King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 387 The thread of fate is in tangle

Chapter 387 The thread of fate is in tangle

"Where did you get the corpse of the Abyss Apostle?" Daine pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

He turned over the body of the Abyss Apostle in front of him, and it was as soft as a puddle of mud. This apostle of the abyss did not return to the embrace of the abyss like other members of his kind. Instead, his body was forcibly stabilized.

"You think I was just playing with the laser for fun, right?" Yi Yan touched his chin and stared at the purple text that appeared on the apostle of the abyss, looking like he was analyzing something.

But he soon gave up on this thought-provoking behavior. Pointing to the purple text floating in mid-air, Ember asked Dyne:

"Come on, come on, come and take a look, what is written on this? Why can't I understand it?"

The Abyss Order and Dyne have many similarities, and the most worthy of complaint is their writing style.

I obviously know every word, but I can't understand them when they are put together. He looked exactly like Dyne when he spoke in riddles.

"Let me take a look..., the loom of destiny..., weaving destiny..." Dain squatted down and muttered something intermittently.

After reading it, Dain felt an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in his heart. So he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to recall the past.

A curtain appeared in his mind, and the memories unearthed by Dine were the slideshow played on it.

Most of the picture is blurry, and only a few familiar scenes are still clearly visible.

Among them, there is a purple crystal hanging upside down.


Dain suddenly opened his eyes, and his sight gradually shifted to the hanging statue, which was bathed in dark purple light.

The light was distorting, and in Dine's sight, the hanging statue began to overlap with the hanging deep amethyst in his memory.

"[Sinner]..., are you the ones he guides, or are you approaching him yourself..."

Dain pursed his lips, and unknowingly, a trace of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Um... Dain, look at what this is. I'll give you a chance to reorganize the language."

A pair of iron hands shook in front of Dine's eyes. Daine turned around and saw Ember waving his fists.

Dain suddenly remembered some unbearable memories.

Due to being cursed and always dealing with the abyss, Daine always likes to leave half of his words behind.

This is actually a kind of protection for the interlocutor. Because the secrets he carries are too heavy, once others know about them, their fate will be uncertain and they will find them.

And the power of fate is unstoppable.

At least that's the case for Dyne.

But Ember doesn't care about this. What he hates most in his life is the Riddler.

You want to ask why? Of course he was scared. There are one after another in the Fire Sacrifice, all filled with Riddlers, including the Fireproof Girl!

Every time he walked into the Fire Sacrifice, Ember's head would get a little bigger - he was really tired from talking to the Riddler.

I originally thought that it would be better to go to the junction, but as soon as Melina opened her mouth, Ember knew that this woman's ability to tell riddles was not inferior to that of the fireproof girl.

Having learned the lessons of the first two times, Ember now hates the Riddler deeply!

So every time Dain spoke a riddle, Ember would hit him on the head and tell him to speak more clearly. It worked well, and now both Dyne and Ember can only speak plain English when they are together.

"Ahem... I'm just feeling a little emotional because I thought about something that happened too far ago." Dain coughed a few times, then quietly took a few steps back.

It still hurts to hit someone with the ember fist.

"The Abyss Cult... and brother, what do they want to do?" Ying also tried to decipher the message in the text, but unfortunately, she couldn't understand the unique text of the abyss monster at all.

"What are you doing..." Dai Yin was about to say something, but he looked at Shen He and others beside him and stopped.

Shen He, Xing Qiu, and Chong Yun, the three of them are already great in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in Dine's view, they still belong to the category of "ordinary people" and should not be involved in things related to the Abyss and Canrea.

Their fate cannot bear such weight.

Just as Dai Yin was struggling with how to explain to his father, he heard a burst of exclamation suddenly coming from his ears.

"Wow! Bald head!"

"I don't think this guy is that scary anymore." "Evils and evil spirits should not be distinguished by their faces."

"I asked why they were wearing masks. So that's why?"

There was a flurry of discussion, and Dain had a bad premonition.

He looked down and saw a bald head reflecting blue light. Looking up again, the disappearing mask of the Abyss Apostle ran into Ember's hand without knowing when.


"What are you doing?"

Looking at the head of the Abyss Apostle with his eyes closed and a strange light reflecting on his forehead, Daine now felt that his worries were unnecessary.

"I'm curious about the true appearance of the apostle of the abyss. I'm surprised. I didn't expect him to be bald. Are all apostles of the abyss like this?"

Yi Yan thought of Yushang, and could ask him to verify it the next time he met him.

"I don't know." Dain covered his chest, looking uncomfortable.

Immediately, he saw Ember put a mask on the Abyss Apostle again, and began to dig a hole in the same place.

"What are you doing again?" Dain saw the scene in front of him and suddenly understood the reason for the way the abyss monster died.

They have done so many bad things and died without leaving a body, successfully avoiding the humiliation of a body like Ember.

"The dead one is great, and I am digging its grave."

Ember's hand was digging very quickly, and as he spoke, a deep hole was dug.

There was another burst of dust, and what finally appeared in front of everyone was a slightly raised mound. There is also a wooden sign inserted in front of it, which reads: Tomb of the Apostle of the Abyss.

And it still uses the words of the monsters of the abyss.

"Ho..." Dain bent down. It was just chest tightness just now, but now it's angina.

After taking a few deep breaths, Daine finally adjusted his mentality. He twitched the corners of his mouth and said to her unabashedly,

"I don't know much, but based on the current information, it seems that Sora wants to imitate that guy and weave his destiny."

Now that Dai Yin is completely open, he doesn't care whether something dark will appear in the fate of Shen He and others after listening to these things they shouldn't listen to.

Anyway, if someone comes looking for him in the future, he will just say: Please look for embers on the ground, I don’t know anything.

"Destiny? Can this thing be woven?" Several question marks appeared on Ying's head. Who is the sinner? What is fate? Is it really possible to weave destiny?

"Awesome! It's difficult to weave destiny. Your brother has great ambitions." Yi Yan stepped on the grave more firmly. After hearing Daine's words, he couldn't help but praise Sora's ambition.

"But is he that powerful? How can he push so many stars?"

Teyvat's fate is a difficult thing to deal with. Judging from Ember's half-empty astrology, Teyvat's fate seems to be closely related to the destiny star in the sky.

So how to change your destiny? Of course that will change the trajectory of the stars!

Thinking of this, Yi Yan suddenly felt that Teyvat's fate could still be easily changed, just by pushing the stars.

It would be great if you could change your destiny by pushing stars in the border area. That way, the Knox people wouldn't have to use their entire clan to develop the Hunting Finger Knife and anchor it to the future Lani.

I hope that at a suitable moment in the future, the right person, at the right place, will pick up the right hunting finger knife, in exchange for a chance to break through the destiny.

The price was that the entire clan was slaughtered by the evil from the stars, and the Eternal City was also destroyed.

The price was so high that Yi Yan didn't think it was a good deal.

But then again, it seems that pushing the stars is quite difficult for the Knox people. The main reason is that the stars at the junction are alive. If you push them, they will bite you, which is very difficult to deal with.

Thinking about it this way, things like Yi Yan's sudden fate are so fucked up, they are constantly being cut and the logic is still messy.

This kid Kong has a long way to go!

(End of this chapter)

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