. She flashed to Paimon's side, took her little hand and ran away.


The boulder completely turned into falling stars and hit the ground heavily.

With the deafening roar, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the entire secret realm was trembling. Rubbles flew everywhere, mixed with earth and rocks, as if the whole world was trembling from this heavy touchdown.

In the shock wave of the boulder falling to the ground, Ying's figure was swept away by the incoming air waves.

At this moment, she was like a leaf swaying in the storm, being ruthlessly involved in this powerful force.

The surrounding air was fluctuating, and the diffuse dust and smoke obscured everything, making the entire secret realm seem to be plunged into chaos.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

In the rising dust and smoke, Ying stood up from the ground. She patted the dust on herself, shook the dizzy Paimon in her arms and said:

"Hey! Paimon, are you okay?"

The situation was too urgent just now, so Ying just hugged Paimon in her arms and concentrated on escaping. I don’t know if the force used was enough.

Paimon is already small, and if she crushes him again, he will really turn into a floating white fairy.

"Uh..., I almost suffocated to death." Pamon woke up from the shaking, and she quickly took a few deep breaths.

It's nice not to get squashed.

"By the way, what's going on with that big rock? This is obviously underground, right?" Paimon saw the scattered dust and smoke slowly fall back to the ground, reacted, and asked in surprise.

Can you still find meteorites underground? If the suffocating feeling that Ying had given her hadn't completely dissipated just now, Paimon would have suspected that she had inhaled too much of the purple gas that had seeped out from the ground and had hallucinations.

"You ask me? Who am I asking?" Ying looked at the scene in front of her and was extremely puzzled.

Although the boulder is not too big, it seems to have fallen from a high height. The shock wave it set off when it landed destroyed the ground of this secret realm into pieces.

Countless stone slabs laid on the ground were turned up or shattered, revealing the dark brown soil underneath.

"Is this power... the princess's special ability..."

Beside the falling stone, the apostle of the abyss also came out. The power contained in this boulder is indeed great, but it is still a bit foolish to think of crushing the Abyss Apostle to death.

The Apostles of the Abyss were also surprised where this fallen rock came from. This secret place was carefully selected by the Abyss Order.

Not only is the entrance hidden, but the main body of the secret realm is also buried deep under the earth, making it impossible for such a large rockfall to occur.

Naturally, it blamed Ying for the source of the rockfall.

Sora can summon the power of the abyss, so it makes sense for His Highness' sister to be able to summon meteorites.


When Ying and the apostle of the abyss stood facing each other, there was a crashing sound from the falling boulder.


The boulder shattered, and a large piece of jasper appeared from its ordinary appearance.

Even though the light in the secret realm is dim, due to the excellent quality of this jadeite, it still reflects the dazzling blue color.

"Hey... Ying, do you want us to capture this monster and let it summon this kind of stone every day?"

Paimon saw the glowing green emerald, and his eyes instantly burst into light. She and the Abyss Apostle unexpectedly came up with an idea - she thought the boulder was summoned by the Abyss Apostle. But she went one step further. She now wants to tie up the apostle of the abyss and use it as a cash machine.

This green stone was worth a lot at first glance. If there were a few more, she and her husband would not have to worry about their future lives.

"Don't be careless! It won't be that simple!" Ying rejected Paimon's idea without even thinking about it.

How can any jadeite fly?

Yes, the green crystals inside the boulder actually flew up out of thin air. Although the crystal fell out of the boulder, it was still the size of several people.

Such a big stone flew up so easily, which surprised Ying and at the same time she couldn't help but cheer up.

This thing might have been created by the Abyss Apostles. Although it seemed fine, she didn't dare to take it lightly when it came to the Abyss Order.

The apostle of the abyss also saw the crystal stone flying into the sky, but it took it as a sign of weakness.

"It seems you know more than we thought. I will make it clear to His Highness."

Under Ying's surprised eyes, the apostle of the abyss bowed deeply.

"Ah!" Then it fell to the ground - the flying green crystal fell down again, hitting it just in time.

"Huh? It's a little strange." Shen He walked down from the floating stone, a doubt rising in his heart.

There seems to be something wrong with the feeling of landing on the ground?

After thinking for a while and having no clue, Shen He stopped thinking about it. A bundle of gold ropes suddenly appeared in her hand. Along with the handprints and mantras, the gold ropes in Shen He's hands flew up and tightly wrapped around the floating stone.

This was one of the few useful things invented by her master Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, and was used by Shen He for training.

Mainly so that she can pull up big trees, stalagmites and the like and use them as dumbbells to exercise.

"Have you finished grinding?" Just as Shen He was controlling the golden rope to wrap tightly around the floating stone, a low hoarse sound suddenly came from below.

The sound was full of power, as oppressive as a volcano about to erupt.

"Ah. Someone."

Shen He exclaimed a few words without saltiness, and his voice did not sound any different. It didn't sound like an exclamation at all.

Under the floating stone, eye-catching blue light gathers. Shen He made a quick decision and jumped far away from the floating stone with a big jump.

Before leaving, she did not forget to tug on the golden rope and pull the floating stone with her.

This was the floating stone that master Qian Dingzhuwan had asked her to send to Liyue, so there could be no accidents.


Not long after the floating stone took off, blue light exploded. It is like an elemental bomb that has been accumulated for a long time, pouring water elements around.

"Did you get that meteorite just now?" Ying and Paimeng approached Shen He and asked, pointing to the boulder that was split in two in the distance.


"That's it."

Shen He raised his head and glanced in the direction Ying pointed at, and nodded stiffly. Although the process was tortuous, as far as the result was concerned, this big stone was hers.

Originally, she had just come down from the mountain and planned to carry the floating stone to Liyue like this.

Unexpectedly, he saw Daine not long after walking. It didn't matter if he saw Daine, the key point was that the aura on Dine was still so uncomfortable, it was simply not what a human should have.

What's even worse is that she couldn't defeat Dyne, but she was almost killed by the "demon" even though she was trying to slay demons. If the master knew about it, Shen He estimated that all the children of the Xian family would know about it in less than half a day.

"That's awesome. Where are you from? Why haven't Meng Meng and Liyue heard of you?" Ying saw Shen He admitting and became curious about Shen He's origins.

Judging from her clothes, she must be from Liyue. But Ying had been in Liyue for a while and had never heard of Shen He.

"Disciple of True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng, Shen He." Shen He took out a piece of talisman and looked warily at the Abyss Apostle in the distance.

If Dyne is not human, then the guy in front of him is not human at all.

"So your name is Shen He? Remember to learn some etiquette in the future."

A familiar voice came from above, and then Daine landed lightly on the ground.

"Finally I found you." Looking at the apostles of the abyss in front of him, an undetectable smile appeared on the corner of Dine's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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