King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 386 The Secret of the Abyss Order

Chapter 386 The Secret of the Abyss Order

"Daine, are you having an affair with the Abyss Cult? I noticed that the Abyss Cult pops up every time you appear."

Walking on the path in the secret realm, Yi Yan made a joke to Dyne who was silent beside him.

"Oh, you got the cause and effect wrong. I showed up here only after I found the traces of the Abyss Religion, instead of the Abyss Religion following me."

Dyne answered Ember's words while observing the surrounding stone walls. But his face looked a little unnatural.

Because Dyne remembered the abyss mage on the ground before. It turns out that it’s not that they didn’t say it, but that I didn’t give it a chance at all.

Who could imagine that the Abyss Mage would run directly above the stronghold? Dyne felt that he should be gentler against the monsters of the Abyss Order in the future.

At least give them time to say their last words, maybe you can find out some information.

His eyes gradually moved away from the unchanging stone slabs and fell on Ying, who was absent-mindedly in front of him. "Ying, the hanging statue you mentioned has not arrived yet?"

Ying was still moving forward, seemingly not hearing Dyne's question.

"Hey! Ying, Dain is asking you about the hanging statue!" Pamon looked at Ying whose eyes were wandering and patted her shoulder.

"Hmm, huh?!" Ying suddenly raised her head and woke up from her deep thoughts.

She observed the situation around her, then nodded and said, "It's almost enough if we walk through this downhill slope."

"Really? It seems that those guys from the Abyss Cult are very interested in this stolen Seven Heavenly God Statue." Dain did not doubt that he was there.

It's just that the Abyss Cult attaches too much importance to this hanging statue.

Not to mention an Abyssal Apostle stationed there, even Kong, who leads the Abyss Order, is here, which makes Daine even more curious about what these inhuman things are up to.

"The statue of the Seven Heavens hanging upside down? It's really... unimaginable." Chongyun heard Ying's words and imagined in his mind what the statue of the Rock God would look like standing upside down, and then a layer of goosebumps appeared all over his body.

The hanging upside down statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods is really weird.

"No way! This statue is the Seven Heavenly God statue from Mondstadt next door. Who would have thought that Barbatos standing upside down would be so scary!" Paimon also recalled the first time she saw the hanging statue. She was so frightened at that time. Not light.

"Very scary?" Yi Yan touched his chin, sketched Wendy's appearance in his mind, and then asked him to stand on his head.

"Cough cough cough..."

Shocked but not, but the funny way Wendy stood on her head almost made Ember laugh.

Whenever he met Wendy, he would be asked to stand on his head on the spot, this is what Yi Yan always thought of. Because he was suddenly curious about whether the Fengshen handstand was scary or funny.

"What's wrong with you? Have you been eroded by the power of the abyss?" Dain felt a little worried when he saw Ember coughing a few times. He rightfully thought that he had been eroded by the power of the abyss.

It is normal for people to be eroded when they are in close contact with such a large amount of abyssal power. It would be better to say that the ember could persist for so long, which was beyond his expectation.

"It's okay, I just thought of something fun." Yu Yan waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

"I'm just more curious about the Seven Heavens Statue." He looked at the purple that appeared in front of him and strode forward.

Walking out of the slightly narrow path, the corner of Ember's field of vision was attracted by the shaking deep purple light.

"It's so dazzling. It seems that the hanging statue has not been affected in any way." Paimon flew over and looked at the hanging statue from a distance and said in surprise.

Obviously so many things have happened, even the apostles of the abyss and Kong were beaten away, but this statue still remains unchanged.

"This power..." Chongyun saw the dark purple light in the palm of the statue from a distance, and the yang energy in his body that had been dormant began to become active again.

"Evil evil spirits..., and extremely pure evil spirits." Shen He said with a solemn expression.

The aura in the hanging statue reminded her of the scene when she faced the dark "fairy spirit" when she was a child.

The "fairy spirit" at that time exuded an aura similar to that of the statue in front of me. However, the aura of this statue is many times more powerful than the "fairy spirit" back then.

"Chongyun, can you solve it?" Xingqiu approached Chongyun, who was blushing, and asked quietly.

"Do you want to offer incense to me during the Hai Lantern Festival?" Chongyun condensed ice cubes and applied them to his face, saying speechlessly. Unlike everyone else who was cowering, Dain strode up to the hanging statue after seeing it.

He stretched out his arm covered by the dark sleeve armor and moved closer to the ball of light held in the palm of the statue's hand.


The closer he got to the light of the hanging statue, the slower Daine's hand stretched out. It was as if the invisible light had weight and resistance at this moment.


The light of the hanging statue fluctuated violently, causing Dine's arm to fly away.

"Is this thing rejecting me?" Dain stared at the statue in front of him. In the fluctuating dark purple, he even felt that the peaceful smile on the face of the hanging statue had turned into a mockery.

"Well..., this probably wasn't meant for you."

"Let me take a look..., the body of the devil..., the new base..., the eyes of the first cultivator..."

"Uh..., I can't understand."

Ember's fragmentary thoughts came from behind Din. The latter turned around and saw people gathered in a circle.

"This is the apostle of the abyss you are talking about? Does this mean..., dead?" Xingqiu saw him squatting on the ground and poked the body of the apostle of the abyss with his own weapon.

As a result, his weapon directly penetrated the body of the Abyss Apostle and inserted straight into it.

The strong body of the Apostle of the Abyss turned out to be so weak after death, which was somewhat beyond everyone's expectation.

But Ke Qiu no longer had the intention to care about this. He pulled out his one-handed sword, and the dark corrosion marks on it were so clearly visible.

Not only that, Xingqiu also saw that the tip of the sword was drooping, and the one-handed sword forged from fine steel was as soft as a circus sword.

"My weapon! This is a limited edition made one to one according to the martial arts novels!"

Xingqiu held up his one-handed sword that had been eroded into disgrace and shouted regretfully.

Why is his hand so short? If I had been more honest, this limited edition one-handed sword might not have left me so early!

Although Xingqiu's cry was very miserable, Yi Yan felt that this guy was howling.

"You can't have this weapon, throw it away immediately." So he grabbed Xingqiu's weapon and immediately threw it away.

The painful expression on Xingqiu's face paused, and then he became careless. His face changed so quickly that everyone was caught off guard.

"Indeed, there is actually something wrong with the size of this sword, and I have trouble using it." Xingqiu took out another one-handed sword and started playing with it.

"Why do you still have a weapon?" Paimon asked in surprise when he saw Xingqiu conjuring another shining one-handed sword.

"Because I am relatively rich." Xingqiu smiled shyly and gave a very convincing reason.

Its credibility even made Paimon's eyes light up.

If a rich man can become a good friend with him, will he be able to eat whatever he wants in the future?

Paimeng's eyes were rolling so fast. She was already thinking about how to establish a good relationship with Xingqiu.

"This is your good friend?"

Shen He looked at Xingqiu showing off to Paimeng expressionlessly and asked Chongyun.

As Chongyun's aunt, Shen He felt that he had to prevent Chongyun from making careless friends.

"Uh... Auntie, don't look at Xingqiu like this. He is usually a very... very good friend."

Chongyun recalled Xingqiu's usual experience of deceiving him, and couldn't help but say it against his will.

Xingqiu has a lot of bad intentions. There are countless things like how Aoyin appears in Yunlaihai, but turns out to be an anteater; how an expert in exorcism comes to Wangshu Inn, but turns out to be a charlatan.

Suddenly, Chongyun seemed to feel that Xingqiu was not so good.

(End of this chapter)

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