King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 392 Contractor Menggert

Chapter 392 Contractor Menggert

In ancient times, Qingxupu in Liyue also had a glorious civilization.

The ruins and remains that once covered this land are the best evidence of the existence of these civilizations.

Why do you say it was once? That’s of course because the current Cheongxupo no longer exists!

In the past, Cheongxupo was a depression, where the water system flowing down from Mount Aozang gathered into many deep pools and large lakes.

Of course, most of this doesn't exist now. There is one river, but there are only two lakes left, and they were specially formed to divert water.

Walking along the diversion river, the rushing water splashed in all directions, and Yi Yan couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene.

According to the people from Yingying and Yujingtai, these two rivers were dug by the executive officers. Looking at it today, it turns out that he is truly worthy of the title of executive!

The river is well repaired.

In a wilderness, a creature that was incompatible with the surrounding environment gradually appeared.

Huge mechanical equipment and engineering teams are busy in the valley that has dried up due to water diversion, and many mechanical creations that have never been seen in Liyue are operating in it.

The exchanges between the seven countries are deeper than Ember imagined.

Towering cranes rise high in the sky, moving giant blocks of stone from one place to another.

The entire construction site is busy. Among the countless protective fences erected, one can see enthusiastic and familiar figures.

Why do you say familiar? Because the people inside are all fools. The dark uniforms of the Fools, paired with the protective hats of different colors on their heads, look simply...

So cool!

Yu Yan felt that Ning Guang was a genius. For such a large group of strong and strong people to do manual labor, how about one person doing the job?

Continuing forward, the huge concrete wall has begun to take shape. It stretches along the river valley, like a huge barrier, destined to change the surrounding scene.

But what surprised Yi Jin was that the sound coming from the distance was neither the roar of machinery nor the loud chants of the Fools, but a sound that he was so familiar with that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

"Seize the sunny day and seize the cloudy day!"

"The drizzle is a beautiful day!"

"It's daytime under the moon!"

"One sunny day is worth two days!"

“It rains lightly but we work hard, it rains hard and we work hard, it rains heavily and we work hard, we work hard even when there is no rain!”


Menggert's rhythmic slogans became clearer and clearer, sounding like reciting poetry.

Walking to the front of the construction site, Yi Yan discovered that there were not only busy machines, but also huge banners fluttering in the wind.

[Became team leader in three years, and became executive officer in five years! 】

【Fools who struggle are the most beautiful! 】

"Do it, do it, do it!"

Before Yan Yan finished reading the banner, he saw Mengt's figure. At this time, he was holding a loudspeaker and shouting deafeningly while walking on the protective fence.


Yi Yan picked out his ears numbly. Is Mengt passionate?

Why didn't you realize that he was such a hot-blooded person before?



There was a light sound of landing, and Menggert's figure appeared in front of Yu Yan.

"What was that... just now?"

Yi Yan took a few steps back and looked up at the majestic wall. Why was Menggert already in front of him, but this loud slogan still vaguely appeared in his ears?

Soon, he knew why. I saw golden light gathering on Menggete's body. Then, the golden light split into two groups and transformed into two identical figures.

The two Menggerts nodded to each other, and then Menggert, holding the horn in his hand, jumped into the construction site again.

It turns out that Mengget’s clones are everywhere on this dam.

"Uh..., Menggert, where did you learn these things?" Yi Yan scratched his head. This is not treating the fools as criminals, they are clearly being used as cattle and horses.

"When I was the Blessing King in Rodel." Menggete nodded and replied.

When Rodel was the Blessing King, Menggert discovered the great role of "slogan" and "goal".

"Did you do this during Rodel's time?" Yi Yan was shocked, but soon he thought of a rather strange thing in the past.

Christopher, a powerful knight known as the "Knight of the Ancient Dragon".

It is said that he was rewarded for his meritorious service in capturing the "Extended Limb" Grover during the First Battle of Rodel and was able to die as a hero.

The person who rewarded him at that time was the "Blessing King" who was still on the throne, Mengget.

But what’s strange about this is that Christopher actually has ashes!

You know, in the borderland, the soul exists in the bones. Those who retain ashes naturally have their souls in the ashes.

The key is that Christopher is a person who returns to the tree. The soul of a person who returns to the tree enters the golden tree, leaving no ashes at all.

When Ember asked Christopher, he just smiled and said nothing. On the contrary, he also asked him to look forward to the future and not waste time on the past.

Now it seems that 80% of the time it was Mengt who didn't give people a home at all, but burned them into ashes to prepare for emergencies.

The ashes at the junction can be reunited to summon the soul under the action of the resurrecting tablet and the soul-summoning bell.

As a powerful knight with a "hero" level of strength, Christopher is just a soul and has great power.

Back then, Rodlan was really a big cat or two kittens, all supported by Mongote. Finally, a powerful guy appeared, so it's no wonder that Mongote kept his ashes.

"King? What's wrong?"

"I didn't expect that this kid like you is so bad..., oh no, you are quite talented!" Yu Jin originally wanted to say Menggete, but after thinking about it, Christopher himself felt relieved. The person involved understands, what is he in a hurry for? Energetic?

Looking up at the dam under construction, Yi Yan threw away all the things in his mind and asked curiously: "You can still do these things? How come you didn't know this before?"

"Does Wang know who supervised the repair of the sewers after Rodel was rebuilt?" Menggert stuck his crutch on the ground, looking proud.

"It can't be you, can it?"

"Exactly!" Mengge nodded.

Although it may sound a bit hellish, Menggert is indeed the person who knows the underground system of the royal city best.

Can you not understand? After all, he has been living in sewers since he was a child. He knows where the sewers are blocked and where they are not, why they are blocked, and why they are not blocked.

After all, all the innocent people were eaten by rats in the sewers that were bigger than humans.

"But what does this have to do with the mine tunnel and the dam?" Yi Yan spread his hands, still confused.

"Your Majesty, please think back to the scale of Rodel and the complexity of its underground system." Menggert's eyes were complicated, as if he was recalling the black years in the sewer.

Rodel is different from Liyue Port. Liyue Port is the most prosperous city in Teyvat, and Rodel is also the most prosperous city in the border area.

But the difference between Rodel and Liyue is that Rodel is the capital of the border area and the absolute core of a world.

Its size must be worthy of its status as a world capital. Therefore, it is much larger than Liyue in every aspect.

"The mines in Liyue are deep, but not as deep as Rodel's sewers."

"The dam in Liyue is big, but not as big as the Rodel sewage treatment tank."

Menggert shook his head. If he had seen Rodel's underground system with his own eyes, he would understand its complexity.

The sewers in the royal city of Rodel are like spider webs all over the city's underground. They will eventually carry sewage and collect it in deep underground cylindrical pools.

The flow of sewage is not much worse than the river in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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