King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 393 The bleak future

Chapter 393 The bleak future

Yan Yan raised his head and looked at Menggert. A powerful person is powerful no matter where he is. In the sewer, you can delve into the underground system, and on the surface, you can directly become the king.

It’s impossible not to admire this.

"In that case... just go about your business and I won't disturb you." Yu Jin looked at the busy construction site and thought it would be better not to disturb other people's normal work.

"The king is too worried. He is not busy." Menggert shook his head. He also looked up at the dam, and then shouted:

"Okay, the first construction period is over! Have you been to that 'Sea Lantern Festival'?"

Menggert's voice wasn't too loud, but it couldn't stand up to the fact that he had a clone. With thousands of clones shouting together, the news of the end of work soon spread throughout the construction site.

"Wuhu! Long live the Hailantern Festival!"

Soon, a stream of light with an afterimage flew out of the construction site. After seeing Yu Ember and Menggert, it thoughtfully made a detour.


After the stream of light, there was an equally fast figure, but this figure was flying.

The figure didn't say anything, it just kept flying as if it wanted to escape from here quickly.

"Hey, it looks good." Yi Yan looked at the young master and the skirmishers who ran away quickly. No matter how fast they were, the safety helmets on their heads did not fall off.

It seemed that Menggert had done a good job in safety education, which made Yi Yan feel very pleased.

"The two thorns taught them a lesson." Menggert looked at the two figures retreating and sighed.

These two guys are very dishonest.

"Just got off work like this? Doesn't matter?" Yu Yan asked with some confusion as he looked at the fools coming out of the protective fence one after another.

"It doesn't matter, we were about to stop." Menggert smiled, then pointed at the dam and said, "Didn't the king see that there are not many Liyue people here?"

"Because of the 'Sea Lantern Festival', the people of Liyue are all resting."

"Holidays are such a good thing." Yi Yan sighed a few times after hearing this. Then he seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Are there any festivals at the junction?"

Menggert's expression paused, he thought about it, shook his head and said: "In my subordinate's impression, it seems that there is no such thing."

There is no such thing as a holiday in the borderland where blood stains the earth.

If you really want to say it, only the carnival days and festivals during the victory of the war are somewhat similar.

"If the king wants to have it, he can have it." Menggert thought about it and suggested.

"There shouldn't be any turmoil in the border area now, right?" Yi Yan didn't answer, but asked about the current situation in the border area.

"No, at least there should be no major turmoil before the demigods of our generation die." Menggert responded without thinking.

"Forget it, it's better to let things like festivals be born in the vitality of life."

Yi Yan shook his head, finally stopping the topic. Then his tone suddenly became mysterious.

"Have you heard of monsters?"

"Monster? What is that?"

Yi Yan's tone changed so quickly that Menggert almost didn't respond.

"Hehe, let me tell you, when the time comes, we go to Daowu, and you will..."

In front of the deserted dam, Ember danced and explained his "Paddy Wife Infiltration Plan" to Mengt!



Not only did the crowd outside Liyue not shrink due to the biting cold wind, but it became even denser because of the arrival of the Hai Lantern Festival.

As the two largest commercial streets in Liyue, Feiyunpo and Chihuyan are even more crowded.

But among the bustling streets, there is an area that is sparsely populated. This is no other place, it is Beiguo Bank, which has already lost its reputation in Liyue.

In the Beiguo Bank, although the lights are still bright, there are only a few people and it looks like a decaying scene.

On the one hand, this is because Beiguo Bank has almost no customers and has no business. On the other hand, it is because the employees did too much physical work during the day and went to bed early.

The two phases are superimposed, so the number of people appears to be sparse.

But no matter what, in such a large organization, there will always be people working hard.


"Dadalia! Wake up!"

A gorgeous envelope spun past, popped the snot bubbles in the young master's nose, and then hit him hard in the face. "&#! Are you going to move bricks again? No, foreman Meng didn't say you don't have to work for a few days during the Hai Lantern Festival?"

The young master woke up from his deep sleep and muttered something in his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah! No need to move bricks in the next few days!" As he muttered, the young master actually jumped up excitedly.

It’s great that we don’t have to move bricks tomorrow!

"Are you trying to fool yourself? Both of you have the order from Zhidong!" The lady said, and threw another identical envelope to the skirmisher.

"Did it come from Zhidong?" The young master opened the envelope, and it was the order to recall him to Zhidong.

The skirmisher didn't talk as much as the young master. He just opened the letter and read it silently.

"Rice Wife, Evil Eye Factory, Heart of God." With just a few numbers, this is the next task for the skirmishers.

After reading, both the young master and the skirmishers fell silent.

"Speak? Why have you two become mute?" The lady looked at the two silent people opposite and asked impatiently.

"Is there any support over there at Zhi Dong?" the skirmisher burned the letter and asked.

"No." The lady shook her head.


Snoring sounded, and the young master lay down on the chair and fell asleep.


The lady threw a fireball at the young man, but the latter dodged it.

The young master stood up and swatted away the sparks on his chair, collapsed and shouted: "Are those guys in Zhidong kidding themselves? Do they think Liyue's dam is not enough, and they are also helping to expand the port?"

The skirmishers on the side also twitched their lips after hearing the young master's words. To some extent, this is true.

Because those people in Yujingtai actually revealed to them the plan to expand the port, but I don’t know whether it was true or just to scare them.

"Look at your appearance! Are you the executive officer?!" The lady shouted angrily when she saw the young master and the stragglers giving up on themselves.

"I remember that there was someone who seemed to disappear immediately. Who was it? A skirmisher?" The young master pretended to be confused and asked the skirmisher beside him.

The young master also wants to look like an executive, but if he can't stand it, Mengt can beat him until he has no appearance.

When he and the skirmishers aggressively attacked Menggete, Menggete almost killed his demon king's weapon.

He, Dardalia, is a martial arts fanatic, but he is not a fool. He will still give in when faced with a powerful enemy that he cannot yet match.

After hearing the young master's words, the lady's originally strong momentum suddenly dropped a bit.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to be the least qualified person to ask this question.

"Forget about this, do you have any ideas about your mission?" The lady used a trick called "changing the topic", and the effect was outstanding. The faces of the young master and the stragglers were suddenly covered with wrinkles.

"No." The young master was now in a state of disbelief.

"Wait for the right time." The skirmishers didn't show up, but it was almost there.

"Stop asking us, what about you?" The young master asked the lady while lying on the chair.

Among the fools in Liyue, only the lady's lineage has been spared the fate of becoming a beast because of sufficient proof of irrelevance.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the hopes of the fools rest on the lady's shoulders.

Hearing this, the lady recalled her mission: "Rice Wife, Civil War, Heart of God."

The words are equally few, but the things are not small at all.

Touching the ablation marks on her back, the lady's face was also covered with wrinkles.

"I don't have any ideas either."



The wordless silence continued. In the small conference room, the three executives looked at each other, and in the end they could only sigh: "Alas——"

Why do you feel that the future of fools is getting more and more bleak?

(End of this chapter)

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