King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 443 Difficulties

Chapter 443 Difficulties

After taking the paper ball from Young Master and spreading it out, Yi Yan looked at it carefully.


Ember shook his head, and Young Master immediately shivered.


Ember nodded, and Young Master breathed another sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?" The lady felt very tired when she saw the startled look of Yu Huan and the young master.

"I can't understand."

Ember put down the account and shook his head. Not to mention how sloppy the young master’s handwriting was, even if it wasn’t sloppy, the ember wouldn’t have much to show for it.

"It doesn't matter. Haijidao may be able to fill the shortfall." Seeing this scene, Xinhai wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This negotiation was a bit too unexpected. Originally, she had prepared many tips and wanted to gain the initiative in the meeting.

But looking at it now, let alone taking the initiative, she didn't even say a few words.

"This won't work! They have to clean up the mess they made! Short of a deficit? Don't the fools have the skills and feet? Let them make up for it themselves!"

Ember stuffed the folded accounts next to Luye Yuanheizo, waved his hand and said: "Xiaolu, do the math for me!"

"Why do you think I know everything?" Shikanoin Heizo felt helpless when he saw Yu Ember commanding him so skillfully.

He's a detective, not an accountant.

But it doesn't matter. The "accounts" calculated by the young master can be seen by non-accountants as abnormal.

"He calculated the addition here as subtraction, he forgot to calculate the number here, and he also forgot the multiplication here..."

Shikanoin Heizo pointed at the numerous errors in the accounts and complained weakly.

What the hell is this? Are you still an executive? Isn't he better than Young Master?


The account was crumpled into a ball of paper by the embers and thrown over: "Did you hear that? The calculation was wrong! Before the calculation was repeated, I thought you fools were all rich!"

"I...I tried my best." The young master defended himself guiltily when he saw the questioning looks from the lady and the stragglers.

"Hey——, forget it." The lady covered her forehead with one hand and waved her other arm, causing the paper ball to burn out of thin air.

In the end, this "account" that condensed the young master's hard work all night turned into soot and drifted away in the wind.

"Do you still have any questions?" Yu Jin saw the lady holding her forehead and the young master looking at the sky, thinking that this should be done.

"I have!"

"Hey, do you really dare to do it?"

Yan Yan pretended to smooth his sleeves, looking like he was about to explode and hurt someone.

The skirmishers immediately shrank their heads when they saw Ember's impatient look. Just when he wanted to retreat, he felt two blazing gazes coming from behind him.

"Damn it!" Skirmisher gritted his teeth. He was usually very arrogant, but this also meant that he had a very strong self-esteem.

In front of the two ladies and the young master, the two executive officers at the end of the crane, the skirmishers would never allow themselves to retreat.

"What I want to say is the real difficulties." The skirmisher glanced at the embers, then glanced at the lady and the gentleman behind him who looked at him from time to time, and added:

"It's completely different from the nitpicking between the two of them."

You can't taunt Ember, but you can still taunt ladies and gentlemen.

"Okay, you said it." Yu Jin sat back. He has always been a reasonable person. Since everyone has said so, why not listen?

At worst, I'll just give him one more punch when the time comes.

"First, we don't have a ship." The skirmisher pointed out a finger.

"You don't think that transporting food depends entirely on manpower, do you? The physical fitness of the Fool's Soldiers is indeed good, but compared with the tools, it is still far inferior." "You work in three shifts, just run around more." Yu Yan was very careless. He gave his plan without any thought.

This made everyone present twitch their lips. It seems that even slaves in ancient times didn't have to work so hard, right?

Three shifts? It's not like using people as livestock.

"Yes, as long as you don't care about efficiency." Skirmisher's eyelids jumped, but he continued following the words of Ember.

"Then this is really a problem." Yu Ember said that he still cares about efficiency.

Transporting food and cleaning up the mess should come first, and punishing the fools should come later. We can't put the cart before the horse.

"Second, since you said you are transporting food and want us to clean up the mess, you have to know the villages in various places, otherwise what you are transporting is not food, but a pile of garbage."

The skirmisher then held out a second finger.

"This Coral Palace can help. We have the village gathering place near Haiji Island. As long as you have our people with you when you transport food."

After hearing this, Xinhai chatted with the officials at the rear for a few words, and then placed a scroll on the conference table. He thought that this should be a more detailed map.

But the skirmisher didn't look at anything. He grinned and continued to say to the embers:

"You heard it too, this is only for Haiji Island. If you want us to only operate around Haiji Island, then the situation just now can be treated as non-existent."

After the skirmisher finished speaking, the smile on his face became even wider. He didn't think there was any reason for Yi Yan to prefer Haizhi Island. Anyway, the Fools were all a group of coolies he had kidnapped.

Helping one place is helping, and helping two places is also helping, so why not help more?

The gathering points during the war changed every day. Kaiji Island is located in the rear and may be stable, but places such as Hachijima Island, Tatasha, and Kujo Jinya are different.

Those places were on the edge of the battlefield, and the location of the villages changed even faster. Based on the skirmishers' understanding of the people in the shogunate, they would not bother to compile these data.

By then, aren’t they going to have to fool everyone into doing it? In this case, there is a chance to escape!

Thinking of this, Skirmisher almost laughed out loud. But Yi Yan's eyes were always on him, causing him to suppress his smile.

"If this is..., I may have a way to solve it." Yuan Jin touched his chin, and he thought of a person who could perfectly solve these two problems.

"What method? Clone? Slice? No! If we draw the God of Thunder out, it will be difficult for everyone. Let me tell you, she is very powerful!"

The skirmishers saw Yi Yan's thoughtful look, and were afraid that he would use some new tricks to solve these problems.

He even brought out his most hated Thor. Afraid that Yu Yan wouldn't care, the skirmisher continued to add insult to injury: "Maybe even more powerful than Liyue's fat dragon!"

The skirmishers didn't know who was more powerful, the God of Thunder or Ruo Tuo, but again, if you had the guts to talk, would you be able to beat him?

"How do you know I know this?"

"Ah? You really know how to do it?"

When the three people on the opposite side heard Yu Yan's words, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

"Listen to what the three of you said, this guy's strength..." Xinhai heard the words of Skirmisher and Yi Yan, and the gaze in Baozhu's clear eyes moved.

Being able to get three executives to sit down and talk properly, no matter how weak their strength is, how much worse can they be? If you talk about it in the strong direction, there is no limit to it.

"Why are you always thinking about fighting? Are you all brats?" Yu Jin waved his hand, he was a person who liked to reason.

It's a pity that few people Yu Yan has met before can speak clearly, let alone listen to him reason.

"The method I'm going to talk about is not to use brute force!" Yi Yan stood up. Although he could create many clones and run around, he now had a more convenient method.

"Do you know Gui Long?" Yu Yan sat down again, put his hands together on his chin, and said in a pretentious tone.

"Gui Long? It sounds like the name of a swordsman master." The young master's eyes showed excitement.

"Then your ears are really bad."

Hu Yan said that the young master had something wrong with his ears. Seeing everyone's confusion, he stopped trying to make excuses, spread his hands and said:

"Actually, he's just the pirate leader, the smuggling leader, and the director of the garbage recycling plant."

(End of this chapter)

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