King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 569 What you want

Chapter 569 What you want

The coral in the lady's hand is completely different from the coral in other parts of Haiji Island.

The whole body of the blood branch coral is a strange deep blue. On the surface of the coral branches, countless blood red patterns snake and climb on it, as if this coral has just been picked out of the blood pool.

"Blood Branch Coral?!" Xinhai's eyes widened immediately. She looked at the lady in surprise, and was filled with surprise.

Why did you fools run into Yuanxia Palace? And he also brought up the Blood Branch Coral.

"Blood Branch Coral is a good name." The lady looked at the coral in her hand and rubbed the red color on its surface with her other hand.

Opening his fingers, a bright red color immediately appeared on his fingertips.

"I remember that the Blood Branch Coral must be brought up by a powerful person. You are obviously under the surveillance of the Coral Palace all the time. How could you have a chance?"

Xinhai looked at the bloody coral in the lady's hand and narrowed his eyes. Judging from the "good reputation" of the Fools, we cannot rule out the possibility that they are lying based on hearsay.

"Oh? So those followers around me are from your Coral Palace?" The lady exaggeratedly made a very surprised look, then her face darkened and she said with a hint of sarcasm:
"If I really want to get rid of you people, don't be too easy. It's better not to bring the loopholes of surveillance to the table."

She pinched the bloody coral in her hand and glanced at the embers unconsciously.

"Besides, you don't need to be very powerful to get this thing. All you need is a knife."

The lady paused, then smiled and said: "A knife that can cut coral from the dragon lizard carcass."

"Huh?" Yi Yan scratched his head, there was something in the lady's words.

"What do you mean?" Xinhai quickly thought about the meaning of the lady's words in his mind.

Only those with strong blood branch coral power can bring it, because according to the "brave" who came up, countless monsters came to block the process of obtaining the blood branch coral.

"Should we say that we are ruthless? Or should we say that the people of Yuanxia Palace are ruthless? This thing grows from the dragon lizard."

The lady pinched her finger, and the blood stain on her finger turned into a tiny bright red ball.

The team he sent down at the beginning came up. In addition to the information about Yuanxia Palace, they also brought this thing taken from the body of the dragon lizard.

Through research and interpretation of the information brought, the lady is almost certain that the blood branch coral was artificially "planted" on the dragon lizard. Thinking about it growing such a thing on the body gives people goosebumps.

"What? Blood Branch Coral grew like this?!" Xinhai's face was full of disbelief.

The Resurrection Ceremony on Kaiji Island is held only every few hundred years. In the few records available, the origin of Bloodbranch Coral is unclear.

Originally, Xinhai thought that the Blood Branch Coral was something like earth vein siltation that grew naturally, but after hearing what the lady said, it might not be that simple.

"Tsk, it seems that Yuanxiagong is cruel?" The lady saw that Xinhai didn't look like he was cheating, and shook her head with some regret.

It seems that my idea of ​​provoking a relationship is going to fail.

"show me."

The lady felt a strong wind blowing in front of her, and by the time she reacted, the Blood Branch Coral had already reached Ember's hand.


"What am I?"

Ember raised his head and looked at the lady whose face was full of "confusion" and "doubt".

Clench your fist and it will make a popping sound; let go and squeeze your fist again and it will make a popping sound...

"Nothing!" After looking at the movements of Ember's palm, the lady gritted her teeth and turned her head to the side.

Seeing this, Ember stopped his "affable" actions. He turned the blood branch coral in his hand and observed it carefully.

He pulled the inexplicable lump hanging from the fracture into smaller pieces and pinched the embers. It was soft.

"Yes, it really grew out of the dragon lizard's body." The flames rose, and the flesh and blood in Ember's hand was burned away by the fire.

"I think with the stupidity of people, they won't just bring this one, right? Are there any others?"

Huan Yan held the blood branch coral in his hand. This thing was specially designed to deal with elemental life forms like dragon lizards. The demon's love for humans is an indescribable suffering for other species.

Fortunately, Ember is not as crazy as the Demon God. He likes anything that can move.

"What do you want to do? If I can come up with one, it's already the most benevolent and righteous thing to do. There's not a single one for the others."

The lady immediately took a few steps back cautiously. What Yi Yan said was true. How could the fools bring only one of such a magical thing?
After discovering the magic of Blood Branch Coral, the lady ordered the Fools to collect Blood Branch Coral as much as possible.

Now the inventory in the lady's hands is full of baskets.

"Don't be so stingy? Or do you want to use these things to do something bad?" Yu Yan touched his chin, looked at the overreacting lady and asked secretly.

The strength of the Fools is unparalleled to other organizations in the Seven Kingdoms, no matter which aspect this strength comes from.

Ember has no doubt that after obtaining the Blood Branch Coral, the Fools will immediately have more weapons specifically designed to deal with elemental forces.

The lady didn't respond to Ember's words. She began to glance wildly, ready to look for an opportunity to escape.

To a certain extent, Ember really hit the mark. As soon as she figured out the function of Blood Branch Coral, the lady immediately realized the importance of this thing.

Therefore, she planned to send the other Blood Branch Corals directly back to Zhi Dong.

"Okay, okay, you look like a coward. What do you want? Let's change careers!" Seeing the lady waiting for an opportunity to escape, Yu Jin changed his strategy.

This time the Foolish People did well, and Yu Jin planned to use exchange instead of robbing.

When the lady heard this, her white ears twitched. Then she suppressed the excitement in her heart and asked nonchalantly:

"What can you give me in exchange for it? Let's talk about it first. I don't want those weird things in your hands."

The lady had spoken first, she was afraid that the embers would pull out something that she had never seen before and that did not look like something that should be in this world.

"What did you say you wanted? I'm not blowing it for you, my collection is very rich!"

The lady tilted her head slightly, she was afraid that the light from her eyes would flash into Ember's eyes.

"The heart of God. I just want the heart of God."

"Heart of God?"

Yan Yan scratched his head, isn't this Qishen's business license? What does the lady want this for? Is it possible that she wants to usurp the position of Ice God?

For a time, many questions flashed through Yi Yan's mind. He raised his head and saw that the lady still turned her head away, pretending to look at the scenery outside.

But her somewhat rapid breathing gave her away. As for Xinhai, she just kept shaking her head at Yu Yan, indicating that he should not agree.

No matter how much Kaijijima and the shogunate did not deal with each other, both sides recognized that Kage was the God of Thunder.

Now that the lady wants the heart of God, regardless of what she wants to do, this act alone is enough to arouse suspicion.

"How is it? What do you think?" The lady calmed her beating heart and looked at the embers with burning eyes.

The latter started pacing back and forth. Not only that, he kept scratching and squeezing the air with his palms.


Ember stopped his movements, then nodded to the lady, "Okay, let's make a deal!"


The lady almost jumped up with excitement, which made Ember even more convinced of what he was thinking.

He walked to the lady's side, patted her shoulder and encouraged her: "I am very optimistic about your ambition. When the time comes, you only need to post a power of attorney to the Adventurers Association, and I will definitely help you." Place!”

Seeing the ember punching and kicking in front of her, a question mark appeared on the lady's head:
"What are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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