King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 399 In dire straits

Chapter 399 In dire straits


The waves crashed on the beach, making a faint ripple sound. The white waves rolled up and sparkled in the sun, like countless diamonds scattered on the beach.

It's a pity that only two people saw such a wonderful scene, and they were two people who didn't know how to appreciate the scenery at all.

"King, doesn't it matter if your creation is placed here?" Menggert stepped on the beach, leaving a monster-like footprint.

As the waves rolled over, the shockingly huge footprints were smoothed away again, as if nothing had happened.

"Uh..., just put it here." Yi Yan looked at the charcoal shelf riddled with holes, scratched his head and said.

Under the devastation of the thunderstorm, the hot air balloon was already at the end of its strength. Without Menggert's power, it would have fallen into the boundless sea.

Now that Mengt's power has dissipated, the hot air balloon has lost its golden skin and only a frame remains.

Ember estimated that this thing could only be used as firewood now. It doesn't matter if you put it here.

Meng Gete nodded, and then he looked around. This was the first piece of land they encountered. The vegetation on it was lush and green, and it looked very lively.

"Is there somewhere the king is going to go next?" After looking at the surrounding environment, Menggert lowered his head and asked.

"Well..." Yi Yan thought for a moment. He and Menggert had such special images, and they came here illegally. It seemed that there really weren't many places they could go.

"Perhaps we can go to a place called Feimu Village?" After thinking about it, Yi Jin only came up with such a place in his mind.

Speaking of which, this lockdown order is really troublesome, and Yi Yan is a little annoyed by this thing.

"That's good." Menggert breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Yan Yan had gone to this place called "Rice Wife" again because of his hothead.

Since there is a destination, then just run around like a headless fly.



After Mengt finished speaking, the air fell into a terrible silence. Mengt and Ember stood on the beach, neither of them making any new moves.

"King, aren't you going to Feimu Village?" Menggert broke the silence first, and a bad premonition began to arise in his heart.

"I don't know how to walk. Could it be that you don't know the way, Menggert?" Yi Jin spread his hands. This was obviously not the section of road he walked last time, and he didn't know where he was now.

"There are no conspicuous landmarks nearby, and I can't determine the direction. Do you want to calculate?" As he said this, Menggert planned to take out a pen and paper and start calculating.

"Forget it, let's save it for the sake of your hair." Yi Yan waved his hand and pressed down Menggert's just-raised arm again.

"???" Menggert touched his forehead. In addition to the conspicuous cluster of horns, he also had a lot of hair, right?

But since Ember said so, Menggert gave up the idea of ​​calculating the direction.

Although I still have a lot of hair, it is still very hard to think about such things. If possible, Menggert certainly doesn't want to count.

Ember saw this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was smart, otherwise the fact that he didn't even know where Feimu Village was located in the east, west, north, and south would have been exposed.

"In that case, let's ask someone." Seeing that the area was deserted, Menggert took action.

In fact, if you want to find your way, the best way is to ask the locals.

"I hope so!" Yu Ember sighed. He seemed to remember that Dao Wife's situation didn't seem to be very good. He hoped to find someone who could ask for directions!

Walking along the coastline, in addition to the beach, there are trees growing wantonly on the side.

There seem to be very few human traces on this island.

This sign did not last long, and finally a ray of black appeared on the yellow and white beach.

When I walked in, I saw that this was a sword that was rusted by the sea water.

"Bang!" Menggert picked up the rusty sword with both hands, and with a slight exertion of force on his fingertips, the rust-covered blade broke into two halves.   Twisting away the rust in his hands, Menggert observed it for a while. "This knife was inserted here probably half a year ago."

Looking up and looking around, Menggert found that there were more than just these weapons on the ground. They are either half-buried in the soil or stuck on the ground, quietly telling what happened here.

Not only that, there are also faint colors on the branches of the vegetation here that do not belong to plants.

Menggert somewhat understood why the vegetation here looked so dense.

"The battlefield is not far away." Menggert looked into the distance. Since it is a battlefield, it means that there is value in fighting here.

No matter which side wins, the land must be occupied by someone. I just don’t know if these people have any business helping people find their way.

"Half a year? Are you still fighting after I left?" Yu Jin compared the time. Half a year ago, he had already left Dao Wife.

"Inazuma is an island country, and it is an extremely rare island country with undeveloped ship technology."

"The battle for the islands is purely based on land warfare... If the gods here don't take action, it will be a troublesome and protracted war for both sides."

Menggert speculated based on the introduction about Rice Wife he read in the book.

Hearing this, Yi Yan glanced at Menggert who was talking. It seems that the border areas don't have the confidence to talk about other people's rice wives like this.

As far as he knew, the shipbuilding technology at the junction..., um..., how should I put it? There is a difference of so much as 100 million.

Ember has a weapon that he snatched from the demi-humans. Its name is the Rusty Anchor.

As for why the anchor became a weapon? That's naturally because the junction can't even build an anchor, so it can only be used as a weapon in the end!

Anyway, it was quite difficult for Yi Yan to know that the shipbuilding technology and war machinery technology in the border area were simply not on the same level.

The former can't even build an anchor, but the latter can build war golems that are tens of meters tall and adaptable to various environments.

This makes Ember a bit unfavorable.



"What's the sound?" Yi Yan took out his ears. There was something wrong with his ears. Why were mosquitoes buzzing?

"King. It's the sound of slashing. There's a battle ahead!" Menggert's eyes narrowed slightly. It turns out that there is still war in this world. He thought that all the countries here were peaceful.

"Take a sneak peek." Yi Yan said, sneaking into the grass.

Seeing this, Menggert also followed closely and disappeared into the green.

The two of them were walking through the grass, the shouts of killing getting closer and closer, and a slight smell of blood could even be smelled in the air.

When he poked his head out of the bushes, the shouts of death suddenly became louder. Looking down, I saw that the place below had become a battlefield.

In the light of swords and shadows, purple and red soldiers appeared and disappeared. They fought with each other, constantly attacking and defending, not afraid of death, just to fight for this small beachhead.

"Are you still fighting?" Yi Yan looked at it from a distance and suddenly felt his teeth hurt. As Menggert said, the war between the rebels and the shogunate is a protracted war.

The two parties were in a stalemate in the Nashi Beach area for a long time, and no one had the ability to advance the front further.

But overall, the strength of the shogunate army is still stronger. Because they still have the ability to send the team to Ba Ying Island to conduct a series of tasks such as reconnaissance and destruction, but the resistance army does not have this ability.

Of course, Ember didn't think that much - he was thinking about how to make them stop in a big way.

Maybe shoot another arrow? As Yi Yan thought so, a huge black iron bow appeared in his hand. This was the golem bow!

Just when Yi Yan wanted to go out and show off his skills, he suddenly felt a resistance.

Turning around, he saw that it was Mengt who had stretched out his hand. He shook his head, signaling Ember not to be impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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