King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 437 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

Chapter 437 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

"It's here! It's finally here!"

"It's not natural, is it? I don't do things like you, full of loopholes!"

The skirmishers and the young master quarreled every day, but both the skirmishers and the young master had uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

First, we passed through a thunderstorm at sea, and then drifted at sea for several days. You can imagine the hardships involved.

"Hahaha, when I get ashore, I must have a big meal first, and then have a good sleep!" The young master was the most excited among the three.

There was still some distance from the coast, and he immediately thought about the life of an rice wife.

The main reason is that these days are really hard. Executives are human beings and need to eat. But they were in a hurry when they borrowed something from fellow Liyue fellow. They only borrowed a boat and nothing else.

If the lady hadn't recently learned to breathe fire, they would probably have enjoyed Inazuma's gourmet sashimi in advance.

"Huh? Have you sent a message to our Dao Wife in advance? I saw so many of our people on the shore."

The lady was very calm. She narrowed her eyes and observed the situation on the coast. As a result, he saw a crowd of fools standing on the coast.

"No." The skirmisher shook his head. He looked at the terrain of the coast, and the long-standing memory in his heart was awakened. He speculated:

"The island we came to should be Ba Ying Island. It's not bad. Our evil eye factory is here. Maybe the patrols discovered us."

After saying that, the smile on the soldier's lips became even wider. When he set sail, he thought that it would be best to dock at Ba Ling Island. Now it seems that his sailing skills are absolutely top-notch.

As for why not go to the outlying islands? The outlying island is where a lady should go, and the mission location of his skirmishers is the Evil Eye Factory.

Miss? Let her go to the island by herself!

The lady nodded upon hearing this, agreeing with the skirmisher's theory. Nothing unusual was noticed while sailing to Hachi Island.

"No, I see why the people on the coast are a little strange?" As the boat approached the shore, the young master raised new doubts.

After hearing this, the skirmisher and the lady carefully looked at the fools standing in the distance again.

I saw them raising their arms high and their faces flushed. There is also an indescribable anger and determination between his eyebrows.

How does this look like a welcome? It’s almost like debt collection!

As the boat approaches, more and more strange things appear on these fools. The easiest thing to discover is their movements that have not changed for thousands of years.

"Why do I get weirder the more I look at it?" This level of abnormality can be easily seen even with Young Master's simple brain.

"I don't know, it's better to be careful." Frost also began to condense on the lady's body.

"Shen Shen? It doesn't look like it?" The soldier knew more than the young master and the lady, but he couldn't see what happened.

Just when the three of them were on full alert, the fools on the coast suddenly moved.

"It's the executive officer!"

"We are saved!"

"It's your turn to beg for mercy now!"


The fools who had regained their mobility immediately cheered excitedly when they saw the executive officer on the ship.

The Executor is the most powerful person among the Fools. Usually one of them is enough, but now there are three of them!

This one has the advantage over the fools!

"Noise, noisy, noisy!" Yi Jin saw that the boat was about to dock, so he withdrew his pressure. Unexpectedly, he almost deafened his ears.

The executive's prestige among the fools was higher than he thought.


Hearing the familiar voice, the three people on the boat were instantly frightened, and even the skirmishers took their hands off the rudder without realizing it.

Before, he had sworn that Ember would not come to Ina Wife, but as soon as he landed, the first person he met was Ember.

There's no such thing as a coincidence, right?

"We meet again, how many of you are there?"

The fools on the coast collapsed on the ground again, and then Ember holding a bow appeared in front of the three people.

As expected, the fools had dangling purple arrows stuck in their butts.

Last time it was the left half, this time it was the right half, it’s all right!

"Skirmisher, ma'am, fight to the death, maybe you can escape!" The young master saw Yu Ember's figure, and without any hesitation, the dark purple Demon King's weapons instantly covered his body.

"No need to say anything!" the skirmisher secretly spat, the engines roaring in his chest.

"I know better than you!" This is especially true for the lady. Now she can awaken the endless flames in her body without the cooling of the ice cocoon. "Executor..."

Demon Rider, Flame Girl, Doll, Shikanoin Heizo looked at the three people in front of them who were going all out, and they couldn't even speak clearly.

Their powerful pressure rushed towards him, and Shikanoin Heizo couldn't tell whether the pressure from the ember just now was stronger or theirs.

"So enthusiastic?"

Holding a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, this was how he responded to the three men with full firepower in front of Ember.

"Let you try the new moves I've learned during this period!"

Young Master took the lead, and with his hoarse roar, the two elements of water and thunder intertwined, and the sea surface suddenly seemed to have set off a thunderstorm.

The small boat that had been accompanying the three of them for a long time was shattered into pieces by the waves.

But no one cares about it anymore. As executive officers, they can still float briefly in the air, and even if they fall into the sea, they are close to the coast and can swim back to the shore.

"Whale Whale in the Star Sea!"


This time, the young master did not fight as little as he did in the previous thunderstorm. He went all out as soon as he came up. Not only was the condensed whale wrapped with thunder and lightning, but its long and distant roar could even be heard.

"Young man is not that simple!" Yi Jin heard the whale roar and looked at the young master in surprise.

Is it his tinnitus? Why does this whale roar sound like it's coming from outside the world?

"Too bad I screamed louder than you!"


Earth-shaking dragon roars rang out from the coast. Ember raised his arms, and his entire upper body turned into a huge dragon head.

The giant dragon roared, and the air waves formed actually caused the waves on the sea to change direction.

Dragon Bite - a kind of dragon feast prayer. It can transform itself into a dragon and bite enemies forward.

A move owned by those who hunt dragons, sacrifice and devour the dragon's heart. That was both pure and overwhelmingly powerful power.

The dragon opened its mouth and bit the whale that jumped out of the sea without fear.

"Bang!" The dragon opened its mouth and closed it, biting the leaping whale in half.

"Ang——" As if to show his victory, the dragon head straightened its neck again and roared louder than before.

Gui'or's Roar - a dragon's prayer. It is a high-level prayer that can show the power of the "ancient dragon" Gui'ol.

One of the "legendary prayers". It can transform itself into a dragon and roar loudly. Reduce the attack power and defense of surrounding enemies.

"The Grandmother of Dragons" Gui'ol is a rock mountain that must be respected.

The sound waves turned into substance, not only plowing up the ground under the embers' feet, but also pushing away the seawater layer by layer. With the dragon head as the center of the garden, a huge pit expands as the sound waves advance.


The sound wave swept over like a mountain, causing the young master to fall from the sky into the mud.

Gui'ol's roar can reduce the enemy's attack power and defense power. How exactly is this achieved?

Wouldn't it be enough to just yell at the enemy to death? The young master in front of me is the best example.

"Cough...cough cough!"

The Demon King was disarmed, and the young master felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered. He looked at the embers that had returned to human form in front of him, his eyes full of doubts.

Why does this guy have so many moves?

"Skirmisher, madam! It's your turn!" The young master stood up from the mud under the sea water, waiting for the cover of his companions.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't hear any movement.

"So you're not a married woman?"

Ember looked at the ladies and skirmishers running to the left and right, patted his head, and exclaimed in sudden realization.

It seems that all fools are not so willing to sacrifice their lives for righteousness!

At least not the executive.

(End of this chapter)

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