King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 451 The Moon Bath Abyss

Chapter 451 The Moon Bath Abyss

"What is written here?"

Lieutenant General Yuan unfolded the scroll for him. As he said, he was illiterate.

After looking at it for a long time, I didn't see anything interesting. Fortunately, Yuan Shang directly opened the abyss passage and threw the scroll and map into it.

This abyss passage is connected to Abyss's own private secret space, which contains his collection of treasures.

The lieutenant gave him his research results so preciously that Fuchikami was too embarrassed to just throw them away. He could just give them back to him whenever he wanted.

"Have a pious heart?" Yuan Shang recited the lieutenant's words and looked at the dilapidated shrine thoughtfully.

He looked around and saw no one, so he knelt on his knees and clasped his hands together.

"Great Jade God, Great Jade God, open sesame!"


The sea breeze blew, rustling the dead branches and leaves.

"What the hell is this damn pious heart?!" Fuchang screamed as he rolled on the ground.

He is the Abyss Chanter! It would be better to let him die than to be pious to the great god of Kaiji Island.

"Damn it! Let me see what you are capable of doing, you piece of shit!"

Yuanshang looked at the dilapidated shrines and stone tablets, and immediately kicked them over.


Yuan Shang's kick passed by, but nothing happened. He twitched the corner of his mouth and slowly moved his feet back.

He just sprained his ankle.

"Hiss..." Sitting on the ground, Yuan Shang took a breath of cold air. What's going on today? Why is he so frustrated everywhere?

Apart from meeting that group of fools before, there was nothing good going on.

He then recalled what happened to him after he came to Daozhi and was robbed by Santianyi and a thief on Tiantianyi, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

"Wow! It just so happens that my body has been restless recently, so let's try it here!" Yuan Shang was angry, a burst of red and black smoke rose, and he changed back to his original appearance.

The Abyss Chapter in his hand moved automatically, and a new page of text appeared on the familiar book.

Ever since he received the warm reception in Feimu Village, especially after taking the water soaked in the bark of Washizu, Fuchigami felt that the power in his body was a little restless.

But now, that sense of restlessness is bothering and tempting Yuan Shang all the time.


He lowered his head and looked at the text on the Abyss Chapter. Achisami, who had never read a few words, felt that these words were so familiar that he could only recite them at a glance.

As the words were chanted, the forbidden power in Yuanshang's body began to interact with the elemental power in the air.

Speaking of interaction, it's more like the power of the abyss forcibly pulling the elemental power into Abyss's body.


A completely different feeling appeared in Yunshang's body. Different from the scorching heat when the fire elemental power was introduced in the past, this time it was a needle-like pain that echoed in the body.


Yuan Shang shouted loudly, and then purple thunder spread and rose, sweeping across the entire shoal.

"Bah~, bah~"

Fuchikami looked at the purple light covering his body in surprise, and couldn't help but cheered.

"Could it be that... I am an Abyss Baptist now?!"

Unfortunately, it turns out that Fuchikami thought too much. Before his cheers stopped, the purple light on his body quickly attenuated.

"The body is rejecting the power of the thunder element?" Yuanshang felt the lingering tingling sensation in his body and seemed to understand something.

"Let Yuan Xia shock me for a while in the future!" Yuan Shang suddenly thought of a good way to adapt to the power of the thunder element. Now he couldn't wait to find Yuan Xia.


The feet suddenly became extremely wet, and at the same time, accompanied by the ethereal sound of fish swimming in the sea, Yushang was awakened from the illusion of becoming a baptizer of the abyss.

"What?" Yuanshang turned around and saw an aqua blue spirit bead appearing in the shrine at some point.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the spirit bead automatically flew into Yuan Shang's hand, "Is this considered..., done?"

Yuanshang scratched his head, took away the spirit beads, and ran to the predetermined meeting point without looking back.

As for how this thing came out, who cares? Just get it into his hands!

Yuan Shang left, leaving only the thundering stones on the ground sizzling.

Maybe the person who set it up didn't expect that one day, someone would crack this mechanism without even looking at the Thunder Stone, right? …


The abyss passage reflecting the starlight was opened, and Abyss walked out of it.

"Are you all here?" Yuan Shang looked at his friends. Without exception, they all held a water-blue orb in their hands.

"Just arrived." Yuan You glanced at Yuan Shang and nodded.

"Yuan Xia, give me an electric shock." Yuan Shang approached Yuan Xia, pointed at his arm and said.

"Discharge? Did something go wrong with you after drinking bark water?" Yuan Xia looked at Yuan Shang as if he was insane. It turned its head and said to Yuan Zuo, who was playing with the orb at the side:

"Yuan Zuo, make him another cup of bark water."


Yuan Zuo responded, and then took out four glasses and a handful of shriveled golden tree bark from his blue fur.

After a while, each of the four cups of golden bark water had one cup in hand.

"Hey, Yuan You, when should we start taking action?" Yuan Shang took a sip of tea and asked Yuan You.

"Hey, wait until it gets dark." Yuan You looked at the sky and said it was still early.

"Hey~, by the way, do you feel that something is wrong with you recently? I always feel like there is a book in my hand recently." Yuanxia looked at his companions and revealed the secret in his heart.

He also thought about studying it secretly, but considering his own virtue, Yunxia felt that he had a book in his hand... so it was very possible that he was corrupted by the forbidden power and went crazy.

"It's been there a long time ago." Yuan You was not surprised. It had already noticed the abnormality of its companions, but it just didn't say anything.

"Hey~, I have one too. I can make hot tea now." Yuan Zuo also raised his hand and whispered.

"It's true!" Fuchikami raised the glass and said in surprise.

"It's true!" Yuanxia took another sip, equally surprised.

"It's true! Make more love in the future." Yuan You patted Yuan Zuo, and his words finally changed.


At night, the Coral Palace was still brightly lit, but there were far fewer guards outside than during the day.

"Is there no one there?" Yuan Shang looked around furtively and kept mumbling.

"If you keep talking, there will be someone else!" Yuan You covered Yuan Shang's mouth, then immediately took out the orb and threw it into the water hole under the Coral Palace.

Several others also followed suit and threw the orbs in their hands into what the people of Haiji Island call the "Moon Bathing Abyss".


The four orbs entered the heart, and the calm Moon Bathing Abyss immediately reacted, and the calm water flow roared instantly.

The water flowed endlessly, and a deep hole appeared in the water surface due to the rotation of the water flow.

"What are you waiting for?! Jump!" Yuan You saw the shaking figure in the Coral Palace above, waved to his companions behind him, and then jumped down.

"Yuanxia Palace! I'm coming!" After Jian Yuanyou jumped down, the remaining ones also jumped down.

After swallowing four travelers from the abyss, the Moon Bathing Abyss calmed down again, as if everything just now did not exist.


"What's going on? What was that noise just now?!" Xinhai, who was dealing with official duties, heard the roaring sound of water outside and immediately ran out of the Coral Palace.

"My lord, it's the Moon Bathing Abyss that has changed." The witch who had been waiting at the side for a long time replied.

"Moon Bathing Abyss? How long has it been since the last time the Abyss Palace was opened?" Xinhai asked the witch beside him while thinking.

"It's been 427 years, and the goddess miko-sama has appeared."

"Oh? I was just wondering why this island of yours is so abnormal. It turns out that the water vortex below is the eye of the formation."

"How is it? Do you want us fools to help?" The lady felt the chaotic atmosphere of the earth veins beside the Moon Bath Abyss and said with a smile.

"Thank you Zhidong for your kindness, but the [spirit] return ceremony has been held several times on Haiji Island, so I don't need the help of the Fools for the time being."

"Luzi, tell me to go down and have the witches prepare for the ceremony. It seems that this [spiritual] return ceremony will probably be held under my watch."

"Remember, there can be no mistakes!"

After Xinhai nodded and thanked the lady, he quickly gave the instructions, as calmly as if he had expected it.

(End of this chapter)

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