King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 444 Decisive Heart

Chapter 444 Decisive Heart

"Pirate leader?"

"Smuggling leader?"

"Director of the garbage plant?"

"You three have to repeat what I said, right?"

Ember glanced sideways at the trio of executives across from him. Why were these three guys so startled? No determination at all!

"Huh, pirate? What's the use of such a villain who takes advantage of the chaos?" The skirmisher suddenly sneered when he heard that the solution given by Yi Yan was to find a pirate to help.

It's not him..., well, anyway, skirmishers always like to look at people through the cracks in the door, and this time is no exception.

Pirates? Aren't these guys only capable of taking advantage of others' misfortune, stealing, and other activities that require neither brains nor strength, but only courage? What use can they be of?

"You kid, don't you have eyes on the top of your head?" Yi Yan saw the skirmisher looking down on others again, and felt that he must have been looked down upon by others before, so now that he has become stronger, he immediately transformed into the original " Dragon".

"If you ask me, that kid Gui Long, no matter how bad he is, is still better than you!" Yu Jin pointed at the three people opposite and said with certainty.

Then he saw Coral Palace and others beside him, and he turned his arm and pointed at them again.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you rebels. You are no match for those pirates like Gui Long."

At best, Gui Long was just a sneak attack on the passing sergeant. Compared with the bad things done by the resistance and the fools, it was not much better.

Xinhai saw the ember pointing at her, and couldn't help but look stunned. Soon, she raised a smile and said, "Haha, Yan Yan, you really know how to joke."

"Our resistance army has strict military discipline. No matter what, we can't be worse than the pirates."

"See for yourself."

Yan Yan said that he didn't want to say anything more to her and directly threw the notepad in his hand over.

Seeing that Yan Yan was so confident, Xinhai opened the notepad and checked it out without any hesitation.

"Hmm..., the battlefield has not been sorted out? This is really difficult for us. Most of the rebels are at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the shogunate army. In this case..."

When Xinhai first saw the problems on the notepad that were not problems at all, he could still make a few excuses. But as her fingertips turned, the defensive voices became smaller and smaller.

At the end, the face of the goddess miko, who had always had a calm face, became sulky.

But out of identity, she was still trying her best to hide her emotions. The silent anger under the calm is more terrifying than what is directly displayed on the face.

"Nathan? I remember this seems to be the captain of your squad, Saito, right?" Xinhai closed the notepad, pushed it gently, and sent it back to Yi Yan.

Hearing Xinhai's voice that contained anger, a strong man in red armor behind her immediately took a step forward, bent down and said carefully:

" the goddess miko-sama, exactly."

"In that case..." Xinhai pondered for a while, and then shouted sharply: "Saitouchi Yutaka, I am now temporarily depriving you of the military talisman of your third division for the crime of poor military management. Do you have any objections?"

"Sir... Your Majesty." When Saitouchi Yutaka heard Xinhai's scolding, he straightened up in fear and quickly took a few steps back.


Just when Saitouchi Yutaka was looking troubled, his colleague who was also a general of the resistance army came to him at some point. He showed his sword and shook his head at him.

After his expression changed several times, Saitouchi Yutaka finally lowered his head and placed his military talisman and sword beside Xinhai step by step.

"Okay, since you are so cooperative, I will naturally not accuse you wrongly."

Xinhai saw Saitouchi Yutaka handing over the military talisman honestly and nodded.

"Take down Division 3 Nathan and his Fish Squad. If he really instigates destruction and evil deeds, and is also a fool, act accordingly."

"If not..., we will use this as an opportunity to thoroughly investigate the details of the army and other possible flaws."

"How about this, Ember, and Admiral Saito?"

After giving all instructions, Xinhai asked Ember and Saitouchi Yutaka.

"So clean and tidy? Okay, I won't interfere in your internal affairs. But I have a directory of spies that fool people. You can deal with it how you like."

"I respectfully obey the order of the miko-sama who appears as a human god."

Yi Yan scratched his head. He didn't expect that Coral Palace Xinhai looked so soft and weak, but acted so vigorously and resolutely. So he threw the list found from the Evil Eye Factory in front of the executive officer opposite.

Glancing at the executive next to him and seeing all three of them looking up at the sky, Xinhai felt at ease and accepted the list that Ember had thrown over him.

"If this person has not committed any serious crimes, I, Haiji Island, will not be in too much trouble."

Although the lady and others looked unconcerned, Xinhai still emphasized.

People like spies have been planted by various forces. Unless they cause any serious harm, they will usually turn a blind eye and let them go.

After hearing this, the lady lowered her gaze and nodded to her heart.

Except for the lady's remarks, the young master and the skirmishers still maintained their postures of looking at the sky.

There is no need for the young master to say more. He is here just to make up for the numbers. The fools in Daowife don’t even have that team under him.

And this is even more true for skirmishers. He doesn't even care how many men he has. Anyway, just howl when he's done with it, and someone will always come.

Among the three, the lady is the only one who looks like a serious executive.

"Are there any questions? If there is no doubt, we have settled the matter?" Yi Jin saw that no one had spoken for a long time, so he looked around at the crowd and asked.

"There's no doubt, the next step is the specific details." Xinhai nodded towards Ember.

The general direction has been determined, and now comes the details.

"Details? Xiaolu, come on!" As soon as he heard the word "details," Yu Yan immediately pushed Luyein Heizang out.

There is no way, he can only pick up Xiaolu now, if not, he has to do it!

"it's me again?"

Shikanoin Heizo pointed at his face, why did he, a detective, do things that had nothing to do with detectives?

"There's no harm in exercising more." Yu Jin waved his hand, signaling Luyein Heizou to calm down.

"If that's the case, then I'll stay, Foolish Man." When the lady heard the conversation between Xinhai and Yi Yan, she rolled her eyes and decided to stay.

Seeing that Yi Jin wanted to say something, the lady quickly said: "You don't think that the actions of the Fools in a large place like Haiji Island don't need to be coordinated and handed over, do you?"

"I stay here. On the one hand, I can discuss the specific details with Haiji Island, and I can also make other fools on the island change their mission goals."

The lady's barrage of attacks succeeded in convincing Ember. Seeing that Yan Yan had listened to her words, the lady kept up her efforts and continued:

"It's not just Kaijijima. You need someone to coordinate the pirates. You also need someone to control Kannazuka."

"Three people, just right."

As soon as the lady finished speaking, she felt two blazing eyes coming from her. She didn't need to turn her head to know that it was coming from the young master and the skirmishers.

Especially the young master, the gratitude in his eyes almost overflowed.

No matter what it is, as long as it can be separated from the embers, it is a good job!

"It seems to make sense." Yu Jin and Luyein Heizo looked at each other, thinking that what the lady said made sense.

This way, he doesn't seem to have to do anything, which is perfect!

Seeing the excitement of the lady, the young man, and the skirmisher, Yi Yan thought of giving them a beating.

"Let me remind you three, you fools are trying to atone for your sins."

"If you don't want to redeem it, no problem!"


Ember slapped a straight sword on the table.

"Then let's see who is stronger between your heads and my straight sword! Do you understand?"


The three people opposite them immediately nodded like chickens.

(End of this chapter)

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