King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 398 A journey with frequent accidents

Chapter 398 A journey with frequent accidents

It was a sunny day, and Ember and Mongot were lonely.

On a windless sunny day, the waves gradually subside and the sea is as calm as a mirror.

The sun shines on it, dyeing it a warm blue, with microwave light sparkling and shining.

The sky and sea in the distance complement each other, making it seem like a peaceful and dreamy picture. Some tiny ripples can be seen on the sea surface, as if the sea is gently singing its own melody.

Some seabirds soared on the water, and their reflections were clearly reflected on the sea, as if they were a moving picture drawn by a painter on the tranquil sea.

The whole picture seems to be frozen in time, making people feel the tranquility and peace that only belongs to the windless sea.

But it was so peaceful, so peaceful that mushrooms grew on the embers.

"Ah——, so boring!" Yu Yan clung to the frame, counting the patches on the airbag, and let out a strange cry.

Several days have passed since being bombed by "Yixiao Dao Tianjun".

At first, Huan Yan was very excited, but after watching the calm sea surface for several days, he felt bored.

Teyvat's routes seem to be within the coastal range. As for the distant sea, there should be few ships that can go there.

Not to mention that the destination of the ember is Ina Wife, who has been locked up in the country for a long time.

In the early days of the lockdown, some people thought they could try their luck and sneak into Inazuma. After all, if you think about it for a moment, you will know that after the lockdown, there will definitely be business opportunities everywhere.

However, the thunderstorm surrounding Inazuma quickly interrupted these people's thoughts of sneaking across.

A thunderstorm of that magnitude would most likely result in death if a specially modified ship was not used to travel through it.

All this manifested itself in the fact that Ember could not find a ferry that could officially go to Inazuma.

Originally, Yan Yan was still thinking of entering through formal means, but now it seemed that he could only sneak in secretly.

"It won't be boring soon." Menggert said as he watched and heard the complaints of the embers and pointed to the thunderstorm spinning in the distance.

The sky in the distance seemed to be torn apart, lightning piercing the dark clouds and illuminating the rolling waves.

The thunder was like the roar of a giant, deafening, echoing across the boundless sea.

The violent winds and heavy rain brought by the storm made the sea surface turbulent and restless. The huge waves were as tall as mountain peaks, pushing forward and setting off white waves, filling the entire sea area with a terrifying atmosphere.

All of this is in sharp contrast to the calm situation in front of you, making people wonder if they are in a dream.

"Why does this thunderstorm seem bigger?" Yi Yan looked from a distance, and from time to time there were purple thunder snakes connecting the sea and the sky, dyeing a large area of ​​​​the sea water into a bright purple color.

Compared to the last time, the thunderstorm seemed not to have weakened, but to have gotten bigger.

"That ponytail head is so angry? Has he been angry for almost a year?" Ember looked at Thunderstorm and couldn't help but admire the God of Thunder.

I heard from others that this thunderstorm is a manifestation of the thunder god's will. Look at this, she will be angry as long as the thunderstorm exists.

Thinking of this, Yi Yan suddenly understood why she had stabbed herself before for no reason.

It’s understandable that I have some mental issues after being angry for so long.

"Such a big thunderstorm? There's some trouble." The closer he got to the dark thundercloud, the invisible pressure lingering in Menggert's heart became stronger.

Looking up at the patched airbag above his head, Menggert felt that if it was accidentally hit, they would have to go on an ocean swim.


The wind was blowing fiercely, and the wind was even stronger in the thunderstorm sky than on the sea. The roar of the wind sounds like a high-pitched roar, warning anyone who dares to enter.

But for Ember and Mongotte, it's as if it doesn't exist.

A patched hot air balloon enters a thunderstorm. Under the ubiquitous strong wind, the hot air balloon seemed to turn into a dead leaf, swaying forward in the heavy rain, making people wonder whether it would fall apart in the next second.

But it managed to hold on in the end. No matter how the strong wind tore and the heavy rain blew, the hot air balloon still carried Ember and Menggert slowly through the thunderstorm.

Of course, all this comes at a small price.

"The left front is broken!"

"no problem!"

“The top is leaking again!”

“I saw it!”    “The fire has subsided!”

"I'll add more firewood!"


The hot air balloon emitted a faint light in the gloomy thunderstorm, illuminating the two busy Embers and Menggote inside.

Mengt was seen holding the golden traction rope tightly with both hands, staring at the rain curtain in front of him.

Pulling down with his left hand, the hot air balloon flew towards the lower left, avoiding the thunder that split on the right.

Release your hands and the hot air balloon quickly climbs over the waves.

Menggert's control can avoid waves and thunder, but for the swift and violent wind, it depends on the ember.

With the blessing of speed, the flowing wind is undoubtedly the same as the blade. The leather skin may be able to block one or two strong winds, but if there are more, gaps will inevitably appear on the air bag.

Fortunately, every time this gap appears, Ember will put a patch on it to keep the leaked gas within a tolerable range.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, even this seemingly devastating wind could not stop the two of them.

It seems that because there is no way to deal with this tiny floating object that looks extremely fragile, the thunderstorm seems to be even more violent.

Dark clouds rolled up in the sky above the hot air balloon, purple thunder snakes danced among them, and the waves below crashed even louder, as if responding to the anger of the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several thunder pillars descended from the sky, making it impossible for the two people below to avoid them.


The air bag ignited instantly, and then Huan Yan and Menggert saw themselves falling downwards uncontrollably.

"You can't afford it, can you!" At the critical moment, Menggert shouted, and the golden chains originally wrapped around the airbag quickly extended and connected, and finally turned into a new skin covering the entire airbag.

"King, please take control."

"Damn it, I don't know how. What should I do in the sea?"

"Just fly forward."

After a brief instruction, Mengt jumped onto the top of the hot air balloon.

The golden skin shaped by his power is tough enough that even if a giant like him stands on it, there won't be any dents.

Looking at the thunder that still didn't stop, Menggert took a deep breath. I originally thought of relying on my own skills to cross the sea, but I didn't expect that this thunderstorm didn't follow martial ethics and started cheating.

In this case, there is no need for him to hide it.

"Thunder? I can do it too!"

"Boom!" Gold and purple collided in mid-air, and a fierce light suddenly burst out, illuminating the gloomy world.

Thunder Gun - one of the prayers worshiped by the ancient dragons of the royal city. Can summon a thunder gun and throw it forward. By accumulating energy, you can add additional thunder after hitting the target.

In the past, "Golden" Godwin defeated the ancient dragon Fulshanks, and then turned his enemy into an enemy - this was the origin of the ancient dragon belief in the royal city.

The light caused by the thunder and lightning had not completely dissipated, and a more intense golden light appeared in front of Ember's eyes.

When the light dissipated, Ember realized that all he could see was Monget.

"Let me see how much your Thunderbolt weighs!" After the unknown Menggert shouted, all the Menggett's hands began to flash with golden light.

Then, the thunderstorm from underground rushed towards the thick thundercloud unstoppably. Golden thunder exploded in it, tearing open one hole after another.

The long-lost sunlight shines into the sea, making the gap bigger and bigger, and the sunlight smoothes the sea surface smoother and smoother.

Soon, the same calm situation as before appeared in front of Ember's eyes.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you play well with the clone, you are really good." Seeing this scene, Yi Yan couldn't help but tsk in wonder.

So he pulled forward with his hands holding the golden rope, and the hot air balloon began to slowly descend towards the sea.

"Mengote——, come here quickly——, wait a minute, we are about to take a bath——"

(End of this chapter)

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