King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 389 The Mystery of the Qiuqiu People

Chapter 389 The Mystery of the Qiuqiu People

"Are the Qiuqiu people transformed from the Kanreyan people?!" Everyone present was shocked when they heard Dyne's words.

Who would have thought that Qiuqiu people, who are usually everywhere, were actually living people before?

Of course, except for the ember holding hands on the side.

"Exactly, not only that, the Abyss Order is also a remnant of the ancient country of Canria."

"There are also mechanical creations such as the ruins guard and the ruins heavy machine. As long as you can't analyze them, there is a high probability that they are the creations left by Kanria."

Dain nodded, and then cited more traces of Kanria's existence.

"All of these?" Xingqiu seemed a little unconvinced. He swallowed his saliva and asked, "But how could such a powerful force not leave any traces in history?"

Xingqiu couldn't help but shiver when he thought of the number of Qiuqiu people and ruins guards wandering in the wilderness.

How could a country with such great power leave no trace at all?

"Is it powerful? But these all come from a godless country." Dyne's face was complicated, with both pride in the strength of Kanreia and feelings about its current situation.

"A country without gods?" Chongyun couldn't imagine what a country without gods would be like.

Their alchemist lineage comes from immortals, and the power of immortals comes from the Rock King. Without gods, the role of alchemists would be impossible.

"Yes, the gods did not die or leave, but did not exist in the history of Canria in the first place."

"This is a powerful country that belongs to mankind alone." Dyne said here, his tone was unconsciously filled with pride.

But soon, this pride quickly dissipated, and he returned to his usual dull self.

"But five hundred years ago, the Seven Gods came to Canria and uprooted human pride. The Qiuqiu people scattered everywhere were the curse set by the gods."

Although Dain tried hard to keep his tone calm, a trace of depression and indignation inevitably appeared on his body.

"How could this happen?" Paimon looked in disbelief. Recalling his experiences with Wendy and Zhongli, Paimon felt that they were not such gods.

"This..." Xingqiu looked bitter, and he took a deep breath and said, "I don't quite believe this statement. There must be some hidden secret in it."

Not only him, Chongyun's complexion was not much better either. Dyne's words were undoubtedly a heavy blow to his spirit.

Shen He was the calmest among the people. She had no feeling at all about what Daiin was talking about.

For her, there are only a few people she cares about. As long as these people are not involved, Shen He feels that she will still be able to survive even if the world collapses.

"You guys think a lot. This doesn't seem to affect your future life, right?" Yu Jin couldn't help but comfort him when he saw that the faces of Xingqiu and Chongyun were entangled with the lines on the skin of bitter melons.

"It's affected me. I don't feel good about eating anymore." Xingqiu nodded and said with a bitter look on his face.

"Aren't you arguing? When did you become as strong as Zhongli? Just ask him!"

"No, if you ask me, I don't think he will tell you that you are strong enough to torture him."

Huan Yan shook his head and said a lot, but in the end he could only say one sentence from Xingqiu.

"Who is Zhongli?"

"Why do kids ask so many questions?" Yi Yan pushed Xingqiu away with a big hand, as if he didn't want to delve into this topic.

Seeing this scene, the somewhat dull atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Five hundred years, which is really too long for ordinary people. Even if I knew there was something hidden during that time, I couldn't do anything.

"The meaning of the loom of fate is..." something became clear in Ying's mind.

"It is to reweave the fate of the remaining people of Kanria and let them get rid of their identity as Qiuqiu people."

Dain spoke up for her.

"Then this is a good thing!" Paimon heard this and immediately felt that this plan sounded very good.

"No, you think this plan is too good." Dain shook his head, "Let's not mention the level of the Qiuqiu people's curse. Let's talk about the number. Why do you think there are so many Qiuqiu people?"

"Because there are so many people in Kanria?" Paimon has a straight mind and doesn't make any mistakes.

"Ha, so many that it would take you hundreds of years to kill them all?" Dain sneered and shook his head.

"This..., it seems so." Paimon covered her forehead, and she suddenly discovered a big loophole.

That is, the Qiuqiu people seem to be unable to kill them all no matter how hard they kill them. “Let’s put it this way, nine out of ten Qiuqiu people you see now have ‘died’ several times.”

Dyne rested his chin on his fingers and added: "It can't be said that, except for the first time, which was a real death, the rest are reincarnations between fakes."

"I see!"

Everyone present was lost in thought, but Yi Yan clapped his hands, as if he understood something.

"What do you know?" Dain's hair suddenly appeared on his forehead. He was really afraid that Yu Hu would say something violent again.

"It's nothing, I just understand why I haven't gained weight recently." Yu Yan scratched his back and said casually.

He asked why so many Qiuqiu people had been killed by his hands, but so few intelligent souls had been sucked in. It turned out to be like this.

Dain looked at the embers upon hearing this. Hmm..., the armor is very big, and the ember's body is also extremely strong.

Under this plate armor, it is impossible to tell whether he has gained weight or lost weight.

"You still care about this?" Paimon looked unbelieving. The look on Ember's face told her that he didn't seem like someone who cared about this.

"I care sometimes." Yi Jin nodded. He still cared a little about his figure.

It doesn't matter if you are thin, but be careful if you are fat.

"Fake? What does this mean?" Ying didn't pay attention to Paimon and Ember's nonsense. She frowned, confused.

"Most of the Qiuqiu people you see now emerged when the earth vein nodes were silted up."

"They all left their mark on the earth's veins at a certain period of time, and they were given the opportunity to reappear when the earth's veins were disrupted."

"How much of it is a natural phenomenon and how much is the work of the Abyss Order is unknown."

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Dai Yin explained.

"Then it seems that the Abyss Cult is planning to create mentally retarded people in batches. It's so cruel!"

Yi Yan couldn't help but feel special. He didn't expect that just after he had figured out the magic to create retards, someone was planning to create retards in batches.

It’s really a declining world and people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!

"How do you say this?" Regarding her brother, Ying didn't want to miss any details.

"That's the literal meaning. If it's true as what Dine said, then most Qiuqiu people now have bodies first and then souls."

"The newly conceived souls have nothing to do with the Kanria people. Even if the curse is lifted, there will probably be one less Qiuqiu person and one more retard in the world."

"And he's also a mentally retarded person who likes to rob and bully slimes."

Yi Yan recalled the habits of Qiuqiu people and added.

"The body appears before the soul? Shouldn't the soul be higher than the body?" Chongyun rubbed his temples, feeling a little brain-burning.

"Both of them should be at the same level, right? You can find out if there are more vegetative people or more wild ghosts."

Yan Yan gave an example that Chongyun could not refute.

"Generally speaking, the body and the soul complement each other, and neither one is good without the other."

"If you have less soul, you will become a vegetable; if you have less body, you will become a wild ghost."

"As for the Qiuqiu people who emerged from the earth veins, they should have some memory remaining in their bodies. This memory was nourished by the body and eventually turned into souls."

Ember spoke out a large number of speculations.


"So the Abyss Order's plan is to create mentally retarded people in batches, hoping to bring down the finances of the seven countries and subvert the order on the ground!"

Ember said firmly. The tone was full of something called "confidence".

(End of this chapter)

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