King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 436: Iron Bones Fool the Crowd

Chapter 436: Iron Bones Fool the Crowd






As the countdown in Ember's mouth ended, a deafening explosion sounded in the cracks between the cliffs.

The exposed mountain could not withstand the huge pressure from the inside, and instantly turned into flying rubble.

Countless hot lava spurted out from the cracks in the broken mountain, illuminating a corner of the dark island as bright as day.

Hot Lava - One of Gemir's lava magics. Can release compressed lava balls that explode after a hit. The power can be enhanced by charging, and the explosion time can be delayed.

Larcade, the son of Queen Lenora, succeeded in bringing the ancient spell of Gmir back to life in a magical form.

"What did you do? This is similar to the volcanic eruption in Nata!" Luyein Heizo saw the red lava flowing out of the mountain from a distance, and his jaw almost dropped in shock.

When Ember ran out carrying large and small bags, Luyein Heizo suspected that he would destroy this place, but he never thought that Ember would make such a big noise!

"A volcanic eruption? That's almost it." Yi Yan saw the scene of lava everywhere in front of him, and said with a slap in his mouth.

He originally just wanted to test how much magma was under the earth's crust, but why did he want to spray it out directly?

The blame lies with the fact that the lava magic developed by Larcade is too powerful and has nothing to do with him.

"Besides, this is the end of it. Those evil eyes are quite hard. I have to crush them one by one with my handles to pay for them." Yu Yan thought of the evil eyes piled up in the evil eye factory, and suddenly felt that the firepower was not enough. add!

Hearing this, Shikanoin Heizo turned his head and looked at Ember in shock. Can he crush the evil eye? How come this guy is as strong as his fire magic?

Seeing Ember's body covered in armor, Kanoin Heizo couldn't help but think deeply.

I heard that there is an organization called the Witches' Guild in this world. This guy Ember doesn't know how to...

The look that Shikanoin Heizo looked at Ember became even more strange.

Luyein Heizang's "eager" gaze was naturally noticed by Yu En, but all he got in exchange was a slap in the brain from Yu Yan.

"If you think about it so much, why not keep an eye on the large herd of cattle and horses behind... Oh no, it's the Fools." Yi Yan turned around and pointed at the trembling Fools in front of him and said.

"Cows and horses? What are cows and horses?" Shikanoin Heizo scratched his head. As a detective, he was extremely keen on everything he had never heard of.

"It's this thing." Ember whistled and called Toret out.

"There are actually such things as cows and horses?!" Shikanoin Heizo exclaimed in surprise when he saw Torette with two horns on his head.

Seeing the way Shikanoin Heizo was curiously circling around Torette, Ember decisively took Torette back.

It's not his precious Torett, it's mainly because of Torett's appearance. If Kanoin Heizo goes around a few more times, Torett will kick someone.

If this kick hits Kanoin Heizo, then he can return to Narukami Island early.

As for whether to fly back or be carried back, it depends on Torrett's strength.

"After seeing the cows and horses, we have to work next! Little deer, find an open space! I want to influence these fools!"

"no problem!"


After a while of ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-ping-pong-pong, a wooden platform of medium and small size was set up in a corner of the deserted Baying Island.

Ember stood on the wooden platform that had just been built. Under him was a group of confused fools; behind him was Shikanoin Heizo who was putting up a banner.

"Is this thing really useful?" Heizo Luyein put up the banner. He took a few steps back and saw the words "The First Transformation Conference of Inazuma Fools" written squarely on the banner!

Luyein Heizang felt his scalp numb when he saw it. He didn't even know why he helped Yu Jin do such a thing, but in a daze, this thing was made from his hands.

It's like seeing a ghost!

"Ahem! Be quiet and let me say a few words!" Yi Yan turned around and saw that the banner was posted, so he was about to start "conquering" the fools.

"You guys, if you don't do good things, you will end up with a lot of bad things. If this continues..."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The cough interrupted Ember's speech, but he didn't pay attention and continued.

"Fortunately, you met me and gave you a chance to change your ways..."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

The coughing became more intense, even suppressing the shouts of Ember. "Oops, someone fainted!"

After an exclamation, several of the fools squatting on the ground below hit their heads on the ground and fainted.

Seeing this, Ember raised an eyebrow. He took out a few bright warm stones and threw them at the fainting crowd.

"See, this is what you have done."

Yi Yan took a deep breath, the smell of the evil spirit was so good!

The unconscious fools below woke up, but no one spoke. They either stared directly at the ember, or looked at the ground in a daze, vividly showing the ember what it means to go in with the left ear and out with the right ear.

"It's so troublesome." Yu Yan felt that things had reached a dead end. Could it be...

"Why don't you ask the person in charge of them to come up and say a few words? The Fools are a military organization, and the words of the sergeants will definitely be effective." Shikanoin Heizo saw Yu Yan's worried look and leaned into his ear and said.

"Good idea!" Yi Yan nodded and gave a thumbs up to Luye Yuan Heizang.

As expected of a detective, his head spins faster than others.

After taking out the list of people found from the Evil Eye Factory, Ember began to name names.

"What the hell...Natashika, the prison supervisor, please come up and say a few words to me."

After saying that, Yi Yan stared directly at the lady hiding the mirror below who was a full head taller than the others.


The two competed for patience, and it was clear that Ember won. Natashaka was stared at by the embers and felt like there were ten thousand ants crawling on her body. As a last resort, she stood up from below.

"What are you doing standing there? Applaud!" After saying that, Yu Yan took the lead in applauding.

"Clap clap clap!"

What Shikanoin Heizo said was true. When they saw Natashika coming to the stage, the wandering fools below actually clapped along with them.

Natashka came on stage and glanced at the embers that had retreated to one side. Ember thought she was not ready, so he whispered to her:

"Just talk about the things you did and criticize yourself!"

Natashika twitched the corner of her mouth after hearing what Yu Yan said. She turned her head to face the crowd of fools in front of her, and took a deep breath.

It's ridiculous to say that such a large evil eye factory was flattened by just two people. Not only that, all the defenders inside were captured.

No matter what, this is a disastrous failure for the Fools in other countries.

After brewing her emotions, Natashka shouted loudly: "For the glory of Your Majesty, I will wait..."

"I'll go to you!"

Seeing that the momentum was not right, Ember kicked Natashika off the wooden platform with a flying kick.

When the fools below saw this, they instantly became restless.

"For the glory of His Majesty!"

"Winter warriors never fear death!"

"Brothers, sacrifice yourself for the Queen!"


The slogans grew louder and louder than ever before, and even though their weapons and evil eyes were removed, the fools below showed no fear.

"Okay, okay! This is the first time I want to try soft stimulation, but it doesn't seem to work."

"In that case, let's use the old method!"

Invisible pressure enveloped everyone in an instant, and the excited Fools seemed to be strangled by their necks. They only whimpered and muttered, unable to do anything.

"It's just a big scar on the wrist. It'll be quick." Holding the straight sword in his hand, Yi Yan jumped off the wooden platform.

The sword was raised high but did not swing down.

Because he saw things turning around.

"Let's go, Xiaolu, follow me to pick up the distinguished guest!" He threw away the straight sword in his hand, rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

Because on the sea level in the distance of his sight, a swaying boat was heading towards? The shore is close.

(End of this chapter)

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