King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 394 Stone Lion in Front of the Door

Chapter 394 Stone Lion in Front of the Door

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

A rhythmic knocking sound came from the small courtyard.

"King, what are you doing?" Menggert asked aloud as he watched the embers jumping up and down in the yard.

"Are you making a lantern? Can't you see?" Yu Yan stopped his movements after hearing this and played with the stick, rivet and hammer in his hand as he replied.

"..." Menggert raised his head and looked at the thing in front of him. He had also seen Liyue's Xiaolan. He had never heard of Liyue's Xiaolan and its carrying basket?

"King, this doesn't seem to be a Xiaolan." Menggert took out a small red Xiaolan from his cloak and compared it with what was in front of him.

This is clearly a hot air balloon, not a sky lantern.

"Never mind it! You can fly anyway!" Ember didn't care about the many embers. They had already built them. How could it be too difficult to dismantle them?

Upon seeing this, Menggert silently took back the lantern in his hand.

"Do you want to send something to the sky?" Menggert looked at the cargo basket under the frame of the hot air balloon. Is it possible that Ember has something to send to the sky?

But there’s no need to go to such trouble, right? As for Feitian, leaving aside Yi Yan, he can do it on his own without relying on external objects at all.

Yi Yan caught a glimpse of Menggert's eyes that were deep in thought, and immediately understood what he was thinking.

"Don't be so straight-brained. Being straight-brained can be boring sometimes!" Yu Yan spread his hands and said a little helplessly.

Anyone can throw a stick out, but if you pick up the thrown stick, bend it, and then wrap rubber bands on both ends of the stick, you will get several times more happiness than throwing the stick.

Ember's current mentality is almost like this.

"This thing is what we rely on to cross the sea! You don't want to get wet, right?"

Ember patted the frame of the hot air balloon and said confidently. Without this hot air balloon, he wouldn't have to swim hard to get to Dao Wife.

Mengt nodded in agreement. Although they relied on many other means to cross the sea besides a hot air balloon, this did not prevent him from agreeing with the second half of Yan Yan's words.

Thanks to his downy coat, Mongot also hates the feeling of moisture, even though he grew up in this environment.

In terms of fear of water, he is still very similar to Ember.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

"Is Brother Ember here?"

"Yes, the door is unlocked."

As soon as Yi Yan heard the sound, he knew it was Zhongli who was coming. Without raising his head, he directly let Zhong Li in.


The door opened, and not only Zhongli, but also Hu Tao and Ruo Tuo walked in.

"Brother Yu Jin, look at the stone lion at the door..."

"So ugly! Where did you buy it? I need to avoid lightning in the future!"

Before Zhong Li finished speaking, Hu Tao couldn't wait to complain.

She had wanted to ask for a long time, where did this stone lion with dyed hair come from? Even if the hair was dyed, the hair was also dyed purple. It was so ugly.

"Um..., I carved this myself." Yi Yan scratched his head, and he also looked up at the two stone lions at the door. They were indeed a bit ugly.

But what can he do? You can’t blame him if the materials are not good! Who makes this hanging statue glow purple all day long?

When the stone lions were carved out, Yi Yan himself was shocked, but after careful consideration, he kept the two stone lions.

The main reason is that there is no lantern at his door, and these two stone lions can be used to illuminate it.

Although the two purple lights flashing at the door at night are very strange.

"Haha, it is indeed an ember. The materials used to carve the stone lion are so... so special." Ruotu adjusted his thick glasses, shook his head and smiled.

It was surprising enough that the statue of the Seven Heavens God was eroded by the abyss, but in the end, the statue was actually carved into a stone lion, which was really unexpected.

But when they thought that it was Yan Yan who did this, everyone suddenly felt that there was nothing surprising.

"Do you want me to give you one?" Seeing Zhongli and Ruo Tuo looking at the two stone lions from time to time, Yi Yan felt that they had got their New Year's gifts. Each person has a purple-haired stone lion, so take it and don’t give it away!

"Forget it, only Brother Yu Jin can control such a strange thing." Zhongli smiled and shook his head.

If this thing hadn't been next to Yu Jin's house, Zhongli would have estimated that the abyssal power in it would have escaped long ago.

Since this thing can be firmly controlled here in Ember, let it stay here.

Everything about the abyss was very troublesome, and Zhongli didn't want to have to work overtime at the end of the year.

"So, what are you looking for me for?" Yi Yan raised the skin in his hand and covered the frame of the hot air balloon.

From a distance, it really looks like a big sky lantern.

"I invite you to be my guest. We will meet at Crescent Pavilion on the day of the Sea Lantern Festival! Then, I can teach you how to weave Xiaolan lanterns!"

Hutao circled the hot air balloon in the yard and told them the purpose of their trip.

"Can your sky lantern carry people?"

Ember asked immediately.

"Well..., it seems that the Xiao Lantern cannot carry people." Hu Tao was almost caught in the embers, but she reacted quickly.

Xiaodeng is not something that can carry people, right?

"Forget it, I have something to do on the day of the Lantern Festival." Yi Yan waved his hand and refused.

"Is that so? Then... okay then!" Hutao didn't expect Yi Yan to refuse so simply, and didn't react for a moment.

"In that case, let's not disturb Brother Yu Jin." Zhong Li nodded when he heard this, but there was no regret in his tone.

He still has a long life left, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Bye!" Yi Yan was not polite and waved goodbye to everyone.

Everyone walked away and the courtyard became quiet again. But Ember always felt like something was missing.

He slapped his head and suddenly remembered, where is Menggert?

"Ahem! I'm here, King." Yu Yan suddenly felt that Mengt appeared in front of his eyes.

But he took a closer look and found that Menggert's position had not changed at all. Why was he ignored?

"Have you learned skills from Black Knife?" Yi Jin looked at Menggert and asked curiously.

This concealment skill is almost the same as a black knife. If you were to put on a suit of scale armor, it would be a large black knife.

"No, could it be that the king has forgotten the magic you cast on me?" Menggert reminded.

Only then did Ember react. This was a good trick he learned from Paimon, called the Great Ignore Technique!

The function is to make others ignore the anomalies in the ruins, but now it seems to be a bit too much, and it has directly turned into ignoring the existence of this person.

"anyone there?"

Just as Ember and Menggert were discussing the direction of improvement on the neglect technique, other people's voices came from outside the door.

"Come in." Yi Yan raised his head, why are there so many people today? Isn't this place usually a place where birds don't poop?

This time, it was also a trio who pushed in the door. The trio of Baizhu, Qiqi and Agui.

"Let me guess, you invited me to dinner?" Yu Yan looked at the three people and said while pacing.

"It seems that Mr. Yu Yan is also good at divination." Bai Shu was a little surprised when he heard this. Yu Jin guessed right. They just wanted to invite Yu Jin to a New Year's Eve dinner.

"No, it's just that someone has been here before, and they also wanted to treat me to dinner." Yu Yan stopped and spread his hands.

"I didn't expect Mr. Ember to be so popular. It seems that we arrived too late." Baizhu chuckled and shook his head, saying with some regret.

Originally, he thought that Yan Yan was alone and could just invite him to join in the fun, but he didn't expect that he was not the only one who had this idea.

"I didn't know there would be so many people coming to me for dinner." Yi Yan scratched his head, this was really a strange thing.

"Actually, you can treat me to a local meal, which will save you money."

Yi Yan thought for a while and felt that he needed to tell them one thing: eating and eating dirt were the same thing to him.

(End of this chapter)

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