King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 395 Big Sky Lantern

Chapter 395 Big Sky Lantern

"Clap clap clap!"

"Bang bang bang!"


"I've had chicken blood injections today, right? Why is it so noisy?"

Yan Yan got off the bed and looked at the dense firelight in the early morning sky and said irritably.

This crackling sound has not stopped since the past few days, and today it has reached its peak.

Looking up, the clear sky is filled with colorful fire rain. They bloom in the sky for the most beautiful moment, and then quickly dissipate.

Countless epiphyllums that only belong to the sky are in full bloom continuously, and the brilliant light even completely covers up the blue of the sky background.

Regarding the scene in front of him, Ember said that he could not understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

"Do you know what day it is today?" Yi Yan ran to the yard and sat next to Menggert.

He reached over and looked at the thick book in Mengt's hand. The words written on it were square and square, and the wording and grammar were completely different from the common Teyvat common language.

Unable to understand, Yi Yan stretched his head back knowingly.

"What day is it today?" Mengt's eyes showed a little confusion, and he looked around.

Sure enough, in Ember's house, there is no such thing as a calendar.

This is a little troublesome. He, like Ember, is not sensitive to dates. Menggert really doesn’t know what day it is today.

Looking up at the sky that could be called light pollution, Menggert sighed.

Then he narrowed his eyes, holding the book in one hand and the pen in the other, and began to check the calculations in front of the ember.


Amidst the crackling sound of firecrackers, the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was faintly heard.

Not long after, Menggert took back his pen and paper, rubbed his eyes and said, "To tell the king, today should be a full moon night."

"And judging from the stars, it's the first full moon night of the new year."

"The first full moon night of the new year, isn't that the Sea Lantern Festival?" Yi Yan exclaimed when he heard this.

Since it is the Hai Lantern Festival, why not join in the fun? Thinking of this, Ember ran out of the door.

Mengt saw it, smiled and shook his head. Then he sat down again and read the book in his hand.

He is not a person who likes to join in the fun. No matter what day it is, Menggert's daily life will not change in any way.


Walking into the streets of Liyue, Yi Yan once again felt what it means to be "crowded".

There seemed to be a lot more people in Liyue all of a sudden. Walking on the streets, it was a bustling scene.

But the most eye-catching thing is the huge deer statue in the center of the street.

The giant deer faced the sea, holding its head high and looking like it was about to take off.

A crowd gathered in front of the giant deer, including many familiar figures to Yi Yan.

Holding Guoba's tail, Yan Yan came to Xiang Ling.

"Hey, your good friend almost disappeared." After patting Xiang Ling's shoulder, Yi Yan threw the rice cake into her arms.

"Where did I say the rice cake went? Thank you, Yu Yan." Xiang Ling put the rice cake down and knocked on its head.

"What is this?" Yi Yan waved his hand and asked about the giant deer in front of him.

When he walked in and took a look, he realized that this thing was not a statue, but an empty shelf made of bamboo wood.

Judging from the way Xiang Ling placed food on the table above, she should know something about this thing.

"You don't know?" Xiang Ling seemed surprised that Yu Yan didn't know about this giant deer.

Even if Yu Yan is an outsider, he should know a little bit about it after these few days of publicity, right?

"Should you know?" Yi Yan spread his hands. He is a model adventurer. He completes the daily tasks of the Adventurers Association without hesitation every day. He spends much more time in the wild than in the city.

"Okay, this is Xiao Deng." Xiang Ling thought for a while. It seemed that Yan Yan was not from Liyue. He didn't know that it was quite normal.

"Is this thing also a Xiaolan?" Yi Yan took a few steps back, looked at the big guy in front of him and said in shock. Ordinary Xiaodeng is only half the size of a human, but this giant deer is several meters tall, and its shape is also very unique.

If this could be called a sky lantern, Yu Yan felt that the hot air balloon he had made with his hands in the past few days was called a sky lantern.

"Actually, it's not just a sky lantern, it's also a large firework. You'll find out later in the evening." Xiang Ling added a few words mysteriously.

"Then what is this for?" Yi Yan saw the incense burning table again, and the incense burner on it was about to burst with the incense sticks.

In just such a short time, Yi Yan saw several people bringing incense into the incense burner, but the gap in the incense burner was too small and could not be inserted at all.

This makes many people very anxious.

"Sacrifice to [Yixiao Daotianjun]. According to legend, in order to protect Liyue, this immortal sawed off his antlers to support the collapsing Tianheng Mountain."

"This Xiaolan is made based on its appearance!"

As Xiang Ling spoke, she also took out many carefully plated dishes from the box at her feet and carefully placed them on the table.

"That's it." Yi Yan nodded. Faintly, he felt that something was wrong.

Xiang Ling seems to have said that this giant statue of the Sky-moving Master Tian Tian is both a sky lantern and a firework.

Isn't it a little bad to send people up to the sky to explode?

But soon Ember stopped caring. If Yixiao Dao Tianzhen is really like Xiang Ling said, he probably won't care about anything.

After bidding farewell to Xiangling, Ember continued to move around.

People seemed to be out and about throughout the day. Soon, he saw a familiar figure again.

"Take a look, take a look. Take the calligraphy treasure used by everyone to ward off evil spirits, take it back and stick it on it to ensure that you will be safe and sound for a year, and evil spirits will not be able to get in!"

A bit like a charlatan's hawking sound was heard, and Yi Yan came over to take a look. It turned out that it was Xingqiu and Chongyun who were helping to write the couplets.

"You two, or do you want to exorcise everyone?"

"Of course, Chongyun, the whole job!"

There was no shyness on Xingqiu's face. He patted Chongyun on the back and asked him to show his hands.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Chongyun put down the brush in his hand and puffed out a puff of flame.

"Good! Wonderful!"

"Wonderful, you have such abilities at such a young age!"

"another one!"


The applause came one after another, it was so lively. Although everyone does not believe that Xingqiu and Chongyun are the so-called "exorcists", they just want to have fun during the Hai Lantern Festival.

"Come on, come on, you two evil exorcists, write a couplet for me." Someone from the crowd of onlookers soon came out. As he spoke, he handed Xingqiu and Chongyun a bag of mola.

"Today, during the Hai Lantern Festival, I will write couplets for you for free, without charge." Xingqiu sent Maura back, and then muttered something:

"The spring breeze brings warmth to welcome the new year, and fireworks bloom to celebrate the festival. Chongyun, this is it, write!"

"Wait, slow down!"

Xingqiu read it, Chongyun wrote it, and soon a brand new couplet came out.

The couplets are good or bad, but the handwriting is really pleasing to the eye. You can tell at a glance that the person who wrote the couplets has practiced it.

This is also true. Chongyun started practicing calligraphy at a very young age. After all, writing talismans and spells requires the use of a brush.

"Okay! I'm good at it!" When the man saw it, he was also happy. He immediately accepted the couplet and started to admire it.

Ember saw it and left thoughtfully.

Everyone seems to be very busy during the Hai Lantern Festival. This kind of busyness is not the kind of labor at work, but the kind of "busyness" of doing something you like.

Looking at the oncoming crowd, Yu Ember felt that they should all have their own purposes. Either shopping for new year's goods, looking for friends, or thinking about showing off one's talents.

Touching his chin, Yi Yan felt that he had finally caught up with a festival. Should he do something to get into the festival atmosphere?

(End of this chapter)

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