King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 397 Flying to the sea

Chapter 397 Flying to the sea

"Hiccup~, I didn't expect that I would still feel full? Unexpected?"

Looking at the empty iron pot in front of him, Yi Yan burped. Anyway, he didn't remember exactly how much he ate. If there was less water, he would add more water. If there was less vegetables, he would add more vegetables.

After eating it all the way, the taste has not changed at all. Regarding this, Ember could only attribute it to the fact that Onion's cooking skills were so good that he didn't need seasoning.

"Take it."

After having enough wine and food, Ember took out a barrel of Jack's wine. The wine barrel was also covered with two pieces of yellowed parchment.

"What is this?" Menggert picked up the parchment and looked at it, wondering.

"The recipes for those two things you just ate." Ember replied nonchalantly.

"It's mainly for that guy Patch. As for you... I guess I won't need it." Yu Yan waved his hand. He just thought that Onion didn't seem to teach Patch how to do these two things.

If Patch ever misses his hometown, he can make these two things to take it easy.

But Yu Yan feels a little mysterious. He still doesn't know where Patch is from. Where this guy's hometown is is still an unsolved mystery.

But no matter what, he gave it to Patch anyway. What Patch would do, that was his business.

"I will." Menggert accepted the two pieces of parchment, and then with a big move of his hand, the wine barrel on the ground disappeared.

"Well... Menggert, do you feel that it seems a lot quieter?" After Menggert finished cleaning up, he heard Ember ask.

"It seems to be a lot quieter." Mengt also reacted. He had just been chatting with Ember and didn't even notice this.

Ember looked up at the night sky. The non-stop fireworks stopped and stars filled the sky again.

Opening the door and looking into the alley, the red lanterns hung by the strong men at each door also dimmed at this time, leaving only the two stone lions at the Ember door still emitting a strange purple light conscientiously.

Liyue, who had been restless just now, fell into complete silence, as if waiting for something.

Soon Ember knew what they were waiting for.

I saw a little light shining in the darkness. This light was like some kind of signal, waking up the silent city.

Countless relit lanterns gathered into strips of fiery red light that shuttled through Liyue City.

They connect to each other until the entire city is completely illuminated.

After the light falls on the earth, the next step is the sky.

Light points denser than the stars appeared in his sight. They were the sky lanterns released by the Liyue people.

They illuminate each other and slowly fly higher into the sky. From a distance, it looks like a curtain of light rising from the ground, eroding the boundaries of darkness.

Among the rays of light from the sky lanterns, there is a ray of light that is particularly conspicuous. It dances in the ocean of light, shining, attracting everyone's attention.

That is the Big Sky Lantern that Liyue has been preparing for a long time, and it is also the highlight of this year's Hai Lantern Festival.

With the blessing of the machine technique and the floating stone, the giant deer sky lantern built according to the sky-moving guide Tian Tianjun shines with a jade-like cyan streamer, jumping smartly in the fiery red.

It looks like an ancient immortal has truly descended into the world.

"So powerful? It seems it's time for us to take the stage." Yi Yan looked at the giant sky lantern from a distance, feeling that it couldn't let it steal the limelight.

So he pulled out the cargo basket in the corner, put the skin on it very skillfully, and then started to light it.

"Huh——, Huh——"

Burning a fire is something that Embers simply don't need to be skilled at. The flames burned fiercely in the burning basket, and the rising heat wave quickly inflated the newly assembled air bag.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yan no longer hesitated and jumped in excitedly. He also waved to Mengt, "Come up, Mengt!"

Menggert looked up at the sky and sighed in his heart. With such a dense number of sky lights, will there really be no collision accidents?

But he still walked in, just touch it. Isn't there an old saying in Liyue called "broken peace", and it is quite appropriate to apply it here.

With a slight sway, the fully inflated hot air balloon slowly rose into the sky.

Because the flames in the burning grate were quite fierce, the orange-red fire light shot on the air bag, illuminating the entire hot air balloon red.

If you ignore the basket below and the two figures in the basket, it really looks like a sky lantern, and it's an extra-large one. "Oh, it's quite bright." Yu Yan stood on the edge of the basket, looking at the brightly lit Liyue below, and sighed slightly.

This was his first time seeing such a bustling scene.

"King, you are flying into the sky now, where are you going?" Menggert waved his hand, and an invisible strong wind blew away the sky lanterns around the hot air balloon.

"Where to go? Didn't I tell you before? Let's head towards Daozhu!" Hearing this, Yi Yan pointed at the sea swallowed by darkness in the distance and said excitedly.

There are still a lot of Crucible Knight reserves waiting for him there! Now it’s time to go check it out!

"Rice wife? I understand." Mengge nodded, and then watched the hot air balloon slowly ascending to the sky.

The hot air balloon is slowly climbing. Following this sign, it won't be long before it merges into the ocean of light that was released just now.

But the key thing is, isn’t it about getting rid of Dao Wife? Why does this hot air balloon show no signs of running into the sea?

"King, why do you keep flying to the sky instead of going to the seaside?" Seeing that he was about to collide with the flying sky lantern, Menggert asked the ember while blowing the flying sky lantern.

"This..." Yi Yan also noticed something unusual after listening to Menggert's words. He scratched his head and explained: "Because I don't know how to control a hot air balloon."

"..." Menggert looked around. It was very good. The embers did not leave any device to control the hot air balloon.

"I'll do it." Seeing this, Menggert took a step forward, and several golden ropes stretched out from his hands to tie the hot air balloon.

By controlling these ropes, this crude hot air balloon can finally move.

The hot air balloon reflected in the firelight flew towards the dark sea. In the light belt composed of countless sky lanterns, the hot air balloon may not be conspicuous, but as soon as it left the light belt, it immediately became extremely eye-catching.

"Huh? The General Affairs Department also built a second Big Sky Lantern?"

"No, the Big Sky Lantern is very expensive. I heard that this year's floating stones were sent by immortals!"

"Maybe other chambers of commerce funded the construction?"

When everyone on the ground saw the "Xiao Lantern" that broke away, they all started talking.

However, not many people pay attention to this. There are too many things to attract attention during the Sea Lantern Festival.


On the pavilion at Feiyunpo, Ningguang was having a casual conversation with Beidou.

"How was the trip to Rice Wife?" Ningguang looked at Beidou who had just returned from Rice Wife and asked involuntarily.

After hearing this, Beidou took a sip of wine, then laughed and said, "My Lord Tianquan, have you forgotten what day it is today?"

"Today is the Lantern Festival, why are you still asking these terrible things?"

Ning Guang also reacted when he heard the words. She lowered her head and smiled, filled the pot with wine, and laughed at herself: "I'm so busy, so I'll punish myself with one drink."

"I said, Xiao City is so powerful this year that it can allow you to build two big Xiao lanterns?"

"What? It's impossible? There is only one big floating stone this year, so it's impossible to make two large sky lanterns."

Following the direction Beidou pointed, Ningguang saw two large sky lanterns flying slowly towards the sea.

One is cyan, which they made. In order to distinguish it, they changed the light to green.

The other one was red. Ning Guang felt puzzled. Why did this Xiaolan look so awkward?

After waking up and taking a closer look, I saw that the red thing was not a sky lantern, but a hot air balloon!

"Oh no, this year's Xiao Deng is still..."


Just as Ning Guang was about to say something, a violent explosion filled the entire Liyue with light all over the sky.

Amidst the gorgeous fireworks, Ningguang seemed to be able to hear someone shouting angrily:

"Why are there still people carrying out sneak attacks during the Hai Lantern Festival!"

(End of this chapter)

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