King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 450 There are still many good people

Chapter 450 There are still many good people

Around the island, there are always peninsulas and small islands extending out. And Haiji Island is naturally no exception.

As a large island, there are many such peninsulas around Haiji Island. They are like the stars in the sky, as numerous as an ox's hair.

However, four of them are particularly large, and they echo the Yueyuan in the center of Haizhi Island, so the people of Haizhi Island, together with the Yueyuan in the center of the island, collectively call these five places "Haizhi Five Injuries" rock】.

These five parts are eyes, teeth, fins, tail, and heart. And on the "tail" of the shallows on the east side of Haiji Island, there is now a sneaky figure.

"Tail? It should be here, right?" Yuan Shang squatted behind a big rock, stuck his head out and looked at the deserted beach in front of him and said to himself.

After many days of lurking in the Abyss, coupled with the four of them's ingenuity, they finally figured out the way out to the Abyss Palace.

This mystery lies on Haizhi Wushang Rock, which people on Haizhi Island often talk about but don't want to take a second look at.

The four small islands of eyes, teeth, fins, and tail are located just to the west, north, south, and east of Haiji Island, and the Moon Bathing Abyss in the center, which is the "heart", forms a large formation that covers the entire island.

And the purpose of this formation..., Fuchshang scratched his head. At first, Yuan You, the smartest among them, made a big push, but Fuchsami didn't listen to a single word.

As for why he could still reach the end of the sea smoothly, Fuchikami took out a small roll of paper.

[Search the tail of the sea to see if there is anything like a holding stone. 】

The words on the note are twisted and crazy, lost words that humans cannot understand. But Fuchikami read through it without any hindrance.

To him, the crazy aura on the note was not as refreshing as the chill condensed on it.

"Looks like I have to go find the agency quickly." Yuan Shang shuddered, and Yuan You became angry. Even if he was an apostle of the abyss now, he still felt scared.

After deciding on the next action plan, Fuchigami cautiously walked out from behind the boulder and groped forward.

I want to ask why Fuchsami is so careful? It was all due to his painful experience of being robbed 34 times after coming to Daozhi.

How long have you been here at Daozhu? He was robbed 34 times, and only he knew the bitterness of it.

The wild people robbed him, the deserters robbed him, and even when he was staying overnight, there were vicious villagers who blackmailed him!

Fuchangami adjusted his glasses, thinking that next time he must transform into a muscular man who was easy to figure out at first glance.

As he advanced on the shallows of the abyss, he was surrounded by only the pale soil and sparse vegetation unique to Haiji Island.

Soon, a broken shrine appeared in front of him. In front of the shrine, there was an extremely weathered stone tablet standing.

"Let me take a look..., a stone tablet? Is there really something there?"

When Yuan Shang saw the shrine and stone tablet, his face became happy. He hurried forward and took a closer look.

The stone monument has been severely weathered, and its edges and corners have become extremely rounded. Fortunately, the handwriting on it is still clear, so nothing can be recognized.

But what difference does this make to Yushang?

He touched his chin and walked around the stone tablet several times before patting his head and saying, "What am I looking for here? I can't understand human writing at all!"

Then Fuchigami sat on the ground, pulling his hair in annoyance.

I can't see the words clearly. What should I do next?

"Hey! What are you doing here?!"

Just when Fuchshang was troubled, he suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder.

"Who?" Yuan Shang was startled. He jumped up from the ground and saw the fools carrying large and small bags in front of him.

"Fools? Want to grab something again? I'm warning you, I'm very good at fighting!" Yuan Shang saw the Fools in front of him and immediately waved his fist.

"Grab something? What do you have to rob? On the contrary, I want to give you something." The leading lieutenant felt very funny when he saw Yuan Shang's claws and teeth.

He nodded to the fools behind him, and the soldiers behind him became a little commotion.

"Captain, do you really want to send it away?"

"Otherwise, how can you still disobey the lady's order?" The lieutenant took a deep breath. He didn't know what he was thinking.

He is just a small lieutenant, he just follows orders. As for the rest, he didn't want to think too much.

"Send something? What to give?" Seeing that these fools had no intention of robbing him, Yuan Shang breathed a sigh of relief, and finally met someone who could talk to him well. "Food, our camp is about to be cleared, and we just have some leftover, so I'll give it to you."

As the lieutenant spoke, the soldiers at the rear threw out a package.

Yuan Shang opened the package, and inside was a long, buttery loaf of bread.

"We will be mobilized soon. The food stored for such a long time will have to be given away sooner or later. You are lucky."

Seeing Yuan Shang's dazed expression, the lieutenant explained.

It's a pity that Yuan Shang is not in a daze at all, he just simply dislikes the things given by fools.

He could be the Apostle of the Abyss, why would he need all this food?

"Thank you... thank you." Yuan Shang held it in for a long time and thanked the fools opposite him.

"Haha, you're welcome." Yuan Shang's performance, in the eyes of the fools, was undoubtedly so grateful that they couldn't even express themselves clearly.

Seeing Fuchshang's grateful expression, the leader, Lieutenant Commander, scratched his head in embarrassment. He didn't expect that such a thing as helping others would happen to him.

feel good?

"What are you doing here alone? You shouldn't be escaping, right?" The lieutenant raised his eyebrows when he saw Yuan Shang's relatively neat appearance.

"Me?" Yuanshang pointed to his face. He looked around, and then caught a glimpse of the stone tablet beside him.

"I came here for archeology. I saw there were ruins here, so I ran over here!" Yuanshang pointed to the stone tablet with one hand and adjusted his glasses with the other hand.

At first glance, it looks like that.

"Archaeology? It's interesting. In the chaos of war, there are still people coming to do archeology?" The lieutenant couldn't help laughing after hearing what Yuan Shang said.

"I guess you are too, right?" Yuan Shang stood on tiptoes and looked at the large book and small scroll held by the soldier behind the lieutenant and speculated.

Most fools would not bring such a knowledgeable thing with them. They would like to replace those books with bombs.

"Haha, almost, but I won't do it now!" The lieutenant nodded and admitted. They had been on this small island for a long time, and their research had come to a standstill.

Now that they have to be summoned by the lady to do some "food transportation" matters, their research will probably come to nothing.

Seeing Yuanshang starting to wander in front of the stone tablet again, the lieutenant showed appreciation.

He said to Yuan Shang: "The words on this stone tablet mean: The holy pilgrims are pregnant with divine grace, walk slowly and lightly, and enter after the lamps. Avoid running and jumping, making noise and crying, and must be silent." He died with the grace of the Great God in his heart..."

“Specifically, it’s about being religious.”

The lieutenant sighed, with a pious heart, how could they, the fools, have such a thing? So the research came to a standstill.

"Have a pious heart?" Yuan Shang didn't understand the first half of Lieutenant's sentence, but he understood the second half.

Piety, I'm sorry he doesn't have that either.

"These are our results. They are useless now. I give them to you. Let's see what you can come up with!"

When the lieutenant saw the pensive (confused) look in Fuchsami's eyes, the admiration on his face became even greater. He turned around and threw the results he had gained during this period to Fuchsami.

"If you have any results, don't forget to tell me. After all, this is my first mission, and I don't want to have any regrets."

"Our future stronghold should be here. We fools are doing good things now. If all our belongings are robbed, we can get some things here."

After forcing the scroll into Yuan Shang's arms, the lieutenant stuffed another map into it. Then he waved his hand and led the soldiers behind him to leave the Tail of the Sea.

Touching the soft bread in his hand, he lowered his head and looked at the scroll and map in his arms. Although Yuan Shang was not a human, he was still moved.

"There are still many good people in this world!"

Yuan Shang said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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