King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 390 Disposal of the Statues

Chapter 390 Disposal of the Statues

When Paimon heard Ember's words, the confusion in his eyes immediately disappeared.

It is even more difficult to expect the embers to come up with any reliable conclusions than the sun rising from the west.

"I think the purpose of the Abyss Order is definitely not like this." Paimeng drooped his eyelids and looked at the embers with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"Who knows? But no matter what, their plan is not a good one." Dine shook his head.

In his opinion, for the plan "The Loom of Destiny", he most agrees with the purpose, but as for the means... it remains to be discussed.

"Let's not mention these for now, let's consider the threat at hand." Dain thought about the means in his mind that he thought might change the fate of the Kanrian people, but he didn't have any clue.

So he gave up the idea for the time being, as there were more problems that needed to be solved.

Turning around and looking at the hanging statue in the distance, the purple light emitted by it still fluctuated regularly.

"What should we do with this hanging statue?" Dain spread his hands and asked everyone.

"Send it back to Mondstadt?" Paimon tentatively suggested as he looked at the strange hanging statue.

Then she was covered in everyone's contemptuous gaze.

Feeling the gazes from all around, Paimon felt very unconvinced. She crossed her arms and said, "Look what I'm going to do? If I don't put Mond back, what do you think we should do?"

"Don't tell me you want to take this thing home and keep it as a collection."

Paimon felt that his proposal was quite reliable. This hanging statue was originally the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods of Mondstadt, so it would be perfect to send it back to Mondstadt.

Moreover, the singer from Mondstadt could tell at a glance that he had a lot of backup plans. This hanging statue probably wouldn't be a problem for him.

"If you believe me, I can get rid of it." Dyne did not agree to Paimon's proposal.

The idol has been so deeply infiltrated by the power of the abyss that no one knows what changes will occur if it is returned to the surface.

It just so happens that Dyne has a relatively deep dealing with the abyss, so if it is only a small part of the abyss' power, he can try to deal with it.

Although it is not said to be completely eliminated, it can at least prevent it from appearing on the ground again.

"Actually, I think I can handle it." Yu Yan touched his chin, looked at the hanging statue in front of him, and said eagerly.

"How to deal with it? Burn it?" Paimon looked at the embers beside him and wondered if he wanted to burn the statue.

But can the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods really be burned? The ensuing question appeared in Paimon's mind.

The material of the Seven Heavenly God Statue is extremely special. It will not rot when soaked in water or leave traces when exposed to fire. It is as if it is an elemental insulator.

But this doubt disappeared as quickly as it appeared, because Paimon recalled his experience with Ember and suddenly felt that his doubts were somewhat unnecessary.

What is the Seven-Heaven Statue? Didn't he also burn the big nails on the snowy mountain? That big nail is not necessarily worse than the statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods.

"Am I such a rude person?" Ember walked to the statue and retorted to Paimon.

There are wisps of dark purple light around the body of the hanging statue, which looks like substantial threads, firmly fixing the statue to the base deep in the earth.

After watching for a while, Yu Yan felt that the light was blinding him.

So he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

I saw Ember's hands stretching straight into the vibrating dark purple light.

The resistance that was enough to push Dyne away before was as if it didn't exist here. The light gradually turned into substance and converged on Ember's arm armor.

Dots of black and purple lumps began to appear, turning Ember's originally iron-gray armor into a pitch-black color.

"Drink, let me in!" After a loud shout, Yi Yan used both arms. The slightest crack appeared under the turbulent light.

With a "click!", the entire hanging statue embedded in the rock wall was pulled out by the embers.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, after Yan Yan pulled out the hanging statue, he stuffed it into his body bit by bit.

It looked like he had "eaten" the idol into it. When the last part of the hanging statue was swallowed up by the embers, the originally bright secret realm suddenly became dark.

Only the nameless runes left behind by the ancient ruins around the secret realm are still emitting a faint light.


A string of flames burst out from Ember's fingertips, and the beating firelight reflected his sharp-edged armor. The darkness that was not illuminated by the light was like stains on the armor.

All this makes Ember look like an evil spirit escaping from the seal.

And the expressions on everyone's faces were indeed not much different from those who had seen a ghost.

"Senior, don't your teeth hurt?" Xingqiu's expression changed, and he finally asked the first question.

In fact, he had many such questions when reading the novel. For example, why do heroes always get exactly two taels of silver in the hotel, and why do the cliffs they fall into always have a cave or something like that?

"Is this the legendary 'The Universe in a Sleeve'?" Chongyun's eyes were about to turn into star eyes.

Although Ember's actions when taking away the hanging statue were a bit inelegant, in terms of the result, it was no different from the legendary "The Universe in His Sleeve".

"The Universe in the Sleeve? What is that?" Yu Jin asked in confusion. Liyue has so many novel things? Another one popped up that he didn't understand.

"A type of fairy magic that can create a small world within itself." Shen He explained when he mentioned the fairy magic he knew about.

"Huh? Is there really such a spell?!" Chongyun was shocked when he heard Shen He's words.

Did he always think this was just some kind of legend? According to my aunt, is there really such a magical magic?

"Naturally, but the required level of cultivation is extremely high. No one among the immortals I know can do it."

"At most, we can rely on external objects to open up a cave."

Thinking of his master's Chenge pot that had not been cleaned for a long time, Shen He couldn't help but add.

Speaking of which, Ying and Paimon did the last cleaning.

"I see, it seems that my cultivation level is very high?" Yu Yan made a gesture, and it turned out that "the universe is in one's sleeve" meant this, and he learned it.

At that time, with a wave of his hand, a bunch of herbal chocolates will fly out, and he can say to others: Eat the world in my sleeve!

"Then this way, the matter is considered to have ended successfully." Surrounded by the firelight, Dain saw the calm underground again, and a trace of relaxation appeared on his face.

"In that case, let's say goodbye." Recalling their discussion about [Sinner], Dain felt a little uneasy.

It's time to hide for a while. It has been too active recently, and the Abyss Order's alert level is probably very high.

Moreover, Dyne believed that the [Sinner] would be more interested in his traces.

It would be best for everyone to be apart for some time.

"Huh? Don't you want Mr. Dai Yin to stay? Liyue is going to celebrate the Lantern Festival recently, and it's very busy." Xing Qiu saw Dai Yin wanting to leave, and couldn't help but say something to persuade him to stay.

"If you're worried about not having anywhere to go, I still have some free houses. Dain, you can take a rest for now."

"Not just Dyne, everyone can do it!"

Xingqiu looked around at everyone, and it was finally his turn to show off. It seems that having money is still very useful sometimes!

"Wow! Ying, let's live in Liyue next time." Paimeng was more excited than anyone else when he heard that he could stay for free.

"That was the original plan." Ying did not refute. In fact, she had originally planned to stay in Liyue.

Who told Liyue to celebrate the holidays recently?

"No, the festival is for me...forget it, I have other things to be busy with, so I won't join in the fun."

Dain looked at everyone with excited expressions on their faces and swallowed the "additional troubles" on his lips.

As a person from the old era, he should not spoil the scenery of the new era.

(End of this chapter)

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