King Ember's Journey to Tevat

Chapter 570 A master of counterfeiting

Chapter 570 A master of counterfeiting

"But let me explain to you in advance. What you want is a bit troublesome. You have to wait for a while before I can get it for you."

Ember seemed to remember something and explained to the lady.

"I understand this. Since you are so happy about it, the fool is not a stingy person."

"Someone will send all the blood branch corals in a while. You can dispose of these things at your disposal."

The lady was very excited. If it weren't for the presence of embers and the sea of ​​hearts, she might have started dancing.

Can Ember obtain the heart of God? Simply don’t be too capable! Because even if the lady was pinned down on Kaiji Island by the embers, she still knew Inazuma's situation very well.

The intelligence work of the Fools is very good. What? Do you think this is fooling the public? Sorry, I'm just a slightly curious rice wife and good citizen.

The people who belong to the Fools are not only the Zhidong people, there are also many young people from all over the world.

So the lady knew from the beginning that the change in Inazuma's situation was all because of the ember.

Judging from the information obtained by spies, Ember and General Raiden disappeared together in the "Narukami Taisha Shrine" for a period of time. After they appeared again, Inazuma's country-locking order and eye-hunting order were revoked by General Raiden.

Based on her own personal experience, the lady has reason to believe that this was the result of Ember beating General Thunder.

If Ember wanted the Heart of God, there would be no need to keep laying out things like they did, they could just go up and grab it.

However, since snatching also takes time, the lady understood very well that the ember would wait for two days.

"Since our cooperation has been reached, I won't bother you any more. If the dragon lizard is short of manpower, I, the fool, can come and help."

Before the lady left, she did not forget to make a good offer to the embers. Now she finally understands that as long as she has a good deal with Ember, can the mission given by the Queen still be called a mission? That has to be called a vacation!

The lady left the Coral Palace with excitement and quick steps. As soon as she left the Coral Palace, looking around and seeing no one around, the lady could no longer hold back her excitement and cheered:

"Yeah! Collecting God's Heart has never been easier!"

After dancing for a while, the lady finally vented her excitement. She now somewhat admires her intelligence.

If the Fools really wanted to study the Blood Branch Coral, the lady would not reveal this news to Ember.

What she did today was a "bet". She was "bet" on how much Huan Yan was interested in those dragon lizards.

Now it seems that the lady made the right bet. Ember is indeed very concerned about the Dragon Lizard, so much so that he is willing to exchange the Heart of God for the Blood Branch Coral.

"I'm such a genius."

With endless expectations for the future, the lady left humming a tune, and the tune sounded very much like what the Bards of Mondstadt liked to sing.


Shortly after the lady left, the fools who brought the blood branch coral arrived. After seeing that there were no more surprises, Xinhai asked Yi Yan with a look of disbelief: "Yi Yan, do you really plan to give General Thunder and Lightning's God's Heart to the Fools?"

"Who said I was going to give Shadow's God's Heart to the Fools?" Yi Yan waved his hand, he would not use other people's things to promise it in the first place.

Xinhai was stunned for a moment after hearing this. She looked down at the embers, which Inazuma called extremely strange, and she came to some sense.

Xin Hai also heard about what happened at "Narukami Taisha Shrine". Only other gods can defeat one god.

"Isn't it even more unworthy to use your own? Although I don't know much about things at the level of gods, but the heart of gods is an extremely important thing no matter how you think about it, right?"

Before Yi Yan could respond, Xinhai started talking to himself again: "Actually, if you want to weaken the dragon lizard, you don't necessarily need to use blood branch coral. There are many ways to do it without paying such a high price."

"You are overthinking, I don't have the heart of God."


Xinhai was silent for a while, and then looked unbelieving.

"Then you agreed so readily? Could it be want to defraud the Fools?!" A flash of confusion flashed in Xinhai's eyes. She felt that she was probably close to the truth. It was a good idea to defraud the Fools.

"Okay, no need to guess. I have my own way to satisfy the fools' demands." Yi Jin saw that Xin Hai had been guessing for a long time but couldn't get the idea right, so he waved to her and told her not to waste her brain cells.

Walking to the blood branch coral on the ground, Yi Yan picked up the blood-stained basket in front of him.

Threads of thick blood fell to the ground along the body of the ember. The elemental power in the blood was extremely strong, and it did not look human at first glance.

"Are you really going to use the blood branch coral to deal with the dragon lizard?" Xinhai saw the bright red color at the broken part of the blood branch coral and took a few steps back in disgust.

She was extremely confused at the moment. The sacrifices of the resurrecting ceremony were horrific things grown from the flesh of dragon lizards, which made Xinhai hate such things from the bottom of his heart.

However, without a resurrecting ceremony, the trend of Kaiji Island becoming a holy land is unavoidable.

As a living goddess and miko, Xinhai understands that she cannot do things solely based on her preferences.

But I just don’t know if the [energy] in my “Secret Note” will become a negative number after I personally host a resurrecting ceremony?

"What do you think? I am such a wicked person when I use things that grow from my companions' corpses to deal with others?" Yu Yan looked back at Xinhai, and then took the blood branch coral on his shoulder back into his body.


The temperature rose, and the smell of blood filled the air. After cleaning up the blood stains on his body, Yi Yan continued: "This thing is used to increase the favorability point. You have almost reduced the favorability of the dragon lizard to a negative number. How can you not increase it?"

In fact, Yu Yan felt that the dragon lizard's favorable impression of humans was already negative, so he used "Du Kuai" to give Xin Hai some face.

"Who would have thought that Blood Branch Coral grew like this?" Xinhai was also a little embarrassed.

No matter how vague the ancient books are, it cannot change the established facts. Once something that has been hidden for a long time is dug out, the time it spent buried underground will turn into infinite power, allowing those buried deep to fly to the sky.

As a half-buried person, Xinhai now feels that he is showing signs of taking off.

If he couldn't find other ways to alleviate the transformation into holy soil, Xinhai would really have to hold back the nausea in his heart and use the blood branch coral to perform a rejuvenation ceremony.

Thinking of this, Xinhai couldn't help but raise his head and look at the embers.

"Ember, about the dragon lizard, without the blood branch coral..."

"Don't worry about this, I have plenty of ways." Yu Yan shook his head to tell Xinhai not to worry.

Originally, he thought that using methods from other worlds would be somewhat unkind to dragon lizards, which are native creatures.

But now, it’s not necessary.

Ember shook his head with some emotion. Then there were a series of shaking purple round pots in his hand.

The purple pot body is engraved with soft and complex lines, which makes people feel sleepy at first sight.

The mouth of the pot is covered with hemp paper wrapped with hemp rope, and the faint purple smoke seeps out from the hemp paper, giving people a hazy feeling as if they are in a dream.

"This...this thing..."

Xinhai took a few steps back and shook her head violently, trying to get rid of the heavy weight in her mind.

But whenever she wakes up a little, heaviness immediately pours into her mind, occupying all the vacant spaces.

This feeling is like being in the deep sea. Every gap was filled with seawater, but it was no longer the body that sank into the deep sea, but the head.

"Actually, I didn't want to be so cheating, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so I had to do this."

Yan Yan picked up the hemp rope on the sleeping pot and swung it around twice.

It is indeed something that can make demigods sleep soundly, but it is still full of energy here!
(End of this chapter)

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